This is where we are.
But the earth is a living breathing organism, and ironically, viruses are like Earth's immune system.
The refusal of many to hand the keys to younger generations is putting us in a VERY precarious position:
Sorry, I don't have any way to fix it.
I can't set up voluntary exposure centers for young people, who get crash courses in essential roles for keeping society alive while quarantined.
I have ideas, grounded in a background in genomic science and anthropology that - if shaped in discourse with other SMEs - could fix a whole lot of things that are wrong.
Ideas that could keep people from dying.
But some of those ideas have pissed off a lot of those who control the wealth and power in this nation, especially the superpredators at the top, so...
I know that, thanks to Trump's refusal to bring anyone into government who is not a sycophant, the chance of those ideas becoming reality on the national scale, where it's needed, is nil...
And a rando twitter account, I know the chance of that is pretty damn low.
But I have to try...
And hope that enough others out try too.
And I'll keep going later, but now, it's time to vote.
For the guy who believes in science.