One clear difference between the 2014 Ebola outbreak and now, is the rise of regional health institutes- @OoasWaho & @AfricaCDC

These institutions have created a platform for collaboration, data sharing, training & capacity building

*Laboratory diagnosis
*Infection prevention and control
*Point of entry surveillance
*Risk communications
The use of regional resources for these training is exemplary!

Training on lab diagnosis was led by Institut Pasteur, Dakar; training on "Points of Entry" by our colleagues in Kenya
Progress for Africa led by Africans

In addition to this support, there has been an incredible amount of effort in ensuring Member States have diagnostic capacity and the resources needed

Hon. Minister @Fmohnigeria, @DrEOEhanire has committed to ensuring Nigeria’s compliance with the regional strategy

Training health workers, developing guidelines, learning from each other & more
The leadership by @WHOAFRO @AfricaCDC & @OoasWaho is progress for health security. We #keeppushing