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Apr 2nd 2023
🇨🇳 #RosemontSenecaBohai= #CCP CO-MINGLED
🚩 #FollowTheMoney expose how COMPROMISED
+FBI verified
#Bobulinski's claims of CEFC+China ties
#Burisma $83,333.33 pmts
in co-mingled
Bank Statement⬇️…

WHY Benefit #CCP 🇨🇳not 🇺🇸 ?
#HunterBiden sold US owned #COBALT Mine in Congo to #CCPChina

¬BIDEN puts 20 YEAR BAN on
Mining of US RenewableEnergy MINERALS

¬US passed #ChipsAct #Infrastructure rely ON MINED Materials…… ImageImageImageImage
🚩UnConstitional #ESJ #ESG
Uses SocialJustice

#SocialScore DigitalID:
+LIMITS EV #GeoFence
+BANS Bank loan
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports #CarbonFootprint
Pay #PerMileTax
Read 22 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
I see another propaganda miscreants pushing the misinformation of “Yahoo boys and Electronics CHIPS statement of Tinubu”

Now open your ears 🧏🏾‍♂️, clean your eyes and listen attentively.

Chipmakers are the biggest industrial sector in South Korea's trade-reliant economy.
China is the currently the world's largest semiconductor market in terms of consumption. In 2020, China represented 53.7% of worldwide CHIP sales, or $239.45 billion out of $446.1 billion. However, a large percentage are imported from multinational suppliers.🤔
By 2030.. The semiconductor industry will double in size to more than $1trn by 2030, and China will account for approximately 60% of that growth, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association and Boston Consulting Group.…
Read 12 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
🛡️#T3OccultAstrology CHINA TAKES TAIWAN 2025
USA #ChipsAct: Resulting from a decision by the #PriestKings negotiating since 2017, Taiwan's public transfer to China giving the US time to relocate assets.
{Taiwan's US chip factories come online by 2026}
2022 controversy surrounding Taiwan and actions of US/CCP political influencers.
Biden Signs ChipsAct 8-9-22
Nancy Pelosi had just arrived back from her August 2/3 visit where she solidified the contract to surrender Taiwan and give go ahead to Biden.…
This tumultuous time is reflected in Taiwan's Natal chart where immense pressure is building due to generational influences from heavy malefic planetary alignments to crucial natal positions. This is the destiny of Taiwan. It will be assimilated back into China and soon (2025) Image
Read 12 tweets
Dec 14th 2022
Here's the #inflation story you're expected to believe (advance warning: this story is entirely false): America gave the poors too much money during the lockdown and now the #economy is awash in #FreeMoney, which made those poors so rich that now they're refusing to work. 1/ A vintage postcard illustration of the Federal Reserve build
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
That means the economy isn't making anything anymore. With all that extra money and all those missing workers, prices are skyrocketing.

To hear ghouls like @LHSummers tell it, there is only one answer to this. 3/
Read 73 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
Thanks to the HISTORIC Federal ⚡️clean energy investments of the past 1-2 years, we have reached an inflection point.

Jobs & businesses are being created at an INCREDIBLE pace & this 🧵is my attempt to capture our economic progress. 👇

LMK about projects I've missed!
Passage of the #inflationreductionact #chipsact #bipartisaninfrastructure & @POTUS EO’s have supercharged Federal investments in the clean energy economy.

No doubt they have changed “the narrative from risk mitigation to opportunity capture.” 👇…
@Honda & @LGEnergyGroup are planning a $4.4 Billion EV Battery Factory in Ohio:…
Read 26 tweets
Aug 9th 2022
Days after South Korean president skipped to meet U.S. politician Nancy Pelosi, #SouthKorea Foreign Ministers Park Jin started his three-day visit to #China. This is the first high-level visit to China by President Yoon Suk-yeol’s administration.

