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Last night I stepped in between two woman and around 7 guys who were making them feel very uncomfortable during the @NICKIMINAJ set at @WirelessFest. They were being grinded on, boobs grabbed, being touched under their shorts even when they told this group NO multiple times.
Needless to say these guys were pissed that I stepped in between them, but I was not going to let that keep happening right in front of me. Women deserve to have fun and dance at a concert without being afraid. The guys had the audacity to ask if I wanted next.
I kept asking the guys, did you ask permission? Did they consent to this? They shrugged it off and said that the women looked like they were still having fun. Then they had the nerve to ask me if I wanted in.I stood my ground in between these guys and these women the rest of set.
Read 7 tweets
I think it’s time to revisit masking with #BA2 & how contagious it is. I am upgrading my recommendations to a P100 @3M respirator. They are less likely to suffer structural damage, meaning I have had them in use for 1 year at a time. That 100 is for 100% an N95 is 95% blocking ImageImage
Note do NOT use @amazon they have a huge issue with #CounterfeitMasks. The @US_FDA doesn’t seem to be doing their job & cracking down while Bezos lounges on his yacht. I have samples of counterfeit 3M masks I bought off of Amazon. I confirmed with 3M DIRECTLY. So this is serious
This isn’t hearsay but actually provable. Amazon hides behind “tHeY aRE iDepEnDanT coTrAcTOrS” while they rake in that sweet pandemic cash. I recommend you order from @HomeDepot as they buy directly from 3M. I wish I had a better solution. #MaskUp #P100Masks #CovidIsNotOver
Read 5 tweets
Some points as precaution from banking call frauds

1. First principle which need to be developed is to not pick up unknown no. or fancy number.

2. If supposed u pick it up, don't try any guess working for identify. Either ask who is calling if not telling then cut the call.
3. Fraudster just wait for our guess work and once we tell one name, they will accept as it is and If u find deviation in identification of voice then cut the call and try to contact separately on that original person contact no. which is saved with you and confirm that fact.
4. Never transfer or allow any fund receipt request from any unknown number call or #SM profile who pretends to be someone who you know , just cut the call and contact the original person for confirmation of fact.

5. Never click on any unknow
"to pay" requests recieved on UPI
Read 8 tweets
I want to tell you a story about #BeingKind.

When I was a teenager, I went to church. And I fully adopted the 'love everyone, forgive everything, don't judge' ethos.
I started going to a happy, clappy church. And I discovered a member of the congregation, 'Bob' a middle aged gregarious man.

I recognised Bob from a few years back, I'd been in a panto aged 10, Bob had been a lead singer. He'd been friendly and fun to the children. I liked him.
Oddly, the older women in the congregation saw me reacquaint myself with friendly Bob.

Looks were exchanged.
They took me aside. In so many words, they warned me to be careful around him. Bob, it turned out was a convicted paedophile.

At the time, 16 yr old me wasn't impressed.
Read 13 tweets

You Fucked With The Wrong Generation

Stop Military Government
Stop Military Regime
Respectour Votes
Release Ourleaders

Myanmar, 08/02/21
#WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar Image
Say "No" To Dictatorship

Say "Yes" To BDSM Image
Read 59 tweets
Jouluaatto 2020 🧵, ihanalta tuoksuvaa riisipuuroa pyöritellessä:

Yöllisessä uutisoinnissa huomioitua: #SouthAfrican2 on jo Englannissa. Tämä on asia mitä spekuloin yhden tutkijakaverini kanssa eilen: mikäli olisi näin, että myös/ erityisesti lapsille ja nuorille 1/
.. vaarallinen EteläAfrikka-variantti olisi jo #UK’ssa, niin se olisi ollut pätevä syy sulkea rajat.

Ja nyt siitä eilen onkin vähin äänin julistettu olevan
1. Turboversio
2. Se on jo Englannissa.

