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Thoughts on mask #symbolism on #TheSaturdayPaper's recent covers #DictatorDan
In above video I mention Bill Shorten using Collingwood sock as mask. It's black and white, like masks worn by the Goblin of the South, the Silver Fox on today's issue of #TheSaturdayPaper. Find BS video, others from globalist puppets in Labor via #sockmaskchallenge. #Stage4 Image
I find MSM use of mask imagery significant coz this #COVID1984 insanity clearly driven by demented globalist elite control freaks. Mandatory face diapers, BLM "take the knee" demand etc comprise global submission ritual. They are tryna usher us into #NWO ("#newnormal").
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“There's been some infection control breaches in Victoria … that's led to some transmission. And then we know how wildly infectious this disease is, it can get away from you really, really quickly.” – Victorian Premier @DanielAndrewsMP. #abc730 #coronavirus
“I have announced a full inquiry, a former judge will look at that matter and get us the answers that we need. These breaches are unacceptable to me. They're unacceptable to all Victorians.” – Victorian Premier @DanielAndrewsMP. #abc730 #coronavirus
“We've asked for those flights to be suspended for a couple of weeks. I'm very grateful to other state capitals who will take those returned travellers.” – Victorian Premier @DanielAndrewsMP. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia
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"Throughout the crisis when the government's got it right is when they listened to the science, not try to second guess it. Treat to health crisis first and then deal with the economic consequences of the health crisis." @AlboMP #abc730 #auspol #coronavirusaustralia #COVID19Aus
"When you look at the arts and entertainment sector they deserve a special (JobKeeper) package of their own." @AlboMP #abc730 #auspol #coronavirusaustralia #COVID19Aus
"There's an opportunity, I think, to both create and think about a better Australia, not just to what was there before." @AlboMP #abc730 #auspol #coronavirusaustralia #COVID19Aus
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Of Australia’s 600,000 international students around 120,000 are now outside the country, with 67,000 of those in China. #abc730 @jason_om #education #coronavirusaustralia
“They should be allowed to come back to Australia soon given the condition that they’re healthy,” says international student Abbey Shi. #abc730 #coronavirus #education
.@ScienceChiefAu Dr Alan Finkel and 35 research sector bodies say Australia’s $40 billion education sector is now at risk, warning that 21,000 full time #university jobs could be lost in the next 6 months. #abc730 #education
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With winter coming there are concerns that #coronavirus could flare up again just as we seem to be getting it under control. Dr @normanswan looks at whether that concern is justified. #abc730 #COVID19
When there’s less sun, we absorb less vitamin D. “Vitamin D affects your susceptibility to respiratory infections. There have been dozens of trials that show that if you take vitamin D supplements, you are less susceptible to respiratory infections.” – @mlipsitch, @HarvardChanSPH
So, should we be prepared to see more #COVID19 cases over winter? The short answer is: probably. “I think there is a need to expect a notch up in terms of the amount of transmission, all else being equal.” - @mlipsitch @HarvardChanSPH #abc730 #coronavirus
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The government launched its #covidsafe tracking app this week but there are other technologies that could be used to track and fight the spread of #coronavirusaustralia. And many raise concerns about privacy. #abc730 @nadiasdaly #COVID19Aus
“Heart rate can be measured in two different ways. From a drone, we normally would measure it by a subtle change in skin tone that's associated with each heartbeat. And it's caused by changing the volume of blood in the skin.” Prof. Javaan Chahl @UniversitySA #abc730
Prof. Javaan Chahl is developing software for a #pandemicdrone which can monitor heart rate, body temperature and social distancing. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia
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As #coronavirusaustralia infection rates fall and restrictions ease, there could be a sense that the worst is over. But there is still a long, grim path ahead for the economy and it has renewed calls for economic reform. #abc730 @latingle #Covid19Aus #auspol
A large part of the problem with economic reform is that it has been talked up so often, only to end up crashing on the rocks of intransigence or ideology. @latingle #abc730 #auspol
When Prime Minister @ScottMorrisonMP started a new conversation about economic reforms to help the economy back on its feet, the usual suspects were mentioned: industrial relations reform, tax and red tape. @latingle #abc730 #auspol
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Researchers across the globe are racing to develop a vaccine for #Covid-19, trying to achieve in 18 months what has previously taken a decade or more. #abc730 @andy_park #coronavirus
