We’ll be live tweeting along, so stay tuned to
There's still time to RSVP --> bit.ly/MFACallFeb2020

If you’re already on the line, thanks for joining us! We’re going to give everyone a few minutes to join before we start, so just sit back and relax…
✊ CA Assemblymember @Ash_Kalra
✊ @justicedems Exec. Dir. @alexandrasiera
✊ @sunrisemvmt co-founder @wlawren90
✊ @MelindaPubCit, MFA Dir. at @Public_Citizen
You'll also hear our organizing strategy for 2020! LET'S GO!
This bill would transition all residents of our country to an expanded and improved Medicare system within 2 years.
🌟 150 barnstorms
🌟 1,500 canvasses
🌟 Tens of thousands of personal, one-on-one conversations about our broken system and the need for #MedicareForAll

We ended 2019 with 119 cosponsors, over half of all the Dems in the House and FOUR hearings on #MedicareForAll in just one year!
@P4AHCF was formed by profitable/powerful hospital, pharmaceutical & insurance corporations.
👉Are YOU ready to join us in our campaign to take on this corporate front-group?👈
We're bringing this movement to our communities!"
- Asm. @Ash_Kalra for #MedicareForAll

We need to be talking to friends & neighbors about #MedicareForAll: when you take profit-making out of the industry, we can invest more in nurses & doctors, in preventative care."
But money interests don't always win -- we have the people!"
We're elevating candidates that will be champions for universal health care. We're trying to get corporate health care out of the Dem Party."
- @alexandrasiera

It's about pushing progressive issues that match the scale, scope and urgency of the problems we're facing.
We have to have 1:1 conversations, share our stories about for-profit health care."
To be very clear, the fact that the industry has recognized the need for this front-group to exist, is recognition of our progress!

Objective #2 reads: “Minimize the potential for this option in #healthcare from becoming part of a national political party’s platform in 2020.”
🤑 Employed lobbyists in DC who’ve met with elected officials to convince them to use industry-written talking points.
🤑 Made sure that industry-aligned speakers make the rounds on national news networks.
🤑 They’ve been caught ghost-writing op-eds for elected officials to submit to major newspapers.
🤑 They’ve spent millions of dollars on mail as well as TV and Facebook ads attacking #MedicareForAll and candidates who support it.
It’s an unprecedented attack in the fight for #MedicareForAll, but it CAN. BE. BEATEN.
And yet, their millions of dollars in lies and distortions have failed to substantially move the needle.
It's called the ❤️ #PatientsOverProfits Pledge ❤️ and we’re going to need your help to make sure our electeds sign it! --> patientsoverprofits.org

Our allies in the climate movement (looking at you @sunrisemvmt) have led the way with the creation of the #NoFossilFuelMoney Pledge, which has garnered thousands of candidate and politician signers over the past few years.

Between now and April 6th, together with you and other activists across the country, we'll collect signatures from friends, family, neighbors, and community members, calling on our local elected officials to take the pledge!

We’ll help you organize these and help recruit people to join you!
And to be clear - we mean we’re going after Democrats and Republicans. Anyone can and should sign this pledge.

As people transition jobs into the new green economy, we want to make sure people are taken care of."
- @wlawren90, @sunrisemvmt Co-Founder

It's a powerful organizing tool, anyone can get involved.
Draws media attention to corrupting influence of #fossilfuel money in politics: politicians show their true colors.
Translated to shift in political power."
- @MelindaPubCit, Campaign Director @Public_Citizen

It's been a powerful organizing tool to drive a wedge between our local electeds and @P4AHCF."
Over the next two weeks we’ll be hosting a series of short training calls to go into further detail about becoming a local leader on the #PatientsOverProfits campaign.
We’re going to continue this work this year to grow our movement’s strength while also weakening these corporate interests & their ability to influence our democracy.
We’re just getting started..
We still need to grow the # of people we can mobilize in order to win. Everyone on this call is at the core of this movement, so it’s up to us to rise to this challenge!
🗣️ I
🗣️ WE
🗣️ WIN!