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Sep 12th 2022
🧵1. @HealthZA will offer #COVID19 #Pfizer jabs 2 high-risk kids between 5 + 11 yrs on recommendation of the VMAC.

When? The #EVDS 1st needs 2 be updated, a circular needs to be issued + health workers need 2 be trained. Nicholas Crisp: "It will take at least a month."
2. What counts as a high-risk condition?
Chronic respiratory disease
Chronic heart conditions
Chronic conditions of the kidney, liver, digestive system
Endocrine disorders
Chronic neurological disease
Genetic abnormalities
3. Will SA buy pediatric #COVID19 formulations?
Not necessarily.

Crisp: "The demand will be very small and all controlled by medical practitioners so we'll try fractionation."

How does fractional dosing work? You take 1/3 of the adult dose (kids = 10µg, adult doses = 30µg ).
Read 5 tweets
Jun 3rd 2022
🧵JUST IN: 1. From Mon, 6 June, people of 50+ can get an extra #Pfizer #COVID19 vaccine booster 120 days after their previous booster. Technically, you can already get one from tomorrow (Sat), as the #EVDS went live tonight, but you’ll only receive an sms alert from Mon.
2. Can you choose if you want an extra #JnJ or #Pfizer booster? No. For this round, you'll need to take a #Pfizer booster (all SA’s #Pfizer jabs will have expired by the end of Oct, so this is one way of using them faster before then).
3. If you had #JnJ as a 1st dose:
- 2nd dose (JnJ/#Pfizer) = 60 days after 1st shot
- 3rd dose (booster, JnJ/Pfizer) = 90 days after 2nd dose
- 4th dose (booster, Pfizer, the one that kicks on Mon) = 120 days after 3rd dose Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
From Wed, 23rd Feb, you can:
1. Get a 2nd #Pfizer jab 21 days after a 1st jab (previously = 42 days)
2. Get a Pfizer booster (3rd jab) 3 mnths after a 2nd jab (previously = 6 months) or choose 2 have a #JnJ booster after 2 #Pfizer shots (boosters = only for 18+)
2. From TOMORROW, Mon, 21st Feb, people of 18+ who received 1 #JnJ jab can:
- Choose to have a #Pfizer booster (instead of a 2nd #JnJ shot [booster] after 1 JnJ shot), in other words, you'll be able to "mix and match"
3. What should you do if a site has only 1 brand of #COVID19 vaccine available?

1. You should go with the same jab that you got 4 vaccination as a booster (or look for a different site)
2. Homologous boosting (booster = same as your other doses) = preferred
Read 8 tweets
Feb 3rd 2022
Q & A thread (questions asked on #Twitter):
1. When will SA start 2 vax kids between 5 + 11?

1. No jab has been registered for 5-11 in SA
2. @SAHPRA1: #Pfizer (they have a jab for 5-11) hasn't yet applied 4 authorisation, but has indicated an intention to apply
2. Can we use our current #Pfizer stock if Pfizer gets authorisation for vaxxing kids between 5-11?

1. No.
2. Why not?
@healthza: "Kids between 5-11 get a different dose than people of 12+, so we'd need to order those jabs/vials."

More here:
3. Will you get an sms from the #EVDS 2 tell you it's time 4 your #COVID19 jab booster?

1. No, not yet.
2. Why not?
@heatlhza: "We have sent over 300 million sms's and need to move some budget for this next lot. It costs 16c per sms + 32c if characters run over to a 2nd sms."
Read 6 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
[Thread] 1. From TONIGHT (Fri), 8pm, adult #COVID19 hospitalisation data in SA will be available on @HealthZA's dashboard.

Milani Wolmarans, @HealthZA, #EVDS:
The data will be categorised into 3 types of patients:
1. Fully vaccinated
2. Partially vaccinated
3. Unvaccinated
2. What's happening so far?
Of 7,826 adults in hospital because of #COVID19:
- 5,731 (73%) = unvaccinated
- 321 (4%) = partially vaccinated (this = lower than fully vaccinated as there are far fewer partially than fully vaxxed people in total)
- 1,774 (22.6%) = fully vaxxed
3. What % of adults (18+) have been fully + partially vaccinated?

