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Son dönemde gizlilik odaklı projelerin ön plana çıktığını görüyoruz. Secret Network de bu projelerin ilki. Şimdi @SecretNetwork üzerinde yer alan @secret_swap 2.0 public testnetine katılacağız. Airdrop ihtimalini kovalıyoruz. Başlayalım👇 Image
Cosmos ekosisteminde yer alana Secret Network zincir üstü gizlilik sunan ilk blok zincir demiştik. Secret N.'ün Hashkey, DragonFLY, Blocktower, Kucoin, Huobi gibi dev partnerleri olduğunu hatırlatalım.
Network tarafından desteklenen Secret Swap 2.0 testnetine geçelim👇 Image
İşlemler için Keplr cüzdan gerekli. Olmayanlar için Chrome eklenti linkini bıraktım.…
Read 9 tweets
🚨 Alerta #programadores 🚨

Se ha filtrado la API de #ChatGPT. Sí, has oído bien, la API de ChatGPT lleva desde el día 26 de enero disponibles y es #GRATIS

En este mega-hilo explicaré todo, y al final de todo enseñaré un truco para usar la API sin gastar créditos (GRATIS)

⚠️ Advertencia ⚠️

Esta #API no aparece en la documentación oficial de #OpenAI y, por lo tanto, no hay casi nada confirmado, pero ahora os cuento todo mejor:
Tal y como dice @GodlyIgnorance, se ha descubierto un nuevo modelo que aparece oculto en la documentación de las APIs de OpenAI y que, por el momento, nadie había mencionado.

Read 16 tweets
(1/11) 🤔 Wondering what #smart contracts are and how do they work? Don’t worry, we have you covered. 🧵
Read more at:…
(2/11) #SmartContracts are computer programs or protocols that automatically execute #transactions stored on a #blockchain when certain conditions are satisfied. 🤓
(3/11) Smart #contracts can be thought of as digital "if-then" statements made by two or more parties. 🤝 When the expectations of one party are met, the #contract is said to be fulfilled. 💼 #SmartContracts #Cryptocurrency
Read 11 tweets
Très riche article sur la (meilleure) façon pour les chercheurs de combler les lacunes dans le recueil des données #CovidLong

How researchers are working to fill the gaps in long COVID data…
Alors que de nombreux patients dépassent le cap des 1.000 jours #aprèsJ1000 et que, malheureusement, les infections et ré-infections se poursuivent, avec les conséquences que l'on connait en termes de #séquelles, de nombreuses questions restent encore sans réponse (incidence
de la vaccination selon que la primo infection ait eu lieu avant ou après ; qu'est-ce qui prédispose à un CL - 💬 note perso : clairement pas les #facteursderisques qu'a retenu le grand public de la #compol 🇨🇵 et qui eux sont des risques de #comorbidités), et il est urgent et
Read 29 tweets
🔥 Retroactive & Airdrop on Aptos 🔥

Testing the @KoizumiAPT - NFT Aggregator on Aptos test network. More in thread 👇

Like & Retweet to support us! #AptosAnalytics #LFM #AptosVN #SuiAnalytics #Aptos Image
1. Go to
2. Connect your Aptos wallet to Aptos test network Image
3. You need to add liquidity. To do this go to swap our test APT tokens into KOIZ, and USDT tokens
4. Then we add APT/KOIZ and USDT/KOIZ token pairs to the pool ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
🧵1/3 Testing the @KoizumiAPT platform in the Aptos test network

What we do:
1. Go to
2. Connect our #Aptos wallet to #Aptos test network

#testnet #Aptos #AptosEcosystem Image
3. We need to add liquidity. To do this go to swap our test APT tokens into KOIZ, and USDT tokens
4. Then we add APT/KOIZ and USDT/KOIZ token pairs to the pool
5. Go back to
7. Unstake ImageImageImage
Go to their discord and leave feedback in the #bug-reports channel 🧵 Image
Read 3 tweets
Another new idea for #PenetrationTesting and #Bug-hunting:

Enhance the force of #vulnerabilities by doing things like
I discovered a free #URL that leads somewhere else.
Put this in my report and move on ?
To the contrary, changing the #payload allowed me to transform it into a reflected #XSS #vulnerability. Is this the final question?
Obviously not if I have any hope of carrying on.
This web app used #JWT tokens that were transmitted in the bearer header, and for some reason, there were three more cookies that also contained this token.
Only two of them were secure with #HTTP Only.
Just a wild guess.
Read 5 tweets
Whether you're working in files and folders, or in a database like Notion, the problem is the same. You have to figure out where to put data (which folder, which table) before you write it.

