1/26 I'm #leaking a few items from my #CAF/#DND investigation (in 2 separate #threads), because letting this #disinfo survive without immediate correction has the potential to endanger the health & wellbeing of too many vulnerable individuals
Both Robert Fife (Globe & Mail) & Mercedes Stephenson (Global News) misled the public RE Lt-Gen Mike Rouleau & the infamous #golf game with Gen Vance, via negligence & #disinformation
The Hylands course is semi-private, not private. The public is welcome to attend, but you have to be past or present military, police, or defence contractor to join the *country club*. Under recommendation, exceptions can still be made for public members
The golf date between Lt-Gen Rouleau & Gen Vance happened 2 weeks before it was leaked to the media, after word had gotten back to Deputy Minister Jody Thomas, who happens to be in a calamitous & highly consequential conflict of interest with Rouleau
I'm informed by multiple sources that Deputy Minister Jody Thomas is the respondent in Lt-Gen Rouleau's *pre-existing* grievance for alleged abuse that is driving him to pursue medical release from the military so he can focus on counseling & recovery
The narrative relayed to & by #CDNmedia was so torqued that it fails all ethical standards
For example, the course was never closed for Lt-Gen Rouleau, VAdm Baines & Gen Vance to play privately. There were parties of 4 both in front & behind their group
Neither Fife nor Stephenson bothered to verify the #disinfo they were given, with such menial effort as calling the golf course or asking to see the sign-in sheet for the day in question
It was biz as usual at Hylands & there were countless witnesses
It was not unusual for Rouleau & Vance to visit socially or care about each other's mental health in times of high stress. In fact, this is what the military, govt & public encourage to support the wellbeing of our forces. PTSD & suicide rates are high
Knowing Lt-Gen Rouleau already had a claim against Deputy Minister Thomas related to his mental health makes the #disinformation (that was widely published against him) a dangerously malicious issue
Support can't be 1 day/year & belong to #BellLetsTalk
Moreover, Fife & Stephenson torqued the story so badly that they disinformed the public regarding Lt-Gen Rouleau's function as Vice Chief of Defence Staff
As VCDS he never had power over military police investigating Vance. Their claims are false
Canadian Forces National Investigation Service #CFNIS is tasked with the complaint against Gen Vance, not the military police. They are not the same enforcement body
If there is any doubt, the Military Police Investigation Policy was always available to Stephenson & Fife, as well as the public & #CDNmedia at large. Anyone could've Googled to fact-check, at any hour of the day or night
It's also egregious that Military Ombudsman Gregory Lick is disinforming the public regarding #CFNIS independence. But the Swedish term "ombudsman" means "legal advocate" & Lick has zero legal qualifications to hold this position
Furthermore, Global News was so blatantly dishonest RE Lt-Gen Rouleau that it was Stephenson herself who reported his replacement as VCDS in March, effectively tying his hands & rendering the fake 'golf scandal' in June moot
In the case of Robert Fife, he admitted to a career filled with "torquing" his stories too much
It was an incredible confession that was later scrubbed from re-broadcast of Power n Politics when someone realized the implications. This is original copy
That's not all. Deputy Minister Jody Thomas has spoken on behalf of #GDLS, at a private event that wasn't sponsored by govt. This is the company responsible for Saudi LAVs the Liberals had attempted to cancel over #HumanRights
Needless to say its a tangled web we weave & these political hijinks have endangered all sexual misconduct victims with reckless #disinformation campaigns designed to discourage them from reporting. They're also destroying #Charter rights for all accused
2/9 For the record, to accept @JoeBiden's recent 'revelation', you'd have to believe the US State Dept is staffed by entirely new people since Trump & that they obtained new info Trump never had by magically going back in time to locate a smoking gun @WHO & #USpoli never found
3/9 Moreover, #CDNmedia is forgetting (or neglecting to verify anything whatsoever) that both #CDNpoli & #USpoli govt scientists were working in China as official partners to set up the Wuhan lab, that everything done there was under our watchful eye, management & safety controls
1/9 There's a SUPER HUGE problem with the #MeToo complaint against General Vance & scandalizing #OperationHonour to root out sexual misconduct in @CanadianForces
3/9 Either Major Brennan is implying General Vance may be her baby-daddy, or she omitted the inconvenient details to concoct a #MeToo allegation to scandalize @CanadianForces on behalf of Conservative interests, same as they did to Admiral Norman #CDNpoli@HarjitSajjan@bthalmann
1/19 I regret that my Epoch Times investigation isn't finished yet & I'm going fast as I can
With that said, this #thread is another teaser & I'm giving it early release because of its implication to the #UighurGenocide vote in #CDNpoli today & how MPs have been sorely misled
First off, the Conservative party pressure to force a vote in Canada is due to a campaign concocted by Steve Bannon, to squeak through his agenda (continuing Trump's agenda) to force a war with #China before Prez Biden can get up to speed
3/4 If you read those links in their entirety, you'll see it's no small propaganda op. We're talking about a nearly identical repeat of history, by decedents of the original Chinese Tang Dynasty via parallel political/military conditions that cover everything from Iran to Uighurs
This is the worst idea @CBCNews has ever contemplated, that leads to demise of the public broadcaster & bastardizing #PressFreedom by mixing facts with #FakeNews
2/9 Execs at #CBC are being blinded by the dollar signs when it's not their mandate to follow in the footsteps of privately owned #CDNmedia
Before @CBCNews was outrageously politicized by the Harper Govt it was a dream come true to report there, as leader of industry standards
3/9 But the trauma of the Harper Govt has obviously led to a PTSD of sorts, with lingering symptoms that could cause this shift in thinking at @CBCNews
If LPC, NDP, GPC & Bloc wish to combat the rise of #FakeNews by predominantly right-wing sources, they must outlaw advertorials
1/9 Please don't skip this short #thread if you care about misinformation in #CDNmedia, #CDNecon & #CDNpoli, because correcting these #antitrust issues is paramount to winning the infowar against a #FakeNews machine & forces that thwart democracy
Topic is Google + Globe & Mail
2/9 #FakeNews doesn't just constitute completely fabricated disinformation. It also occurs when #CDNmedia suppresses important facts to either lessen, increase, or skew the impact of an article through a murkier process of misinformation that is rampant in #CDNpoli
3/9 For example, today's Globe & Mail article about #Google has an uninspiring title & it's behind a paywall if anyone clicked
(Here's an archive copy for those without subscription because G&M's paywall is purposely inferior so Google can still crawl it) archive.is/q2yCt