1) They never did switch to LY, and that all the stalling we're seeing in the lawsuit with Crytek, is an attempt to buy time
2) More people on the way out as most who can find work "have had enough"
Heck, I even wrote a WHOLE blog about it, which our Shitizen crazies claimed I was totally going to get sued over. Still waiting.
No wonder CIG wants to settle.
They're screwed. And it's ALL going to come out.
This is just one smoking gun, amid a massive pile.
So ANY attempt that CIG makes to do some stupid shit, is going to eventually find it's way to me.
I don't give a shit.
Back in 2015 when I presented ALL evidence that the project was NEVER getting made, you had the opportunity to dig into this yourself.
The result (from my attorney demands)? You got a dev (though its bogus) schedule, and refunds. No financial accountability.
You were buying JPEGs and helping promote a scam.
3yrs later, you still don't even have a game that was supposedly out in Nov 2014, or anything that even passes for one.
So yeah, I'm a game dev.
Chris Roberts is a scam artist.
You lost that bet.
Suck it.
Before I even sent them a legal threat, no backer even dreamed about getting a dev schedule, let alone refunds. And like it or not, those are FACTS.
Crytek will be the ones to figure out #3 - where all backer money went, who got what, who benefited via unjust enrichment etc.
Anything else is just icing as I don't give a shit about Crytek's lawsuit. I just want to know WHERE the money went.
