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Jun 12th 2023
In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimisation (SEO), #backlinks play a crucial role in determining a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results. However, not all backlinks are created equal. #Starfield #Ajax #Crypto… There is an ongoing debate surrounding the legitimacy of different types of backlinks, particularly when it comes to dofollow links acquired through monetary transactions.… In this article, we aim to shed light on the subject and clearly explain why any form of buying, exchanging, or paying for a dofollow hyperlink is regarded as a blackhat link, while emphasizing the importance of naturally created, editorial backlinks.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
One to Watch - Lasse Abildgaard 🇩🇰

Scouting report on the #Ajax transfer target!… Image
// Information //

➖ Birthday: Feb 27, 2007 (16)
➖ Citizenship: Denmark
➖ Club: Silkeborg IF
➖ Position: Right wing
➖ Strong foot: Left… Image
// Status //

He features regularly for Silkeborg U19, and has also continued to be a star for Silkeborg U17 with 1.28 goals per 90 in 2022-23.

As I've previously revealed, he is now close to signing a deal with AFC Ajax.… Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
75 kilómetros los separa, pero la distancia entre ambos es deportiva, social, cultural. Este domingo vuelven a verse las caras peleando mano a mano la #Eredivisie 🇳🇱 Ajax y Feyenoord, Amsterdam y Rotterdam. Bienvenidos a #Klassieker ¿Te lo vas a Perder? 👇🇳🇱 #ajafey
CLUBES: Ajax fue fundado el 18 de marzo de 1900 en Ámsterdam, la capital del país. Su nombre es en honor a Áyax el grande, héroe mitológico de la Grecia antigua, primo de Aquiles. Algunos datan el origen a 1894 cuando se estableció el Football Club Ajax.
#ajaxfc #klassieker
El 19 de julio de 1908 en Rotterdam en un pub llamado “De Vereeniging” se fundó el Feyenoord. Tuvo varios nombres anteriores (Wilhelmina, Hillesluise, Celerita) hasta que en 1912 pasa a llamarse SC Feijenoord por el distrito de la ciudad que lleva ese nombre. #Feyenoord
Read 33 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
4 different ways to create an Ajax request in Javascript.
1. Using the XMLHttpRequest object:
2. Using the fetch() method:
Read 10 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Si chiude l’era di Andrea #Agnelli alla juventus.
Mi sembra giusto in questa sede ripercorrere la mia luminosa e limpida carriera stagione per stagione. (thread)
2009/10: m’insedio il 19 maggio, dichiaro che “costruiremo una juve vincente”.
In realtà di vincente riesco giusto a guardarmi l’odiata Inter che 3 giorni dopo vince il #triplete.
Diventerà la mia ossessione per tutta la presidenza.
2010/11: inauguro uno stadio che ha progettato, finanziato e realizzato qualcun altro.
Ci piazzo sopra un numero di scudetti a cazzo e il merito e le foto me li becco io.
(ndr: il terreno della #Continassa fu pagato 0,58 € al m2 al comune di Torino, oggetto di scandalo).
Read 20 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
Thread on how much money clubs have already received after the Champions League 2022/23 group stage. Also includes estimates for English clubs in Europa League and Europa Conference League. Some assumptions made about the TV pool, but the figures should be reasonably accurate.
The Champions League accounts for the lion’s share of UEFA revenue with its €2.032 bln being nearly 3 times as much as the Europa League and Europa Conference combined (€700m). The difference is particularly stark in the UEFA coefficient (based on 10-year rankings).
Champions League overall prize money is 3.6 times the Europa League and 5.5 times the Europa Conference, but this varies by round. In general, the difference becomes smaller the further a club progresses, e.g. last 16 it’s 8x and 16x, while for the winners it’s only 2.3x and 4x.
Read 38 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
#Ajax 2021/22 accounts cover a season when they won the Eredivisie, were finalists in the KNVB Cup and reached the Champions League last 16. Finances still impacted by the COVID pandemic. Some thoughts in the following thread.
#Ajax pre-tax loss widened from €12m to €32m (€24m after tax), despite revenue rising €64m (51%) from €125m to €189m, as profit from player sales fell €48m from €86m to €38m and operating expenses increased €35m (16%).
Main reason for #Ajax revenue increase was match day, which rose €32m from €2m to €34m, due to the partial return of fans to the stadium, while broadcasting was up €19m (34%) from €55m to €74m and commercial grew €13m (19%) from €68m to €81m.
Read 42 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
De Antony-transfer: geen financiële noodzaak, maar ook geen dik extraatje (vooralsnog)

De 40+mln ‘winst’ voor #Ajax van #Antony is meer dan de volledige begroting van 15 Eredivisie clubs.

