you need to wake up from the brainwashing now.
You've been had.
He's had the market artificially propped up so he looks good.
And we're heading for a crash if you allow him to continue.
They need to know someone is watching.
@RepKatiePorter is doing job she was elected for:
acting in best interests of our country.
If only ALL elected officials did the same.
* Looking at you, GOP *
They just added $83.1 billion in temporary liquidity to financial markets.
US central bank looks primed to keep pumping cash for at least next few months.
They say they’re following “very clear mandate.”
“Trump has increasingly pressured the Fed to take steps to juice the economy ahead of his bid for reelection in 2020.”…

The crooked businessman who serially bankrupted his businesses feels his bullying of the current Fed Chair (his pick) to bend to his demands hasn't been successful enough.
Something to keep an eye on.…
Notice how he waited until AFTER #SOTU - where he boasted a booming economy - to pull this scam.
What about his golf trips?…