Q has cleared the “greatawakening” board of all but these 2 posts. Here’s a link to the youtube video shown in the second post.👇🏼
Maybe a sign that some “happenings” are on the near horizon?🤔

VERY wishful thing from an Anon, but it’s worth at least a short ponder IMO...😂👇🏼

I’m not sure how the above would line up with this post about Comey though...

Another Anon continues down the wishful thinking rabbit hole... Impossible? No. At all likely? You decide...😂👇🏼

I heard about this a long time ago, but I never looked for an article about it - here’s one from last March talking about how sex trafficking arrests have soared with @realDonaldTrump (a great progress to remember!). 👇🏼

Meet Lisa H Barsoomian - wife of Rod Rosenstein
youtube video:👇🏼
CT link:👇🏼
bottom links:👇🏼

Assange replying to the Department of State & talking about @Snowden ... interesting🤔...👇🏼


Brilliant set of posts from an Anon describing the battle we are in & how the white hats are working along side of us to rid the world of this evil:👇🏼...

Ivanka & Jared’s helicopter had engine failure...👇🏼