Tóch kan financiële zekerheid een belangrijke rol spelen in de verkoop.

Lees waarom 👇🧵
Eerst, waarvoor gebruikt Ajax de opbrengst van een transfer?

Boekhoudkundig valt dit onder ‘transferresultaat’. Kort gezegd is dat per boekjaar wat na aftrek van alle kosten overblijft van de inkomende transfersommen.

Kosten als: tussenpersonen, solidariteit, doorverkoop%, etc.
Die kosten verschillen per transfer nogal en details zijn maar deels openbaar.

Er blijft vaak maar 65-75% over, soms nog minder. Hieronder enkele voorbeelden vergeleken met bedragen uit jaarcijfers.

Resterende afschrijving speelt een grote rol, zeker bij duurdere aankopen.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 22nd 2022
Wat zou een mogelijke 80 tot 100 miljoen euro voor Antony betekenen voor het transferresultaat van Ajax?

Zoals bekend, van de transfersom kan maar een deel als ‘winst’ worden gezien.

In de situatie van #Antony; zo rond de 50%.

Hieronder een breakdown 🧵👇

#Ajax #Transfers Image
Eerst; wat is het ‘transferresultaat’?

In de jaarcijfers een van de meest prominente getallen en kort gezegd:

Wat er, uit financieel perspectief, overblijft van uitgaande transfers na aftrek van kosten.

Op de balans staat dit tegenover o.a. afschrijvingen (inkomende transfers) ImageImage
Dit is niet zomaar de uitkomst van uitgaande transfers minus inkomende (bijv. op TM).

En ook is het niet hetzelfde als wat een club te besteden heeft (al is er een verband).

Het is een financiële term, die wel een goede indicatie geeft van hoe een club presteert qua transfers.
Read 13 tweets
May 31st 2022
Is it safe to say so much of what we have come to love (and hate) about Ontario will be forever changed on Thursday night?
As a Dad of young children, & teacher, I'm struggling with what a PC majority might mean for school communities, the environment, and our health care system.
I have knocked on doors, made phone calls and talked with friends and neighbours. I am voting with a few on Thursday in order to help get out the vote, but I'm afraid it won't be enough.
At this time, I really think the only chance we have of stopping Ford and his PCs is to swallow our preferred party pride, check our hearts, and vote for the candidate most likely to defeat the PC candidate, riding by riding.
Read 128 tweets
May 24th 2022
UEFA has published the revenue distributions for the Champions League and Europa League in the 2020/21 season. Although these are very close to the modelled figures that I have previously provided, I thought some people might like to have the final, official figures.
Unsurprisingly, the two Champions League finalists earned the most with winners #CFC and #runners-up MCFC receiving £105m and £104m respectively, followed by #RealMadrid and #PSG, both £96m, then #FCBayern £81m and #LFC £77m.
Clubs in the Europa League received a lot less with winners #Villarreal getting only £29m, followed by semi-finalists #AFC £26m and #ASRoma £21m, then #THFC £16m. Runners-up #MUFC earned £15m after dropping down from the Champions League, while #LCFC got £14m.
Read 22 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
1/Με αφορμη την συζήτηση για το #ΤΟΜΑ του #ΕΣ ας δουμε την συζητηση που γινεται στο Βρετανικο κοινοβουλιο που ζητησε εναλλακτικες για αντικατασταση του #Ajax. Το Think Tank Henry Jackson κατεθεσε την παρακατω προταση για το #CV90 με λεπτομερη & διασταυρωμενα στοιχεια
2/H λογικη αποκτησης αριθμου 245 οχηματων #CV90 για το ρόλο των αναγνωριστικων #ΤΟΜΑ με πυροβολο 40mm ειναι αυτη που αξιολογηθηκε. Τα πλεονεκτηματα της επιλογης αυτης είναι:
-Συνολικα 2.2 δις κονδυλια R&D εχουν διατεθει απο τις χωρες πελατες του #CV90
-Κοστος μοναδας 4-6 εκ $
-Αν η παραγωγη γινει εγχωρια θα οδηγησει σε μεγαλες καθυστερησεις
-Υπαρχει ηδη γραμμη παραγωγης της ΒΑΕ εκτος Αγγλιας που μπορει να παραδωσει συντομοτερα
Read 7 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
Deloitte have published the 25th edition of their annual Football Money League, which ranks the world’s leading football clubs by revenue, this time covering the 2020/21 season. Some thoughts in the following thread.
Deloitte said that the Money League remains “the most contemporary and reliable independent analysis of the top clubs’ relative financial performance”, which is largely true, even though they had to re-issue this year’s report after initially mis-stating #Milan revenue.
Revenue has obviously been significantly impacted by COVID-19. Deloitte estimate that the Money league clubs have missed out on well over €2 bln of revenue over the 2019/20 and 2020/21 season as a result of the pandemic.
Read 51 tweets
Nov 24th 2021
This is a must win for #BVB. Rose with Malen and Brandt up front Reinier does indeed get a rare start. Sporting on paper with a 3-4-3 formation. #SCPBVB ImageImage
#BVB have won all three previous #UCL matchups against Sporting. All stats once again via @Transfermarkt.