#Asia #semiconductor #CHIPSAct ImageImageImageImage
The foreign ministers of #SouthKorea and China met in #Qingdao, China Tuesday and pledged to develop closer relations and maintain stable industry supply chains, which has drawn close attention in the semiconductor sector as U.S. President Biden signed the #CHIPSAct into law.
According to Korea Times, the $280 billion U.S. #CHIPSAct included billions of incentives to prevent chip manufacturers from upgrading facilities for the next 10 years in countries such as #China, which accounted for 60 percent of #SouthKorea’s semiconductor exports last year.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 29th 2022
I spoke with #TSMC's Former General Counsel Richard "Dick" Thurston on how to interpret the #China provision in the #CHIPSAct. One provision prevents recipients of the funding from expanding advanced chip capacity in China in next 10 years. What is exactly restricted? (1/11)
"..the covered entity MAY NOT engage in any SIGNIFICANT TRANSACTION....involving the MATERIAL EXPANSION of semiconductor manufacturing capacity in the People’s Republic of China." The restriction is designed for advanced node under 28-nanometer (28nm not included). (2/11)
As for memory, analog and packaging technologies, the restriction would be on any #legacy generation of semiconductor technology relative to logic chips under determined by Secretary of #Commerce. Not clear how to define the technologies mentioned above yet. (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
Jul 12th 2022
allo @Economie_Gouv @BrunoLeMaire

c'est pour un signalement - n°178

@ST_World verse 638 M€ à ses actionnaires (+78%) alors qu'il a bénéficié du #chômagepartiel & du #planderelance, et de centaines de millions € pour sa nouvelle usine de semi-conducteurs à #Crolles

Ce mardi 12 juillet, @EmmanuelMacron @BrunoLeMaire et @olivierveran visitent le site de #STMicroelectronics à Crolles (Isère) où la multinationale veut co-construire une nouvelle usine de production de semi-conducteurs avec le soutien de l'argent public.
Combien ?

A cette occasion, #Macron va annoncer un plan de 5 Mds € de soutien au développement de la filière microélectronique, en lien avec le #ChipsAct de l'UE qui est doté de 50 milliards € d'ici 2030
Combien de ces milliards pour #STMicroelectronics pour son site de #Crolles ?
Read 11 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
Ce 11 juillet, @EmmanuelMacron déroule le tapis rouge au Château de @Versailles aux PDG des
➡️pollueurs : #ArcelorMittal #BASF #CocaCola
➡️évadés fiscaux : #JPMorgan #MorganStanley
➡️profiteurs : #Accenture

Au nom de l'emploi et de l'attractivité du pays

A écouter l'exécutif, il faudrait sauter au plafond pour les 6,7 Mds € d'investissements et 4 000 emplois annoncés. Sauf que
➡️ plusieurs projets ont déjà été annoncés en janvier (Mars x3, Merck etc)
➡️ jamais n'est indiqué combien d'argent public a été donné

Sans doute faut-il aussi se souvenir que
- #Amadeus, qui annonce 800 emplois, en a supprimé 1800 en France en 2020
- #FedEx, qui annonce 1000 emplois à Roissy, a annoncé en supprimer entre 5 500 et 6 300 en Europe en janvier 2021

Un commentaire @CBeaune ? #ChooseFrance
Read 12 tweets
May 14th 2022
#EUChipsAct The @EU_Commission has published a staff working document #SWD which consists of 4 parts. Can be found here:…………

A long 🧵with some thoughts/comments on it 1/x
The first chapter provides a very good overview on the #semiconductor industry/value chain, elaborating also on important players/ market shares.

Basically, they could have used also the study by @snv_berlin / @JPKleinhans on that, but anyway, it is quite well analysed. 2/x
imho every journalist that want to cover a #semiconductor topic should easily be able to comment/edit on this section. If someone is new on this field, it is a very good initial read to understand the sector. 3/x
Read 17 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
It’s important to unpack this contrarian view:
The U.S. is about to spend > $50B 😳 on semiconductor manufacturing via the #CHIPSAct:…

Europe is considering something similar:…
There is certainly value in fixing some of the most egregious supply chain issues and geopolitical risks in today’s semiconductor industry.
Read 25 tweets

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