40 minutes of your time
Brexit supporters out on Twitter, obviously many of us are now entrenched on either side, but perhaps, 40 minutes of your time will convince you that Brexit needs to be stopped.
Here goes:
No changes, no impacts, everything we wanted in a bespoke free trade agreement. This was the Vote Leave message.
Remember this from Farage in the European parliament
"No deal would be far worse for you than for us"
The EU would give us the deal we wanted, it was that simple
David Davis was anti EU for years yet he had, and still has, almost no understanding of how the EU works.
At some point Leavers have to accept that we aren't going to get anything like the deal we were promised. You can blame EU stubbornness if you want to, it doesn't change anything.
They said we wouldn't, we didn't believe them
You can say "we just want free trade" - it's not as simple as that, but it doesn't matter. We won't get the deal promised, and we can't force it.
When Davis says "we'll get a bespoke deal" read the above blog again - he's clueless
We might strongarm Nabraska, but not the entire USA
Words matter, the world is watching. If the UK publicly makes agreements then reneges, we won't be trusted.
It's strong stuff, but it's simple reality. Brexit is deeply damaging & economically harmful.
It's a simple fact, virtually every large economy, even the US, is in a strategic trade bloc. And the EU is one of the most successful.
But these are presumably patriotic sentiments, and there's nothing patriotic about #brexit
The damage described above is not just economic, it's about the UK's place in the world
Consider the promises made, consider the reality of where we are now.
Consider the incompetence of our leaders
Even if Brexit was the right answer (and it's not), these people are not skilled enough to take us out