🔗 ImageImageImage
Just a quick correction on the lineups. Schuls was a late replacement for Guerreiro. #BVB
Read 23 tweets
Nov 10th 2021
🚨 EXCLUSIVE THIS IS IT© , The #SuperLeague company has now finalised selecting the leadership structure with #Inter Milan CEO Marotta becoming the CEO of the Super League company I can confirm.

Florentino Perez is the president while Agnelli is the vice president #RM #Juventus
🚨 EXCLUSIVE: Intense negotiations are ongoing between the #SuperLeague and various clubs and I can confirm #FCBayern have now reached an agreement and will be joining the league.

#FCBayern CEO Oliver #Khan has been hugely involved in negotiations I can confirm
🚨 EXCLUSIVE: #Ajax , #Lyon and #Porto are also in talks I can confirm. #Ajax asked to be fixed as a permanent member but was denied.

They would only accept #FCBayern as a permanent member. #BVB are also in the talks.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 11th 2021
These are some of the 61 7-Elevens applying to @Ont_AGCO for permits to serve alcohol in bars. They are all within a block of schools & most have gas stations attached. 2 are ON university campuses! .../2 #Onpoli #canlab
2/ This 7-Eleven in #Ajax applying for a bar licence is the most outrageous example of the corporate convenience store giant's disregard for public safety. It's within a block of 3 schools with students who go there daily for snacks. .../3 #onpoli
3/ TODAY is the deadline to object to 7-Elevens' backdoor scheme to get booze in convenience stores. Tell the @Ont_AGCO you don’t want these in your community. File your objection here online (select ‘liquor’ category & ‘7-Eleven’ applicant):… #onpoli /4
Read 4 tweets
Feb 22nd 2021
Deloitte have published the 24th edition of their annual Football Money League, which ranks the world’s leading football clubs by revenue, this time covering the 2019/20 season. Some thoughts in the following thread.
The 2019/20 season was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a £1.0 bln (12%) fall in revenue of the top 20 Money League clubs from £8.2 bln to £7.2 bln. Broadcast and match day fell £822m (23%) and £227m (17%) respectively, though commercial rose £87m (3%).
In terms of Euros, match day fell €257m (17%) from €1.5 bln to €1.2 bln, driven by matches either being cancelled or played behind closed doors without fans. Match day revenue is largely derived from gate receipts (including ticket and corporate hospitality sales).
Read 48 tweets
Dec 20th 2020

Op AjaxTV zei Edwin van der Sar in september 2020: 'We willen De Toekomst uitbreiden en vernieuwen. We willen de beste jeugdopleiding ter wereld zijn (...).'

Dit heeft echter ook een behoorlijke financiële prijs. Maar wat zijn de plannen?