According to @CEPIvaccines there are 115 #Covid19 vaccines currently in clinical development and seven vaccines now in human clinical trials. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia
.@CEPIvaccines has funded 10 potential vaccines, particularly important research, which they say has traditionally been seen by the drug companies as unprofitable.
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A medical supply company charging $786 for a box of 20 face masks is accused of exploiting the #coronavirus crisis. #abc730 @GraceTobin…
“When we had some quotes from the company back in January a box of the N95 masks would cost about $40, and now they would cost about $700 to $800.” - Pharmacist Linda Nguyen, customer of Livingstone International. #abc730 #coronavirus #Covid19Aus
As the #COVID19Aus pandemic unleashed panic buying, Livingstone International dramatically increased the price of vital protective gear. Livingstone International says its face mask manufacturers have massively hiked their prices. #abc730 #coronavirus
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I am an Australian teacher. You will not by default practice #herdimmunity on me & my colleagues. Read "I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire" by William Hanage…
Catching #Covid19 still means you can get it again. Prof Kim Woo-Ju, Depart of Infectious Diseases at Korea University. He's done SARS, Swine Flu Pandemic, Ebola, & MERS. At 8.08 he calls those who have #Covid19 & get it again as having a "reactivation'.
There were no brawls over toilet paper in Taiwan b/c everyone felt safe. Teachers in Taiwan had a Pandemic Office providing PPEs for teachers & students & highly trained cleaners as well. In Australia some schools didn't have enough soap for students to wash their hands.
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.@leighsales: Is it still accurate that Australia's goal is flattening the curve, not total elimination, & not herd immunity? @ScottMorrisonMP: That's exactly right. It's called the suppression strategy. That was the advice from the medical expert panel again today. #abc730
“It's quite possible that by pursuing the suppression strategy, you actually get eradication as a by-product.” – Prime Minister @ScottMorrisonMP #abc730 #auspol #coronavirusaustralia
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Contact tracers are disease detectives. Their job is to track down everybody an infected person might've come into contact with so they can be isolated and stop #coronavirus spreading further. #abc730 @Chris_Gillett_ #COVID19Aus #ContactTracers
“We feel like we are preparing for battle. How do you track a virus you can’t see?” Dr Annaliese van Dieman, contact tracer. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia #COVID19Aus
“It is a significant piece of detective work to ascertain all of those places to find out where the patient might have acquired the illness, but also who they might have exposed or given the illness to.” Dr Annaliese van Dieman, contact tracer. #abc730 #coronavirusaus #COVID19Aus
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There’s an enormous range of treatments being suggested for #COVID19 from hydroxychloroquine to blood pressure drugs to sheep dip. Dr @normanswan. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia
There are broadly three approaches to treatment. One is to dampen the life-threatening immune overreaction. The second is to try to strengthen our resistance to the virus. And the third is to find a drug which kills the virus or stops it multiplying. @normanswan. #abc730 #COVID19
The frontrunner in the race is a drug made by the pharmaceutical company, Gilead, which has made a fortune from its suite of antiviral drugs for HIV and hepatitis C. The COVID-19 candidate is called remdesivir. @normanswan. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia
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When the history of Australia's experience during the #coronavirus pandemic is written, one thing will stand out in the early period - the #RubyPrincess and the major role it played in spreading the infection here. #abc730 @jason_om @aljmcdonald
Graeme Lake’s wife Karla died of #coronavirus after being a passenger on the #RubyPrincess. “This cruise has ruined us. Ruined us completely. It broke me. She went on her cruise for her birthday, so it’s really really devastating. I'm even now still struggling.” #abc730 #COVID19
NSW Health carried out tests before the #RubyPrincess left Sydney on 8 March. “I really would like to know, did we go on to a dirty ship?” Mary Beerens, who has #COVID19 and was a passenger on the cruise ship. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia
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1/ The Australian Fed government is using #COVID19Aus ‘mitigation’ modelling which permit ‘controlled burns’ of #SARSCoV2 through the population resulting in unnecessary deaths…
2/ Current federal government #COVID19Aus policy is based on 'mitigation' modelling where the #coronavirusaustralia is allowed to spread with a reproductive number R0 of >1.0 which would allow 10s-of-1000s of unnecessary Australian deaths…
3/ No responsible government should expose #chronicillness patients, cancer suffers, immune suppressed and the elderly to a #covid19 Mitigation policy where unnecessary deaths are tolerated

