On a Rs 30.4 lac cr budget, govt will earn 74% & borrow rest 26%. Of this, 23% will be spent on interest payments. On balance 77%, Defense takes 11%, police forces 4%, subsidies 7%, Railways 7%, tax administration 5%, pensions 7%.
We all need more disposable money in hand to spend, aside of the confidence that we’ll retain our jobs in an economy that’ll grow with predictable pace. We moved from 4 tax slabs to 11 & 2 options, with or without exemptions. So much for simplifying taxes.
Infrastructure investments of 100 lac cr over 5 years. Budget doesn’t allocate even 10% of this. Where are the projects,plans & funds? Expecting sovereign funds to invest in Indian infra sector where domestic banks are afraid of lending money? Good luck with that !
One investment that seems well laid out is the political capital. Agriculture, irrigation, farmers income, rural development, rural internet, water, sanitation, fertilizers, food subsidy & child welfare, we heard all. Isn’t this all talking about the same people ?