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Jan 3rd 2023
The population of #SikhEmpire during the time of Ranjit Singhโ€™s rule was estimated to be around 12 million people.
There were
8.4 million Muslims,
2.88 million Hindus and 722,000 Sikhs.
#Islam (70%)
#Hinduism (24%)
#Sikhism (6%)
Total Area in 1839 was
520,000 km2 (200,000 sq mi) Sikh Kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji
Capital was
#Gujranwala (1799โ€“1802)
#Lahore LahoreFort(1802โ€“1849)

Court language
Spoken #languages in #SikhKingdom #SikhEmpire

Punjabi (dynastic)Punjabi dialects (Saraiki, Hindko, Pahari-Pothwari),Kangri,Dogri,
Read 32 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
China meets the Great India Wall at #LAC in South #PangongTso. Indian soldiers in strength at #LAC prevent another Chinese transgression on the south side of Pangong lake near #Chushul. India in a commanding position. China cries foul, alleges transgression. Top focus #IndiaFirst
India doesn't want war with #China. But thats not synonymous with permitting PLA transgressions on #LAC. @PMOIndia through #Wuhan & #Mamallapuram Summits tried hard to ensure India & China grow together.But Xi Jinping's myopic vision & Chinese expansionism have to be responded to Image
Wanting peace is not an act of weakness & now China has seen India's resolve both at #Galwan & area south of #PangongTso. Plus gradually reducing Chinese footprint (easier said than done) in Indian market. India must continue to stand firm. Hopefully India will speak in one voice
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Aug 31st 2020
PLA troops violated previous consensus arrived at during military and diplomatic engagements during the ongoing standoff in Eastern #Ladakh and carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo: Army
@adgpi @DefenceMinIndia
Indian troops pre-empted this PLA activity on the Southern Bank of Pangong Tso Lake, undertook measures to strengthen our positions and thwart Chinese intentions to unilaterally change facts on ground: @adgpi
Indian Army is committed to maintaining peace and tranquility through dialogue, but is also equally determined to protect its territorial integrity. A Brigade Commander level Flag Meeting is in progress at #Chushul to resolve the issues: @adgpi
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Jun 3rd 2020
1. #Chinaโ€™s recent aggression at the border with India at key strategic locations in Union Territory of #Ladakh is nothing new nor is its betrayal of historic treaties with (former) J&K, #Tibet & HK. However, the dragon now faces a new India that attempts to tame it. A thread:
2. #China already occupies about 1/5th of original state of Jammu & Kashmir incl. Aksai Chin and Sakshgam valley โ€œgiftedโ€ by #Pakistan. However, historically, these parts have been a part of formerly princely state of J&K that officially & legally became a part of #India in 1947.
3. Not just J&K but significant parts of #Tibet were also controlled by J&K rulers. Hereโ€™s the chronology of how #China illegally occupied these territories and clearly flouted the treaties signed during these times.
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May 25th 2020
Is it a Smokescreen or Blatant escalation?

**A Long Thread on the latest developments at the Indo-China Border**

China is in no mood for damage limitation; nor is it interested to repair its relations with nations it has had a frictional relationship.

Perhaps, this is a post-pandemic normal. China strangely is in a hurry. Amidst all the COVID-19 commotion, China continued its provocations in the #SouthChinaSea. Now that China is back on its feet, they have started from where they left off in #HongKong... #INDIA #CHINA initiating a new National security law that has come to a lot of criticism. In the Line of Actual control, India and China have been engaged in heightened extensions in terms of troop and machinery build up on both sides. #INDIA #CHINA
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