@EhtashamulHaque & I helped after checking with ASDA managers yesterday, it went OK but the thread is about lessons learn't this morning

b/ ASDA had extra security on the door, checking people & only allowing people in batches, big help
c/ Ehtasham Haque & I stayed outside to help organise crowd
e/ small group of people, were not co-operative, did not maintain social distance, were argumentative but they were kept out, lucky only small group & they were let in later after others
But it was v difficult telling people on 12 hour shifts they had to leave (ASDA cutting hours again from tomorrow 8am-8pm except Sunday)
Employers need to respond to allow employees out to buy food etc
Need to expand key workers definition
He has ordered barriers to help with queues outside
There were also some other lessons to learn about consistency of messaging & communications, we all need to help stores advertise special hrs
This is where @EhtashamulHaque & I think had greatest impact as we did get some separation in queues + answering questions + explaining rules