They "all" agreed to let hords of muzzis flow into their country because their PM in 2014 ...
2015 mig-crisis went nuts in SW. It was allowed to...
So, now they had to invent a new term for this sht. "Newly arrived in Child". And now the fun starts....
#asaprocky went in to such an area, beat an attacking muzz-thug up, and he was arrested and put to court!
Rape epidemic over Sweden ...
Suicide-epidemi among vics, but the Swedes feel sorry for the perp.
They are loosing their country in a fast pace, and the politicians are afraid of right wing extremists, aka Swedes that speak...
Their elderly ppl are thrown out of elderly care centers, so the newly arrived child's up to 40 yrs can move in.
They cut their pension severely, and elderly ppl are now the main group of homeless ppl.
SD is the largest, but they are kept out of the politics in general, because...
Sweden needs to survive until next election in a cpl of yrs. Then they need to hear down the ghettos as Denmark did, and use the military to fix this mess.
Civil war is looming, and I live 19 mins from the Swedish border...
The Swedes are still nice, but they are still brainwashed. They actually believe that the need the muzzis ...
So, this is what happened to the Swedes.
I feel so sorry for them, but Norway will be like sw in less than five yrs. We are screwed over by corruption and communism.