Kuka uskoo #UK’ssa julkaistuun dataan että tapauksia olisi vasta 2? 2/
.. En usko. UK on ihmetellyt nimenomaan nopeasti lapsiin 2-15v tarttuvaa virusta nyt jo viikko-kaksi. Ehkä lapsien sairaala-/ tehohoidontarve on myös jo noussut? Tästä ei ole vielä uutisoitu.
Read 17 tweets
Did you know that you are required by law to have motor vehicle insurance before you put your vehicle on the road? This coming week we will be posting about this type of cover. Keep it here!
#IRA #Motorvehicleinsurance #understandinginsurance #besafe #washyourhands #WearAMask Image
There are 4 levels of cover for motor vehicle insurance in the market. The first is “The Act Only”. This is the bare minimum motor insurance cover that you can purchase for your vehicle and it only covers liability for death and bodily injuries to third parties. Image
Before purchasing “The Act Only” cover, it’s important to note that it does not cover damage to third party property arising from an accident. Image
Read 11 tweets
1/ This #4ofjuly, have fun, enjoy your family/friends, but please #BeSafe. Express your politics at the ballot box and in your speech. But not wearing masks and flaunting social distancing measures? That makes you a danger to yourself and others, including those you love. #COVID
2/ Cults are dangerous. Leaders who lie are dangerous. Please protect yourself, your family & your community. If you wait to see this with your own eyes, it'll be too late. The US is careening into a long-term nationwide disaster: the loss of lives & damage to the economy. #COVID
3/ If you've had unprotected, high-risk sex, get STD/HIV testing. Many don't have symptoms. ~1/3 of those infected w/ #coronavirus don't have symptoms, but can infect others. If you engage in unsafe pandemic behavior (not wearing masks or social distancing), get #COVID tested.
Read 5 tweets
.@MrBean is following WHO's advice on how to stay safe from #COVID19. This is how you can #BeSafe too:
-Keep your 🤲 clean & don't touch your face
-Keep a physical distance of at least 1m
-Keep in touch with your loved ones
-If you have any symptoms, call your healthcare provider
Good #HandHygiene plays a critical part in fighting #COVID19!
The virus primarily spreads through droplet & contact transmission: by touching infected people, contaminated objects or surfaces. Your hands can spread virus to other surfaces & to your 👄, 👃 or 👀 if you touch them. Image
How to handwash?
Use 🧼 and 💦 for at least 40-60 seconds
#HandHygiene #COVID19 Image
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Reopening thread to our patients 1/8 (relevant also friends, neighbors, family, peers, all) - many years ago, a veteran of many wars told me that the days of ceasefire were very dangerous. This was because precautions were lifted but risk was still there (see next) #COVID19
Reopening thread to our patients 2/8 - During ceasefires soldiers & civilians are often injured because they let down their guards, while local commanders are not aware of ceasefire or simply disregard it. Do not let your guards down - #COVID19 is not gone yet #KeepSafe
Reopening thread to our patients 3/8 - The decision to open up now is operational and involves risk. There is nothing magical about June 1 - #COVID19 does not read the calendar & is not involved in local politics. The Pandemic is not over yet. Maintain your precautions
Read 8 tweets
Let me tell you a story:
A man, 45 and father of 3, goes to the ER with fever and shortness of breath. He is admitted, placed on O2, tested for COVID, and treatment started to reduce fever. He is put in isolation and family can visit 1 at a time for 5 mins. Day 1
Father not improving & a little worse, O2 increased, fever still 103 F. Test result not back, patient moved to ICU, he is filled with anxiety because he’s just been told he has 10 mins to decide to be sedated and vented, family can not visit. Crying he decides to be vented. Day 2
Father being proned to help his lungs work. Test result not back. Hospital ICU staff working to keep him comfortable going in and out of room as little as possible due to PPE shortage. Family can not visit. Day 3
Read 5 tweets
Sensacional #Hilo resumen de mi intervención en casa de @boticariagarcia sobre
Por obra de @MaiteCherino
De runner a runner 🤩🤩
➡️1. Calentar en casa para no sumar la sensación de ahogo del inicio del entrenamiento con el hecho de llevar mascarilla Image
➡️2. Para la duración recomendada, no es necesario llevar agua/líquidos, salir con menos cachibaches.
➡️3. No es necesario llevar guantes, NO toques nada.
➡️4. Mascarilla sí o sí preferentemente FFP2.
➡️5. Si padeces patología crónica (hipertensión, diabetes, etc. ) ➡️
.... ponte en contacto con tu médico y consúltale la indicación que precisas para empezar.
➡️6. Duración: 25-30' (deja algo para los días siguientes)
➡️7. Intensidad: 7 en escala de Borg (o sea podrías "hipotéticamente" mantener una conversación durante el entrenamiento) Image
Read 6 tweets
“…And in emergencies, quibbling, persistent political opposition is always on the defense, and often unpopular. It requires pointing out bad news in desperate times; and that, though essential, is rarely popular.”