Ajax gaf in het jaarverslag van seizoen '18/19 aan dat De Toekomst 'uit zijn jasje is gegroeid' en daarom het project 'De Nieuwe Toekomst' is gestart. Dat nieuwe complex moet toekomstbestendig zijn en ruimte bieden aan alle actieve teams binnen Ajax.
Daarnaast moet het complex innovaties stimuleren (bijv. op het gebied van energie en duurzaamheid), de gehele Ajax-organisatie op één terrein huisvesten en moet er een veilige en professionele werkomgeving worden gecreëerd. Realisatie van het complex start in het najaar van 2021.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
I’ve had a couple of requests to update the two-page “executive summary” for leading Dutch clubs, so this thread includes 2019/20 financial overviews for #Ajax #PSV #Feyenoord and #AZ. Note: the Dutch season ended early in April due to COVID-19.
#Ajax pre-tax profit fell €42m from €69m to €27m, mainly due to revenue dropping €37m (19%) from record €199m to €162m and expenses increasing by €17m, partly offset by profit on player sales rising €12m to €84m. Debt now includes €151m financial leases due to IFRS 16.
#PSV revenue fell €25m (26%) from €97m to €72m, as they competed in Europa League, rather than Champions League in prior season. As a result, operating loss widened to €41m, but pre-tax profit only fell from €6m to €2m, due to profit from player sales rising €26m to €47m.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 29th 2020
#Ajax 2019/20 accounts cover a season when the Eredivisie was ended early in April due to COVID-19. The KNVB decided to maintain league positions with Ajax leading, but no title was awarded. Eliminated at Champions League group stage. Some thoughts in the following thread.
#Ajax profit before tax fell €42m from €69m to €27m (profit after tax down from €52m €20m), largely due to revenue dropping €37m (16%) from a record €199m to €162m and expenses increasing by €17m to €220m, partly offset by profit on player sales rising €12m to €84m.
#Ajax €42m revenue fall was largely due to less progress in the Champions League and pandemic impact. As a result, broadcasting dropped €33m (37%) from €89m to €56m, while match day was down €9m (18%) from €51m to €42m. Commercial increased €5m (8%) from €60m to €65m.
Read 48 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
De hele week heeft populistisch Nederland zich uit kunnen leven op het maatschappelijke gedrag van @AFCAjax met betrekking tot de overheidssteun.

Een kort draadje...

🥅 Er zijn bonussen uitgekeerd in het najaar van 2019. NIET over de periode waarin Ajax NOW steun ontvangt.
🥅 Ondanks een operationele winst heeft Ajax dit jaar géén dividend uitbetaald. Dit omdat dividend wordt betaald over het hele boekjaar en de NOW steun wel in dit boekjaar viel. Netjes volgens de regels dus.
🥅 Volgens @FTM_nl is Ajax de ENIGE club die géén steun heeft gevraagd voor spelerssalarissen. Vrijwel alle andere clubs wel. De NOW steun is bij Ajax alleen voor kantoorpersoneel. Ajax heeft ook géén van dit personeel ontslagen. In tegenstelling tot heel wat multinationals.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
Following yesterday’s UEFA Champions League final, I can update the estimate for the 2019/20 revenue distributions. We will also explain how #PSG are likely to receive more money than #FCBayern, even though they were defeated on the night.
Based on my assumptions, the top 10 TV earnings from the Champions League will be as follows: #PSG €134m, #FCBayern €130m, #FCBarcelona €104m, #MCFC €99m, #Atleti €95m, #TeamOL €89m, #Juventus €87m, #RealMadrid €84m, #CFC €81m and #LFC €80m.
Looking at how Champions League revenue is distributed in the current cycle, the importance of the UEFA coefficient is evident. TV pool is much less important than it was before. This rewards historically successful clubs rather than those with larger national TV rights deals.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
After a couple of requests, I’ve prepared some of the new financial fact sheets for a few Dutch clubs. This thread includes overviews for #Ajax #PSV #Feyenoord and #AZ
#Ajax profit before tax shot up from €3m to €69m in 2019, largely due to revenue more than doubling to a record €199m (thanks to Champions League run) and profit on player sales rising from €39m to €73m. Wages also rose to €92m, but wages to turnover 46%. No financial debt. ImageImage
#PSV revenue rose 56% in 2019 to €97m, mainly due to return to Champions League. As a rule, club posts operating losses (€13m in 2019), offset by strong player sales. Wages up to €45m, but wages to turnover 46%. Highest debt in Netherlands with €34m plus €41m transfer debt. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jun 21st 2020
Ancient Artefact of the Day: One of my favourite figures from Greek mythology is Ajax, so here's a bronze statuette thought to be a representation of his suicide: Greek Geometric, ca. 700 BC. #AAOTD #Ajax

Image: British Museum (1865,1118.230)
The suicide of Ajax, following his divinely caused mania in which he slaughtered a flock of sheep thinking them the other Greek leaders at Troy, was a popular subject in ancient art.
There are other notable examples of his death in bronze, such as this piece from Aegina, ca. 480 BC.

Image: Archaeological Museum, Florence
Read 5 tweets

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