@mentions@MarinSanna#YLE maintained by Finnish #tax funds and controlled by the #CIA-#NATO, claimed in an interview on 21 Dec '19 that the previous gov had “lost the trust of Parliament” (21:28)
- This is a ruthless lie, there is a CIA #fingerprint on the change of power.
#SVB closed until Monday by US regulators as concerns mount over uninsured deposits | 17:24pm
- The FDIC created the Deposit Insurance National Bank of Santa Clara, which now holds the insured deposits from SVB. tinyurl.com/2ggb9y85
#SVB. A major bank failed. Here’s why it’s not 2008 again | -35 min
- Its downfall is the largest failure of a financial institution since Washington Mutual collapsed at the height of the financial crisis more than a decade ago thefrontierpost.com/a-major-bank-f…
#SVB. #Musk says he's open to buying #SiliconValleyBank | Mar 11
- His tweet came.. than two days after the bank tried to persuade clients not to pull their money over concerns it was running low on available cash. aninews.in/news/business/…
#Eduskuntavaalit2019 tulokset 3 vkoa etukäteen tiedossa | Berat Yilmaz | maaliskuu 23, 2019
- Suomen poliittinen eliitti yhdessä #EU: eliitin ja globaalin eliitin kanssa on päättänyt, että #SDP tulee 19. huhtikuuta, 2019, voittamaan 17.7% äänimäärällä.