a)Feb 1998: read 1984. Picture of Big Brother on TV screen as I walk into class freaks. me. thefuck. out.
b)May, 98: see Matrix cinema premiere. Sudden paradigm shift. Intuitive knowing: This is more real than fiction.
c)June 3, 2000: BCT, USNG. FtJ,SC

a)Sept 22, 2000: AIT. FtG-369.MDMA, read Crowley,Gardener,Cunningham, magic, astral projection, questing. Tarot. Neophyte.
b)Nov, 00: GWB announced 43. Intense premonition of going to ILLEGAL WAR if stay in mil. USNG builds SANDBAG walls. NO WAR for me.

a)January, 01: Conscientious O_. 3rd MDMA trip. Caught, Art13'd out, GENERAL discharge. No brig. Sent home.
b)Sept 11, 2001: Twin Towers. Grand Initiation. Surreal. Plot holes. ?
c)2003: former NG unit deployed. I serve in Cons'n Corps. Poisoned: weed control.

Healing from psychic vampire attacks.
Moving on with life.

a)June, 2006: find "Loose Change 9/11" on internet. Questions asked. Some answered. Working through college, no help. Janitor.
b)Fall, 2006: write "Academic Censorship of 9/11 Investigators" essay (now lost)
c)Spring, 2007:complete BA, Liberal Arts, m. Folklore

a) Sep 07-Oct 08: office job, Berk, Cal.
b)Prez elections: could sense betrayal but hero to people.
c)Looking Glass. Hussein, ISIS connection. Seen clearly. Focus on healing work, marriage, home.

a)Mar15,2010: Motherhood. Beautiful.
b)June 10: Sick.migraines, eczema, sinuses. "Allergic to 21st century" Husband says, "psychosomatic" and "crazy."
c)Jan'11: discovery: eczema from SULFATE soap, migraine from MSG/fragrance

a)May 2012: travel w baby to farm, travel back home, grandfather's funeral.
c)July 12: come to Utah I will... I return to Utah, no home. promise broken.
c)Sep 12: work off ex's back rent, save $
c)Feb 12: love spell - Mother, please rekindle flame or break up.

a) Oct '12 to NM with baby.
b) Feb 14, 2013: court ordered date to return to Utah. Affair, new.
c) still sick but work to please custodial agreement. Research, 2013: Baphomet, underbelly. no contract. SRA/M, Hollyweird. Archons. Roths. Illuminati. Gatekeepers.

a) Sept 22, 2014: baby 2. Dad ghosted post conception. Me+doula.
b) Mar14, 15: Dad reappears, begins to support me. Woes over?
c)July, 15: Baby Daddy betrayal. accuses me of using for money. No I did this on my own, thx. don't need u, bye.

a)2015,Dream @realDonaldTrump asks: would u rather a, leave yr kids in daycare, career, lots of money, or b, guaranteed basic income stay home w/kids? I say, stay home with my kids!
b) Did not realize this was DJT until later - no TV - years.
c) I pred. DJT=45

a)2016: no$, no support, stalkers. Dads think I'm crazy. Precious vulnerable daughters.
b)need disability $ to maintain. Girls to dads. Move to state w naturopathic care, stay w/friends.
b)Think DJT just another DS pawn being set up as pariah to be foil for HRC.

a) 12.21.16-stay w new friend, day by day.
b)NY 2017, world getting better, POTUS keeping promises.
c)July 7: Lyme infected tick bite.
c) Aug 1-7:Camp with older daughter. Seizures. Friend really cares. I stay.
d) Winter: Mandela Effect Decoded wJLL. Archons.Xenosh

a)personal Gnosis: Gaia Sophia (rhymes) is true Lucifer (light bearer) hijacked by Sahanists/Archons/Xenosh.
b) Feb: Q!
c)posts: truth? coincidence? Trump white hat? DS takedown? countercoup?
d) Faith in humanity restored. Earth still sacred. Shaman. Patriot. <3