1. Fully vaccinated: 40.14% (if 2020 Stats SA population estimates = used)
2. Partially vaccinated (1 shot of #Pfizer only): 7.7% (12,367,221 [1st shots] - 9,289,091 [2nd shots] = 3,078,130 [1st shot only])
Read 10 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
[Thread] 1. From TODAY (1 Dec) adults in SA with certain conditions that weaken their immune systems can access an additional #COVID19 vaccine dose. How do you get a dose? Your doctor/nurse needs to fill out a form. Download it here:
2. You need to register on the #EVDS for an additional dose and take the form that your doc/nurse filled out with you to the vaccination site. Here's how it works:
3. Which conditions qualify?
1. Haematological or immune malignancy
2. Moderate to severe primary immunodeficiency disorder
3. HIV infection with CD4 count < 200 cells/µL within the last 6 months
4. Asplenia

Read 11 tweets
Nov 27th 2021
[Thread] From 1 Dec, additional #COVID19 #vaccine doses will be available in SA for:

1. People of 18+ with certain conditions (e.g. HIV infection with CD4 counts lower than 200)
2. People of 18+ on certain treatments (e.g. long-term renal dialysis)

(See full list below)
2. How does it work?
If you are 18+ and live with one of the listed conditions or are on one of the listed treatments you can get:
1. A 2nd #JnJ dose (after a 1st dose of JnJ)
2. A 3rd #Pfizer dose (after a 2 Pfizer doses)

28 days after your last #COVID19 vaccine dose
3. Can you wait longer than 28 days 2 get an extra #COVID19 jab if you live with 1 of the listed conditions/are on 1 of the listed treatments?

Yes. Depending on your doc/nurse's recommendation (u need a prescription) u can get an extra shot 1 - 3+ mnths after your last shot.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
[Thread] 1. How many #COVID19 #vaccine doses has SA received and used since the start of #VaccineRollOutSA?

@HealthZA :
The total number of #JnJ and #Pfizer doses received by Nov 8 = 37,764,320
2. What's the breakdown — how many #JnJ and #Pfizer doses has #VaccineRolloutSA received?

@HealthZA :
JnJ: 10,695,200

Pfizer: 27,069,120
- Pfizer (bilateral agreement): 17,799,210
- Pfizer (COVAX): 1,392,300
- Pfizer (US donated doses via COVAX): 7,877,610
3. How many #COVID19 vaccine doses did #VaccineRolloutSA buy via bilateral agreements with #JnJ and #Pfizer?

@HealthZA :
#JnJ: 30,738,250 in Feb (we’ve received 10,695,200, so 34,8%)

#Pfizer: 30,002,310 in March (we’ve received 17,799,210 so 59,3%)
Read 17 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
[THREAD] 1. How do people of 60+ who get vaccinated in NOV get access to a R100 grocery voucher?

Everyone of 60+ who get vaccinated in Nov will receive an invitation on their phones to opt-in for a voucher
2. If you opt-in for the R100 grocery voucher, you will receive a voucher on the phone nr you registered with on the #EVDS
3. You will be able to redeem the sms voucher at
1. Checkers
2. Shoprite
3. Usave
Read 4 tweets
Oct 29th 2021
JUST IN, [Thread]: INCENTIVES for people to get vaccinated:
1. #JoePhaahla:
- Nandos has donated 1000 vouchers of R500 each that will be awarded to the 15 best performing vaccination teams in each province
- Each member of a winning team will receive a voucher
2. Uber will provide R100 vouchers to healthcare workers to get to pop-up vaccination sites to vaccinate people against #COVID on election day (Nov 1)
3. 26 million people of 60+ who go for vaccinations @ #COVID19 in Nov, will receive a R100 grocery voucher after their vaccination. The voucher will be sms'd 2 the cell phone nr they registered with on the #EVDS. People can redeem the vouchers at shops like Shoprite and Checkers.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
1. Teen (12-17 yrs) vaccinations started today. How did it go?

Teen (12-17) registrations on the #EVDS so far:

@heatlhza data:
SA: 39,109 (0.6% of teens in SA)
EC: 2,397
FS: 1,397
GP: 15,573
KZN: 5,676
LP: 1,119
MP: 831
NC: 479
NW: 1,048
WC: 10,589
2. How many 12-17 yr olds got vaccinated 2day?
@healthza says by 4pm: 6,843 (0.1% of teens)

How many teens are there in SA?
6.5 mil

What % of the total population = teens (12-17yrs)?

Here's how many teens live in each province:
3. KZN has the most teens (12-17yrs) = 1,355,122. Does KZN have the highest nr of #EVDS registrations?

No, only the 3rd highest = 5,676, so 0.42% teens have registered so far. (GP and WC have more)
Read 5 tweets
Oct 15th 2021
[THREAD] 1. From when will teens (12-17 years) be able to register on the #EVDS for #COVID vaccinations?
- Wed, 20 Oct (vaccinated = same day)
2. Do teens need their parents' consent to get vaccinated?

