🇷🇺 Emin Agalarov
🇷🇺 Aras Agalarov
🇷🇺 Yuri Chaika
🇷🇺 Natalia Veselnitskaya
🇬🇧 Rob Goldstone
🇺🇸/🇬🇪 Ike Kaveladze*
* Born in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia.
🇺🇸Trump Sr.
🇷🇺 Putin
The Kremlin agents cited in the last tweet knew also the purpose of their intermediation between Trump and Putin.
🇺🇸 Trump Jr.
🇺🇸 Manafort
🇺🇸 Kushner
These agents owed a duty to Trump.
Sessions and other Trump NatSec advisors *had* to lie about what Papadopoulos said on March 31, 2016—and how they and Trump responded—because what Papadopoulos did was *admit to being a Kremlin special agent*.
Because of what I said about *agency*: how *important* this means Jr. thought the communication was.
"This wasn't something I was in a rush to act on."
People don't get charged with lying to Congress for loose statements like this, but man, if they did.
That's the sort of diligence a special agent shows when his principal—and the topic of his actions as agent—are mission-critical.

And suddenly he wasn't paying attention from the start?

Remember how he said he got "hundreds" of emails a day on the campaign?
Keep in mind, Trump Jr. had just been told that the Crown Prosecutor of Russia had "ultra-sensitive" information on Hillary Clinton—to which Trump Jr. responded with "I love it."

Someone work on this, please—find me a Trump supporter who thinks Don Jr. can't answer that question about his own father.
Don Jr., July 11, 2017: "I first just wanted to have a phone call, but...that didn't work out."
Don Jr., September 7, 2017: "It would be pretty customary for me to give a friend a few moments [in person]."
Which is it? (Answer: he wanted a meeting.)

This is jaw-dropping.
Asked if *his father* ever told *him* he knew about the meeting—say, from another source, like Jared or Manafort—Trump Jr. answers, "I don't recall."
Process that.

It's not what she said.

I *think* most readers will see the staggering irony in the excerpt below—and *immediately*. The answer Don Jr. gave is *exactly* the answer Christopher Steele gave Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS on why he had to tell law enforcement about what he learned in Russia.

And where did he say it? In testimony before the United States Congress, under penalty of criminal prosecution for lying.

So now we know about a 2006 Trump Tower Moscow deal, a 2013 Trump Tower Moscow deal, and a 2015 Trump Tower Moscow deal.

*His own son's testimony* confirms that startling fact as true.

(NOTE: I didn't do this for this purpose, but now that I'm done with 8 hours of writing I hope you'll indulge me posting—without any further comment—a link to my donation page: sethabramson.net/donate)