China and S. Korea used Suppression policies where the goal was an R0<1.0

It works!
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For many people, #coronavirus means they are navigating the welfare system for the first time. #Centrelink is facing an unprecedented challenge and leaked emails from inside the organisation reveal confusion over new government policies. #abc730 @FarrellPF #COVID19Aus
Amanda Colton applied for #Newstart in January when her casual hours were reduced. “I don't know how many phone calls I've made to #Centrelink. However, I've only spoken to somebody once. And that was after I think waiting for two, two and a half hours.” #abc730 #coronavirus
Amanda Colton’s claim was finally approved after 11 weeks. “You couldn’t say it has achieved the goals #Centrelink is there to achieve, which is to help people as quickly as possible when they're in trouble.” #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia #COVID19Aus
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The race is on for critical supplies of #PPE. The government says an extra 11 million masks for health workers are on their way but some GPs are so desperate they've spent over $100,000 to buy stock directly from suppliers in China. #abc730 @GraceTobin #coroanvirus #COVID19Aus
Medical supply company MediBC has been swamped with requests for face masks and some of the orders are clearly suspicious. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia #PPE
“It seemed like we were being targeted by some crime syndicate because there were, there were 10 orders through with email addresses that looked extremely weird.” Michael Randall MediBC owner. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia #PPE
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The #Covid19 pandemic has shut down businesses across the country, resulting in a staggering number of Australians being stood down or laid off. The Government estimates that up to 6 million Australians will require some form of assistance. #abc730 @carringtonAU #coronavirus
It is estimated that 1 million Australians have been stood down or lost their jobs due to the pandemic. But some economists think the full impact could be even worse. #abc730 #coronavirus
“We think there's at least 2 million jobs that are directly at risk. These are jobs that are in sectors like retail, in food and beverage service, cafes and restaurants. Also things like gambling, which has been impacted by the shutdowns.” - Carlos Cacho, @UBS economist. #abc730
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As our hospitals prepare for a COVID-19 surge, doctors tell me they’re worried. Are there enough masks and the best protective gear? What they need to hear now, is that our national priority, is for no healthworker to die from this infection. #auspol
The daily numbers don’t tell us how this virus wreaks havoc on health systems.
It’s like it targets hospitals & clinics, infecting staff, putting them off work, or onto ventilators. In Italy 80 doctors & dentists, & 25 nurses have died:…
Thousands of Italian healthworkers have been infected, hampering the health system as it treats people with COVID-19 and everything else. Here in Aust when one healthworker is diagnosed, maybe a dozen more leave work to be tested.
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From midnight tonight, if you are not a Queensland resident or have your border pass to be considered exempt from restrictions, you will not be able to enter our state. #coronavirusaustralia
More info on restrictions and exemptions:
Apply for a border pass:
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Prisons, like cruise ships, squeeze many into a small space. Victoria has more prisoners than ever, many share a cell. Perfect conditions to spread virus. Victoria must release low risk prisoners now, as in NSW, to avoid amplifying COVID-19 epidemic. #SpringSt
No hand sanitiser allowed in Victoria's prisons, just soap. They're doing the best they can, but with 8000+prisoners, and seven prisons containing >500, it's hard. Lockdown in prison is punitive. #SpringSt
So #Greens support call by lawyers and academics for low risk prisoners and those nearing end of sentence to be released early, giving Corrections a chance to reduce COVID-19 transmission. We can legislate like NSW just did. #SpringSt
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An update from me on #Centrelink 👇

My office has been inundated with calls & emails this week from people on Centrelink payments who have not been able to use #MyGov or talk to a Centrelink team member due to the huge spike in people using Centrelink services.

I know this is very stressful and that many people have either not been paid or had their payments cut off as a result.

#coronavirusaustralia #Centrelink

Going into the weekend I want to reassure people that my team & I have spent this week following this up with the Minister who has informed me that staff are working to fix a systems error to ensure that people will be paid.

#coronavirusaustralia #Centrelink

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“We’re expecting millions of masks to arrive in the country over coming months. We have already now had 8 million that we are putting through primary health networks to our general practitioners and also to our fever clinics.” Prof. Paul Kelly Deputy CMO #abc730 #covid19australia
“We’re trying to identify people that are sick so they can be tested early, but the general principle, if you’re returning from overseas, we’re asking people to isolate at home, to self-monitor, and that will be checked.” Prof. Paul Kelly Deputy CMO #abc730 #covid19australia
“If you’re sick, stay at home, minimising those number of interactions you have with other people, particularly close interactions. We’ve, so far, tried to do that voluntarily.” Prof. Paul Kelly Deputy CMO #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia #covid19australia
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Right now, the people most at risk from #coronavirus are those fighting to protect us: our doctors, nurses and health workers. Their only line of defence is personal protective equipment - masks, gowns and gloves. But there is a shortage. #abc730 @GraceTobin #covid19australia
“This is a war that’s being waged in our country by an enemy that we can’t see but it can see us. We’re asking our frontline staff to go in essentially wearing cargo shorts and pocket knives.” Surgeon, Sushil Pant. #abc730 #coronavirusaustralia #covid19australia
Clinical Director at Sydney’s #RPAH, Prof Paul Torzillo, says not even he can find out exactly what the protective equipment stockpile is in NSW. “I don’t know how much, and I don’t think anyone else in the frontline really has that knowledge.” #abc730 #COVID19Australia
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