Twitter Chat: #CrewChat Does TV: Roots (1977)
What can you learn from the family story of Alex Haley that can be applied to your own family history research? Join us and see! #BlackProGen

Episode 103 - Breaking Ancestral Narratives Free. Reminders, watch live, & catch the replay:
Ever wanted to craft a narrative for your ancestors, but you weren’t sure where to start? Tune in! #BlackProGen

Twitter Chat - #CrewChat Does TV: Queen Sugar (OWN).
The Bordelons are a family from Louisiana w/ strong roots tied 2 the sugar industry. How can their story give us tips and tricks to use in our own genealogy project? Join us and see!

Episode 104 - Jumping the Broom: Researching Marriages & Unions.
Marriage records are crucial! Learn the history behind them, how to locate them, and how the info they hold can lead to more finds. #BlackProGen

Episode 105 - Tracing the Trade: Slavery in Louisiana & Mississippi
In this episode, learn the ins and outs of researching the slave trade in these two important locations. #BlackProGen

Webinar: Newspapers for People of Color Genealogy Research. Register to watch free!… #BlackProGen
Webinar: Figure It Out Fridays Webinar: Saying Their Names: Systems to Track and Document Enslaved Communities. Space limited, register here:… #BlackProGen
Episode 106 - History: Unscripted with special guest, Regina Jackson
In this episode, we’ll tackle perception and the role it plays in how we learn and discuss history in America. Our special guest will be @reginaoak, president and CEO of @eoydc #BHM