Nicholas Crisp, @heatlhza:
- NO. Because the Children's Act says kids of 12-17 can give own consent for medical treatment. The #EVDS will be adjusted over the weekend so that teens are able to register themselves.
3. What is @heatlhza's goal with the nr of teen vaccinations?

They'd like to have half of all teens vaccinated before the end of the December school holidays (that's about 3.25 million people between 12 and 17). Here's where they live:
Read 3 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
[Thread] #COVID19 digital vaccine certificate TROUBLESHOOTING

1. Why would the system tell you "no vaccination record"?
* You entered the wrong details
* Your details are not in the #EVDS

What do you do?
* Call: 0800 029 999
* WhatsApp: 0600 123 456
2. Why would the system tell you "no network"?

* The website's server is temporarily unreachable
because of updates or a high traffic load
* There are network issues on your side

What do you do?
* Try again later
* Call: 0800 029 999
3. Why would you get a message "gateway timeout"?

* You didn't enter https:// at the start of the
website address:

What do you do?
* Correct the website address
* If that doesn't work, call: 0800 029 999
• WhatsApp: 0600 123 456
Read 4 tweets
Oct 8th 2021
[THREAD] 1. How to get a digital vaccination certificate
(Milani Wolmarans, @heatlhza)

Who can download a digital vaccination certificate in SA?
Anyone who:
* Has access to the internet
* Who's been fully vaccinated
* Whose vaccination details have been entered into the #EVDS.
2. What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?

You need have had:
1. One shot of the #JnJ vaccine


2. Two shots of the #Pfizer vaccine
3. To download your digital vaccination certificate, go to this website:
Read 18 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
[THREAD] 1. Q&A: Digital #COVID19 vaccine card answers

Why has @heatlhza made the digital vaccine card website live if it isn't fully ready for use?

They have to test the functionality of the site in a live environment (run tests while the site is live).
2. Is the #COVID19 digital vaccination card site fully functional yet?

No, tests are still being run. The site will be fully functional on Friday morning, when SA’s digital vaccination cards will be officially launched.
3. If you’ve managed to download a #COVID19 digital vaccination card on Tu/We, is the card valid?

Yes, but not indefinitely. It will eventually be replaced with an updated version with more security measures (all cards will be replaced, not just the ones downloaded before Fri).
Read 15 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
[Thread] 1. What's the LATEST on SA's #VaccinePassports?

1. If all goes well, digital vaccine cards will become available to vaccinated people in SA on Oct 5
2. @healthza will announce next week if cards will be available to both fully + partially vaccinated people
2. How will you get your digital vaccine card?
1. You'll have to download it from a website (it won't be the #EVDS, it will be a new website)
2. If you have a smart phone, you'll be able to download it onto your phone + keep a record (similar to what you do with a plane ticket)
3. What should you do if you don't have a smartphone?
1. You will need someone with access to the internet (on a computer = fine)
2. You will be able to download and print the digital card (the printed version will have a QR code that can be digitally scanned)
Read 10 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
#Phaahla: [Thread] 1. BREAKING
1. In about 1 week, vaccinated SAs are likely to be issued with digital vaccination certificates
2. The certificates can be uploaded onto smart phones + will be printable
3. You can only get a certificate if your vax details = recorded on the #EVDS
2. #Phaahla: SA doesn't currently require vaccine passports for travelers coming into the country. We only require #COVID (PCR) test results not older than 72 hours.
3. #Phaahla: Digital vaccination certificates for vaccinated people in SA will:
* Protected from fraud, as far as possible
* Be in line with WHO requirements (WHO is standardising vaccine certificates for all countries to decrease the possibility of fraud)
Read 4 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
[Thread]. 1. The Overberg district has the highest #COVID vaccine registration rate in SA:
1. 96.7% of 60+ = registered
2. 84.5% of 60+ = vaccinated
3. What helped with success? Partnerships between the private and public sectors.
2. The Overberg district has daily meetings to identify which geographic areas have low registration rates and then specifically target those areas (example = table on the left).
3. How does Overberg convince people in areas with low vaccination registration areas to register?
1. Community workers go door to door
2. People on megaphones go into communities + read scripts that encourage people to get registered
3. Social media + WhatsApp groups
Read 7 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
JUST IN: [Thread] 1. #VaccineRollOutSA stats: Tu, 10 Aug

* 9.3 % of SA adults have been fully vaccinated @ #COVID19 (1 #JnJ jab/2 #Pfizer shots) *

1. Jabs, past 24 hrs: 176, 752 (Last Tu: 191, 721)
2. Total doses: 8, 811, 608
3. Adults fully vaccinated: 3, 719, 508 (9.3%) ImageImageImage
2. How many #JnJ shots did we do today?
Answer: 48, 246 (shots which were entered into the #EVDS, which is where @HealthZA's dashboard draws data from).