In @tana_inc, you start by writing data, then the nodes flow into tables through searches
It's not just tables - we can view live search results in different ways: as a list, gallery, board. But here you'll see that I'm searching an entire workspace for a few fields. Fields aren't owned by a table. Many types of node might have the same fields

We have an "End-user(s)" field that we use as metadata for #feature requests, #bug reports, and #frictions. In Notion, those would be three different tables. In Tana, I could easily create a table out of all nodes with a specific end-user, regardless of their tag or location.
Read 5 tweets
(1/4) Lo stabile #CoinUSN aveva un #bug che, in determinate circostanze, prevedeva rimborsi di $ 1 trilione per ogni $ 1 di USN.
#DecentralBank ha corretto il bug e via... Perché fortunatamente non é così #decentralizzata come si pensi... Image
(2/4) Ora immaginate la stessa cosa su uno #smartcontract in una #blockchain davvero decentralizzata...
(3/4) Quando vi dicono che la #blockchain e la #decentralizzazione sono il futuro, rifletterei sul fatto che quando si tratta di rimettere a posto gli errori, non ci sarà nessuno che centralmente lo potrà fare.
Read 4 tweets
I know, 🐝 all around me …

I promise you, I will not put myself into any scenarios/situations many [need] me to get myself into so the bees sting. .

Being 1 with.
There is only 1 for me.
17 Again, ALL GOOD …

& I defeated/avoided ‘My Girl’ “fate”.

My Girl, the children, Family l, A Family & My people mean so much more than feeding into the things [they] [need] me feeding into for the bees to sting.

#Jackass Made the Put, FOEVER !
Everything created in
Life, Created to SHOW A path away from the path [they]/evil [needed] me on in hopes I would be destroyed … Me destroyed = the world destroyed ..

Saving Private O - RION & All his Privates …

So many who have been helping plan/leave truth hidden
Read 13 tweets
Quelques questions à ceux qui croient que la création monétaire des banques centrales ne crée pas d'inflation :

1/ si c'est le cas, pourquoi payons nous des impôts ? Il suffit de demander à la BCE de financer directement les États et le tour est joué ? Non ?
2/ que se serait-il passé si les banques centrales n'avaient pas imprimé autant ces dernières années ?

J'anticipe votre réponse : "une contraction de la masse monétaire, des faillites en chaîne, et une récession économique sans précédent"
3/ dans ce cas, y aurait-il eu inflation ?

J'anticipe votre réponse encore une fois : "bah non, mais plutôt une déflation".
Read 7 tweets
Hey @IndiGo6E ,
Want to hear a story? And at the end of it I will tell you hole (technical vulnerability )in your system?

#dev #bug #bugbounty 😝😝 1/n
Soo I traveled from PAT - BLR from indigo 6E-185 yesterday. And my bag got exchanged with another passenger.

Honest mistake from both our end. As the bags exactly same with some minor differences. 2/n
I realised it only after I reached home when my wife pointed out that the bag seems to be a different from ours as we don’t use key based locks in our bags.
PS: We have too much faith in airline staff 😝😝
So right after reaching home I called your customer care. 3/n
Read 19 tweets
#React was indeed in the spotlight last month, so we spared your time and collected the champions of #meetup videos in January. Which one is your favorite? 🥳…

#programming #devtools #application
🔥1st: #Debugging a Non Reproducible Crash by @almouro

Hear the story of an epic struggle to vanquish a non reproducible #bug and learn what to do (and what not).

😎2nd: #React Performance with React Dev Tools by @yanaiEdri
All of us are familiar with the react #devtool - how to select a component and observe the state and the props - but this tool also has the profiler tab.…
Read 7 tweets
Dicas para Jr., Pl. e Sr.

Olá pessoas devs, a pedidos, eu vou compilando as dicas nessa thread.

Segue o fio 🧵👇
Read 24 tweets
#DirectSénat Les débats sur la #PPLSécuritéGlobale reprennent, pour les voir c'est par ici
#DirectSenat #LoiSécuritéGlobale Après avoir adopté les 1ers articles, qui augmentent les prérogatives des polices municipales, les sénateurs et sénatrices attaquent le chapitre "agents de sécurité privée"
Ca parait technique comme ça, mais privatiser la sécurité peut avoir des impacts sur les #droitshumains: par exemple, comment les agents privés seront-ils tenus responsables en cas d'abus de pouvoir? Et + on leur donne de pouvoirs, + ce risque↗️#DirectSénat #LoiSécuritéGlobale
Read 59 tweets
This thread brings together all my #infographics until today (2years of work).

These are all infographics about #infosec 🔐

Feel free to share this tweet if you think it may be useful for your #community 📚

Follow me ➡ @SecurityGuill fore more about #security #hacking #news ImageImageImageImage
How does an #Antivirus works? Image
Quick presentation of the different #Bluetooth Hacking Techniques Image
Read 44 tweets
I've just bought @GalZellermayer's new book "Manager in Shorts". I've read the first chapter (chapter 0) and can't wait for reading more.

"This book will make you aware." Image
@GalZellermayer Quote as I go thread

Chapter 1

"Aim to master 4 domains: T & 3 Ps:
Technology - you know: coding, design, architecture, databases, frontend, and so on.

Product - what are we building and why? Process - plan and execute.
People - (-:

“In this order”
Chapter 2

@GalZellermayer identified the above quote is lacking agility and accuracy. He mentions that @jewelia noted (and better expressed) that too, in her tweet
Read 66 tweets
An account that can't be blocked. Interesting. #twitter #bug
After reloading the account is unblocked again. Other actions don't work either. Following increases the follow count but the account isn't followed.
Little warning: Trying to follow the account increases your own following number as well. (And you can't reduce it, because you can't unfollow the account as you are not following it.)
Read 6 tweets

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