once it infects lungs, most (except children, pregnant women) develop cytokine storm immune reaction
Old, sick people will suffer. Need lots of Oxygen (ventilators & emergency care etc)
Hope govt paying oxygen bills
This is doctors in America trying to learn from experience of Italy
This will impact old people, sick/immune compromised people & vulnerable people without access to medical care
Only preventive option is SOCIAL DISTANCING
A single patient managed to boost south korea's #coronavirus cases from just 30 to 1000+ in 4 days
Jumped to 1600+ in 5th day
Countries that act fast reduce the number of deaths at least by 10x
This is an exponential threat. Every day counts. a single day's delay lets the cases grow exponentially.
Even if the SAME number of people get infected, a delayed onset will allow our healthcare system to cope, & cut fatality rate

"Taiwan is now being praised for its uber-aggressive response
World-over, there is no country that regrets their overreaction, & plenty that regret not acting soon enough"
— @benthompson h/t @RohanV
#COVIDー19 has a higher fraction of severe cases, plus it’s whipping through a population without natural protection at lightning speed
h/t @tanyalewis314
SOCIAL DISTANCING is under-rated
#coronavirus #Corona virus #nCoV2019 #ncovid19
Social distancing (in combination with aggressive testing) is the right strategy for COVID now, as contact tracing is/will be overwhelmed. Insights from @mlipsitch
h/t @jflier
"An epidemiological disaster is taking place
There are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopedists;
we are all suddenly part of a single team to face this tsunami that has overwhelmed us"
— Dr Daniele Macchini Italy
Listen to @amitvarma & read @tjoseph0010
#FlattenTheCurve #CancelEverythingNow #SocialDistancing
"While most who contract it become only mildly ill, its extremely deadly for aged & vulnerable
You may be one of those people, or you may love one of those people"
All Of Us Have A Stake In This
"Indians are just 10 days away from a major crisis if we don't shake every citizen out of the 'business as usual' attitude"
h/t @nottheamit
Beyond Hubei, mainland China had just 7 new cases, 6 of them imported from abroad

@harsh8848 @tanyalewis314 @poliohunt @PriyankaPulla @OmairTAhmad
But worst could be over & they might've learnt their lessons from this catastrophe — reports
#FlattenTheCurve #CancelEverythingNow
mortality rate for people aged 60 & above after contracting a (generic?) viral infection is 3.4%;
above 70 years is 8%
& 80 and above is 15%
#FlattenTheCurve #CancelEverythingNow #SocialDistancing
@Noahpinion @tomaspueyo @ATabarrok @walkingthedot @sipappas @tanyalewis314 @razibkhan
#FlattenTheCurve #CancelEverythingNow
We should spread this info in every possible language through a variety of mediums"
@khanamirullah to @ajaxiom & @sayantanbera on #Covid_19
#FlattenTheCurve #CancelEverythingNow
Italy is already overwhelmed
Many countries just days behind Italy on case curve
h/t @razibkhan
#FlattenTheCurve #CancelEverythingNow

If we continue to think of myopic & selfish reasons to not take precautions WHO is asking us to, we are doomed
#CancelEverythingNow #FlattenTheCurve
many dying of cardiac arrest rather than inability to ventilate/oxygenate
rapid progression to ETT so doing early intubation
Common scenario: admit 1L NC
Nxt 12hrs -> NPPV
Nxt 12-24hrs -> vent/proned/Flolan
youth/healthy also admitted
To buy ourselves more time.
To make sure we have hospital/ICU/ventilator capacity if we get pushed to that.
Become experts in it.
Just like Bankers died during #demonetization,
#Covid_19 will take severe toll on our medical staff
@PriyankaPulla @poliohunt @harsh8848
reduce the burden on the healthcare system
People are desperately calling for such actions in USA & Australia with vastly superior ICU resources compared to us
better overreact,
than regret not acting soon enough
They are having to "pick winners"
Those less likely to survive are by necessity left to die
South Korea's success
Only 76 cases on Mar-14
Proof to what aggressive testing, contact tracing & fast isolation/quarantine can accomplish
broad testing showed that asymptomatic youth drove spread
@thattai @tiaghose @HelenBranswell @RohanV

On Saturday, I finally got a gym membership (annual package) — after prevaricating for long
Today morning I told them, I will join fron Apr-1 because of #coronaVirus situation
@leannekmho @SiruthaiChats @ChennaiRains @RohanV @sumanthraman

the #Corona virus doesn't discriminate (unlike the Modi govt)
#ShaheenaBagh protestors should make way for the #coronavirus & let it pass
time for us to voluntarily move into #detentionCamp
@samzsays @5minsaloneok @jamewils
It gives them < 10% chance of surviving
@tomaspueyo @PriyankaPulla @poliohunt @RohanV @DrJoyeeta @humeirabadsha @drprashant86jmd @DocNish74
We have not encountered this #corona virus before
We are all "immunologically naive” No natural immunity
Few (if any) natural breakwaters in our species
#FlattenTheCurve #CancelEverythingNow
Next Qs:
Are there measures we can lift without virus resurfacing?
Are there ways of making others more sustainable?
Testing, Testing, Testing
Now use 21-day lockdown to create a massive testing infrastructure
@DilliDurAst @RamaNewDelhi @jasjiv @harsh8848 @samzsays @RohanV
While risk-taking is a business that is left to individuals, collective safety & systemic risk are the business of the state
@nntaleb @yaneerbaryam