Get to know @farnazfassihi, an #Iran apologist pushing Tehran’s talking points in the @nytimes.
Here she praises the “writing & analysis” of Mohamad Imani, a known hardliner who writes for #Iran's state-run Fars & Mashreq outlets, and bulletins published by the IRGC.

She’s asking for Imani’s insight about “Iran’s military/defensive power & Houthis attack against the Saudis.”
She invites Imani to boast about Iran’s military (terrorist) capabilities & pushes Iran’s denial of the Aramco attack & claiming the Houthis were behind it.

Despite Iran’s ongoing denials & talking points pushed by the likes of Fassihi, it is now common knowledge that Tehran was behind the Aramco attack.
Those who do know Fassihi also know that she went the distance for Tehran & the killed IRGC Quds Force chief Qasem Soleimani.
In an NYT piece, Fassihi falls to the low of claiming Soleimani was “universally admired.”

Fassihi also praised the murderous terrorist Qassem Soleimani in her tweets.

Fassihi is also quite fond of Iran’s FM @JZarif, who had close relations with Soleimani.
Fassihi herself says she had “an extensive email exchange” with Zarif. Meaning Zarif dictates talking points to her.

When Reuters published a piece citing three Iranian Interior Ministry officials saying over 1,500 civilians were killed in the November uprising, Fassihi was quick to question the revelations.
Members of @NIACouncil, Iran’s lobby in DC, came to her support.

A look at who Fassihi follows on Twitter also sheds light into her nature of being an Iran apologist as she follows many other apologists/lobbyists that are simply focused on pushing Tehran’s narrative in the West.

This is no coincidence.
Listen to the former Iranian intelligence minister talk about Tehran’s use of “reporters” in the West.
Finally, I’m not surprised that the @nytimes provides such a platform for Fassihi.
For those interested, this thread sheds light on NYT’s relations with the mullahs’ regime in Iran.