
"Given the UK's geographic proximity and economic interdependence with the EU27.." /4……

But that's the boring part. Trashing this cynical progagandising from No. 10 for domestic consumption. The Q is what it tells us about UK ambitions? /6
But welcome to fight club...the UK is a 'third country' now. Do we think this approach will work? /9
Threats didn't work last time and there isn't good reason to think they'll work again./10
This is a reprise of the N'Ireland stand off - all UK customs union/border in Irish Sea. Choose. We spent three years doing that. /12
Zero/Zero FTA (with strings) or No Deal, which the UK govt says it is, apparently, happy to accept (unlike @theresa_may who didn't want either option).
Well, we'll see. /13
That means cross-cutting - so if one party misbehaves in a sector where it is strong.../14
The EU side wants a 'nimble' mechanism that enables it to retaliate, proportionately, in a sector where UK is vulnerable (and vice-versa, of course).
In short, give me a big enough gun and I'll take more risk/15
Well, the EU might move on one (LPF) but I'm willing to bet it won't move on both (LPF and governance) /16
The risible @Number10press tweet rather shows up the paucity of the arguments, because.../17
"Like talking to the trade/econ equivialent of flat-earthers", to quote one. /20
None of this bodes well, I'm afraid. ENDS