Not reflected, are the paper record doses (some sites do these), which will only be added in the coming days or weeks. Image
3. Have we used the +/- 50 000 #JnJ doses we had this morning and that will expire at 23:50 tonight (Tu)?

We don't yet officially know, but we've likely come close:
50 000 - 48, 246 = 1 754 (doses left, but these could be paper record doses not yet entered into the #EVDS).
Read 5 tweets
Jul 23rd 2021
[Thread] 1. Milani Wolmarans:
80% of people scheduled via the #EVDS for vaccinations are turning up for their appointments at sites on the right date and time Image
2. By the end of the 1st week of August, SAs will be able to schedule their own vaccination appointments (dates and site). @HealthZA will make available a manual on how to do that. This slide shows how it will work. Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
[Thread] 1. What % of SA adults have been fully or partially vaccinated?

1. Fully vaccinated: 4.7% (Limpopo = 6.2%)
2. Partially vaccinated (1 #Pfizer dose): 9.1% (1 dose provides 94% protection @ hospitalisation as a result of infection with the #DeltaVariant)
2. Is #VaccineRollOutSA scaling up? Yes. Here’s the timeline for every 1 mil doses recorded on the #EVDS (data = @healthza dashboard):

1 mil: 28 May
2 mil: 16 Jun (19 days)
3 mil: 30 Jun (14 days)
4 mil: 8 Jul (8 days)
5 mil 16 Jul (8 days)

Graph = @mediahackza/@Bhekisisa_MG
3. What does the 1-mil timeline in the previous tweet tell us? We now take 8 days to administer 1-mil jabs. Initially we took between 14 + 19 days. If we reach #Ramaphosa’s goal of 300 000 jabs/day, we’ll get close to 1 mil jabs every 3 days (we’re now doing about 220 000/day).
Read 9 tweets
Jul 13th 2021
JUST IN: [Thread]
1. What should you do if you were scheduled for a jab but the site where you need to go shut down because of unrest?
* Defer you vaccination
* The #EVDS will reschedule your appointment, it is programmed to reschedule up to 2 missed appointments.
2. How do we know which #VaccineRollOutSA sites have temporarily shut down?
* @healthza will publicise a list of affected
areas and sites as soon as it is available
3. Pharmacies have been looted, so medicine has been stolen. Should you buy stolen meds?

@healthza: "The public is warned not to buy any
meds offered for sale by anyone other than registered medical practitioners, pharmacies/hospitals. Report an attempted sale to the SAPS."
Read 3 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
[Thread] 1. LATEST #VaccineRollOutSA stats (8 Jul):

* We've crossed the 4-mil mark for doses given + data is now broken down (Pfizer 1st/2nd dose, JnJ) *

1. Total doses (#JnJ, #Sisonke, #Pfizer) = 4, 017, 442
2. People = fully vaccinated (JnJ/ 2 Pfizer doses) = 1, 253, 978
2. Total doses (#JnJ, #Sisonke, #Pfizer): 4, 017, 442

How many are Pfizer doses?
* Total: 3, 141, 867
* 1st dose: 2, 763, 464
* 2nd dose: 378, 403

How many are JnJ doses?
* Total: 875, 575
* Sisonke: 479, 949
* Roll-out: 395, 626
3. How many people in SA have been fully vaccinated?
Total: 1, 253, 978
* JnJ: 875, 575 (you only need 1 dose)
* Pfizer: 378, 403 (these people have all had 2 Pfizer doses)

Fully vaccinated: 875, 575 (JnJ) + 378, 403 (Pfizer 2nd dose) = 1, 253, 978
Read 5 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
[Thread] 1. How many jabs does #VaccineRolloutSA have?

UPDATE: We received 190 710 #Pfizer doses on Wed night (arrival = confirmed by @healthza)

How many jabs have we now received + how many are left?

4 281 286 (without paper records)

(See nr 2 for calculations)
2. Total nr of doses #VaccineRollOutSA has received (#JnJ and #Pfizer):

7, 430, 510 (for calculations on this total, see nr 4 of this thread) + 190 710 = 7 621 220

The nr of jabs SA has left:
7 621 220 - 3 339 934 (#EVDS total used [minus Sisonke] by Wednesday) = 4 281 286
3. Are 4 281 286 doses what we have left in reality? It's likely fewer. Why? Some sites capture jabs on paper. The info = added to the EVDS later. Each day = new paper records. Until the info is entered into the EVDS, we simply don't know how many paper records there are.
Read 4 tweets

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