- Andrew Sullivan comparing the Covid Plague and AIDS/HIV 1/4
I met Andrew in DC in 1991. He was the editor of the New Republic (published, by my mothers first husband - Martin Peretz— my father was - briefly - her second)

Andrew was - and is - a transformative and inspiring thinker. Even when we don’t always agree. #respect 2/4
I spent 8 summers as his and Aaron’s neighbors in Provincetown- Aaron is a doll. Their dogs - Dusty and Eddie and my Rottie,Truman, would frolic on the bay beach.

This is our 2nd Plague in 30 years. Fuck. No one should have to try to survive two. 3/4…
Read 4 tweets
Indeed, I got #COVID19 🤒My symptoms were high fever, short breadth, cough, and tiredness. Luckily it was not too bad, I have no other conditions, so I healed at home in 2 weeks. I am completely fine now, so don't worry!😊These things, above all, helped with my healing:
(1 ~ 5)
(2~ 5)1⃣#Paracetamol kept my fever under control. I avoided #Ibuprofen as a matter of precaution as there were some concerns spreading. Not sure they were scientifically supported, but Paracetamol was good enough for me so I sticked to that,
(3~ 5)2⃣For the breathing I bought an #aerosol nebulizer on #Amazon and inhaled saline solutions twice a day (shipped from Germany, as in the UK a prescription is needed). I also took cough suppressant syrup, and drank A LOT of hot liquids (ginger and lemon🍋).
Read 6 tweets
OK! @ErinMcCreary and I have been giving weekly #COVIDー19 updates to the entirety of @UPMCnews. Until I figure out whether or not I can post the recording, here is a synopsis (thread follows). @IDPittStop @IDPittStop
Fever (defined as > 38C or > 100.4 F) in #COVIDー19 only happens in about HALF of cases. Do not rely on fever to rule #coronavirus in or out. The “more than 90 percent” data come from the papers from China, which defined fever as > 37.3—it’s in the methods!
Most (80% or so) have non-severe disease. Older patients are more likely to have severe disease. There's all this chatter about "comorbidities" (high blood pressure etc) being associated with severe disease, but tbh I wonder if this is just a signal of advanced age.
Read 13 tweets
Need some tips on #remotework due to #COVID19?

👨‍💻 + 🏡 = 🤷‍♂️

Well, we've got a few...🙂…
Here’s the gist:

👉 Individuals: try to create a routine that makes you feel productive, included, and motivated.

👉 Organizations: actively listen to and check in with staff to ensure everyone feels supported and included.

And, as the @WHO says, #besafe #besmart #bekind!
P.s. This post is licensed CC BY, so please (🙏) adapt and republish it!
Read 3 tweets
Anatomy of a new scam. Don't fall prey to this

1. You get a call saying ur PayTm (or any other wallet/bank) KYC is invalid
2. Caller says u can do it online in 2 min and ur wallet will be active again
3. Says give guide u
All ok till now. Now the scam begins
4. Says u need to just transfer Rs. 1 to ur PayTm wallet/UPI etc
5. Tells u to download an app like QuickSupport (perfectly legit app for support)
But this is where they take control of ur phone.
Now sitting in Ghaziabad he has complete view of ur phone screen
6. As he guides to transfer Rs. 1, they are also simultaneously initiating txns of larger amounts from ur bank
7. U get multiple OTPs & they have access to them as they have control ur phone
8. U think u r transferring Re. 1. In reality, multiple txns are being initiated
Read 7 tweets
Meet Commander Karen Hilger, Chief Medical Officer of one of our Rapid Deployment Force Teams. CDR Hilger is working at a medical special needs shelter in Clayton, North Carolina. Image
The team is working alongside the state, the community and a faith-based organization to provide medical care to residents in need. Here is a picture of CDR Hilger and Pastor Matt Fry.
The Commissioned Corps has Rapid Deployment Force teams, each with more than 100 officers on call and ready to respond within 12 hours of activation, and several other specialized teams ready to deploy when called. We are continuing to stand ready to help. #USPHS #BeSafe
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