Now, when she's pleading with the State to let him live, they insist she has no right to choose life.

Many folks going "Don't use #Alfie to score political points!" are saying that because they themselves are invested in Leftism to some degree. They're defensive. 1/?
To a secular leftist, life isn’t the endless adventure of a creature in the image and likeness of God or a call to eternal happiness with your Creator and His Saints. 4/
When a PERSON comes along who might not have enough fun in life for his life to be worth living—or who might COST others more fun than he’s worth, Leftism may kill him. 5/

The "Catholic Left" has a BIG problem here. 10/
It's not socially acceptable, legal, or taxpayer funded to KILL refugees, minorities and the poor. 12/
And that evil pro-life movement is ALL UP IN ARMS DEFENDING him.
And what do many Catholic Leftists who attack pro-lifers for only caring "before birth" have to say for Alfie?👇NOTHING: 12/

He condemned the “grotesquely insulting” claim that Judges wanted Charlie dead. Charlie's own parents said that. 17/……)
They’re missing the point, either intentionally or not, because they won’t look the evil in the face and denounce it: SECULAR LEFTISM 25/

Can’t forget the lessons from UK, #CharlieGard, & #Alfie.
We have to remember them in our prayers, in our activism, and, yes, when we vote. 31/
#AlfieEvans #CharlieGard