Lessons Learnt From #Publichealth
We see the pattern globally over & over again of governments not taking a strong #humanitarian leadership stand & the devastation it causes a group of people
Unfortunately the treatment of #HCW in #COVID19vic is now an example
Programs to improve health are only as good as the government & rule of law they operate under: sustainable +ve change comes from wise leadership
It seems unnecessary to state it but in the #COVID19vic era it now must be clearly stated:
Public Health & SDGs Apply To Healthcare Workers #HCW
“Soldering on” “fighting a war” “heroes on the frontline” “sacrificing” are all terms that fundamentally undermine #HCW safety & shift the focus away from #HCW health
HCW safety, like any other worker in any other industry must be number 1 priority
#SARSCoV2 #biohazard in #workplace means full adoption of all Hierarchy of Hazard Controls
- #fittesting of masks to ensure they fit (not mandated in national guidance) &
- #airborne #aerosol tier 3 level 3 precaution #PPE for any #HCW caring for #COVID19Vic positive or suspected patient (not mandated in national guidance)
➡️Any worker injured in short term or long term or who dies due to a #preventable #workplace problem is one too many - So words like “it’s only X% of healthcare workers infected at work” is deeply upsetting
We do not need more #research more #data we need to implement actions we know work
And we do not need data “spun” to fit a “narrative” of blame the victim or pleading ignorance
If “academics” cannot see the world as it is, playing out in front of their eyes & ears, & cannot change then tragedies will continue
I now hope for #humanitarian #leadership ,for #publichealth ideals, for #transparency & for universal care for #HCW