This THREAD argues that it is in severe danger under this #Toryshambles government, with #Brexit posing an imminent & particularly invidious threat.
To #SaveOurNHS we must work tirelessly together to #StopBrexit.

With each box maybe 000s of orgs, & England only:

Brexit means we are already losing them & they will not be easily replaced.

- Currently prescriptions are collectable from chemists in NI or the ROI irrespective of the location of the prescribing GP.
- Ambulances from the north or south are free to cross the border in case of emergency such as RTA or cardiac arrest.

The Altnagelvin Area Hospital in Derry opened a new £50m radiotherapy unit year ago, offering this survival service to cancer patients on both sides of the border.
What will happen if the Brexmadness continues?
People may very well die.

In a nutshell, if HMG continues on it's disastrous course &/or @UKLabour cannot join up effectively with it's allies & sufficient patriotic Tory mutineers to #StopBrexit, the #NHS is in the deepest of stinky doo-doos.

- Brexit threatens them financially
- It threatens staff & staffing
- it threatens further privatisation
- & it threatens their very ability to provide person-centred coordinated care
#NHSLove #StopBrexit #ExitFromBrexit

#StopBrexit #ExitFromBrexit.