The message was enlightening but my naughty mind was just thinking what if Jesus was born, bred and died in Modern #Nigeria
And all this because of one Jesus.

This guy (Jesus) should be arrested for littering, disrupting the peace, and causing traffic inside this hot weather.
I get back to my car and I meet this agbero cleaning the wind shield singing
"Halleluyah Hosanna, Halleluyah Hosanna"

Me:but wetin dey cause all this traffic nah
Agbero: Nah Jisos o, that man nah sure banker. We dey celiberate am.
Me: where them come dey now.
Agbero: Eko bridge side
Me: I will prepare something for this Jesus
Causing traffic upandan

see people squeezing and pressing themselves like sardine in this hot weather just because of one man.
What is wrong with this people

"Down Sai Baba, Up Jesus"
I just sat down jare, I can't come and kill myself to prove a point🤷🏾♂
I will just be looking till they pass by.

I heard they even wanted him for president
It must be those His food miracles. Nigerians will do anything for the belly
I heard the man fed the whole stadium from 5 agege bread and 2 shawa 🤔, and there was even leftover.
What a wonderful Son of God.

Bia driver move this thing and take me out of here!
We are going home

If only I had known 😔
This country Ehn Nawa. Innocent people just die in cold blood.
I will gist you what happened just brace yourself. This one pass #nollywood

They had a large dinner. His followers all over IG were just coming to visit and give him expensive things. And he was just collecting!

She got him a perfume box worth millions of naira, she didn't stop there. She now used her braz weave to wipe his feet.
I think it was there the whole wahala started cause one of his boys Judas started to vex

This Judas who God will still help me to punish was the son of Iscariot.

And said the disciples should always use it as #throwback for jim. That the wine was his blood and the 🍞 was his body .
All of a sudden Jesus said the person who will betray me is in this room and He did not eat bread.
See as Judas just quickly excuse himself
Jesus: You will deny me before the 6.00am news tomorrow morning.
Now all eyes are on Peter like
Me that was there when we were at the bottom. Me and you trekked every corner of the mainland preaching the gospel.
Jesus Biko, pick someone else, it can't be me.

Who still has strength I want to sharply trek reach VGC. I need to pray all night ??
Peter, James and John:

Jesus comes to wake the trio
"Peter, James, John.
Why are you people like this nah.
You people cant even pray one hour
But you can swallow eba like no tomorrow. Will you stand up and pray my friend.

" Give us Jesus and we will give you 1.5million and 100 SARS as your escort"
Peter: Chilling with Jesus, Moses and Elijah. No be small anointing dey flow for here.
Other Disciples:

Imagine 100 SARs to arrest one man.
Jesus: Officers no need to fight, let's settle this amicably. OK OK don't push me I will walk.

Jesus was like "calm down bro, E no reach this level"
We just wanna talk things out..

Officer: Who are you?
Officer: What is your mission?
Officer: We heard you say you will destroy Aso rock and build it back in three days, are you with Boko
Jesus: 🤐
Officer: oh you are forming James Bond Abi, bring the Holy cane!
Me: Nigeria Don beta.

The governor of Lagos, Pontius Ambode called a meeting of the Tribal leaders to TBS.
Something had to be done if not a riot will begin.
See traffic! What is it with this Jesus and Traffic.

I was like its not up to that nah. Was it not this person you were all happy with yesterday
Men SARS is not nice. They had rearrange the man's body.
The whole place was rowdy and people were angry, Pontius Ambode had to do something fast.
That's when I spotted Peter.
He had denied Jesus...
I screamed Peter are you not the assistant G.O to this man..
Why don't you do something
if you see the eye He gave me ehn...

And he asked the crowd to chose
Evans or Jesus
I'm already shouting Jesus, omo see as people started to slap me. Everyone was shouting Evans.
"Free Evans, kill Jesus"

When the broadcast came up and we heard
"My Pellow Nigerians ...." we knew it was finished
Jesus was coming back to be killed

Men they brutalised the guy no be here.
All the we no gree people had to shush.. The men in green were not smiling

Almost getting there he fell, a young named Simon whom God will bless decided to help him with the cross
Actually we were thinking it's like this guy wants to be unfortunate

It was a painful something.
The guy was innocent
All of a sudden Jesus shouted something that sounded strange.
Everywhere became quiet. He had died. They had murdered an innocent guy in cold blood

In Lagos........!
Issa flooding something

The world is coming to an end.

@temmyhlee @Marrgarritah @Geraldcake @badgalmaddie_ @sleeky4
Biko help me retweet
Let's get #IfJesusWasBornInLagos out there