It's part of destroying the US that Trump said he would do.
It leads directly to Fascism.

They are the same people working to rewrite the Constitution, turning the US into a FASCIST country.
Fascism allies Government with business (Billionaires) and enlists religion and military to control the masses.

Privatization of essential services only has ONE goal.
To feed all the money in the country up to the Billionaires.
Not pleasing God or promoting the welfare of the American People.

The DeVos Family has been promoting this for Decades...with your Amway money.
Kochs, Mercers, Pence, Kellyann, Bannon, Etc
Why do they want to restore ED to the level of Pilgrims?
They want your money!

They want our money to flood up & trickle down.
When every dime has been extracted & every home foreclosed what will you do
Who is taking the money?
The Military has been increasingly Privatized. Eric Prince, Betsy DeVos's brother, made billions
All Mental Health, Disability & Safety Net Services
You Don't Need These (Today)
But you might
We WILL all need it. So will our parents & kids.
Universal Healthcare Covers All People. All Doctors. All Hospitals. All issues.
It's cheaper.