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May 27th 2023
THE FUSION - A GameChanger solution in DeFi @ThenaFi_

Part 7 - Key Advantages of FUSION 🗝️ Image
2/17) In my previous thread we learned what are the 6 Pathways to Optimal Strategy 🛣️

3/17) In this last thread we will go through the key advantages of FUSION, and check the new pool types in Thena V2 🌊
Read 17 tweets
Apr 8th 2023
THE FUSION - A GameChanger solution in DeFi
Part 0 - Prologue

1/7) Something has begun, and the upcoming change is unstoppably spreading.. 🌪️♐️ @ThenaFi_ Image
2/7) When it comes to the world of DeFi, the protocols that can quickly adapt and innovate with ease typically rise to the top. @ThenaFi_ which serves as the native liquidity layer on #BNB Chain has managed to become a significant player in the DeFi ecosystem in a mere 2 months.
✔️ Gone from 0 to $170 million in TVL 🚀
✔️ Reached $100m in weekly trading volume 🤑
✔️ Became the #3 DEX on BNB 🥉
✔️ Is the #1 community-owned protocol 🥇
✔️ Boasting nearly 600 projects 💪
Read 7 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
Hi #fusion, @USFusionEnergy , #energytwitter, a paper by myself, @wilson_ricks , Egemen Kolemen, and @JesseJenkins on the value of fusion for a decarbonized US electric grid is now available online - In Press at Joule. Read it here:… .
There's also a Research Digest,….

We study the value of fusion plants as a function of their operational parameters (costs of operation, pulsed vs steady-state, ability to ramp power levels) & whether there is attached multi-hour thermal storage.
Over a range of future scenarios and plant operational parameters & abilities, we found that fusion plants would need a total capital cost of ~$3/W to ~$7.5/W in order for to reach 100 GW of deployment in the US Eastern Interconnection. 100 GW is ~today's US fission fleet. Image
Read 10 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
1) ⚠️ FA CLASSES PART 2 ⚠️

As part of our weekly FA classes, we'll start with the 2nd step of researching a cryptocurrency:

''Analysing the team of a crypto project''

Case-study and homework provided down below 🧵 👇

➡️ You will have 2 days to participate ⏰
2) ⭐ Case-study

After browsing ''Crypto twitter'' and seeing countless of new recommendations by the crypto community, you've stumbled upon $CHNG and deemed it worthy for further investigation.

➡️ Want to know how to pre-select cryptocurrencies?

Read up on first class 👇
3) The first thing we want to do after figuring out what the project is all about, is a credibility check.

We want to see:

• We don't get rugged.
• It's in reputable hands.
• It has a good chance of succeeding.

ALL of this starts with the team.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
23 Global Developments to Watch Over The Next Five Years.

(See Thread).… Image
#1 - DEI gives way to DEI 2.0 which focuses on Diversity (of perspective), Equality (of opportunity), and Incentives (to do well). Image
#2 - As education and incomes rise, birth rates plunge. Demographers increasingly worry about an underpopulated planet instead of an overpopulated one.
@JohnIbbitson @darrellbricker Image
Read 24 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
I've finally had time to do a new Substack post.

Inspired by the breakthrough achieved by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, it's on #fusion power.

And particularly how that relates to the energy transition and achieving net zero.

When discussing breakthroughs in fusion power, it is worth remembering the running joke that “it’s the energy source of the future—always has been, always will be”.

Promising unlimited energy and delivering it are two different things.

First, what is the difference between fission and fusion?

In nuclear fission (the technology used at all existing nuclear power plants), big atoms release energy when they split into smaller fragments.

Read 16 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
Since a few people have asked, I wanted to offer some thoughts on @1inch's new #Fusion feature and how it compares to @CoWSwap's trading mechanism:
First off, the user experience in Fusion mode is very similar to CoW Swap. Traders sign off-chain messages instead of raw transactions, pay fees in the traded tokens instead of ETH for gas and have no cost if the trade doesn't execute (there is no way to cancel orders though) ImageImage
Like CoW Swap, trades are executed by a third party. I strongly believe that this "delegated trade execution" model is the way to go for DEX trading as it removes complexities from the user. I am excited to work with 1Inch to convince the rest of the ecosystem of this approach
Read 11 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
Mini-thread autour du cas décrit dans cet article, qui symbolise merveilleusement bien les carences majeures dont souffre notre pays en matière d’autonomie stratégique.

On parle ici d’une fusion entre Lafarge et Holcim qui a eu lieu en 2015.

(2/n) Déjà, sur le fond ça partait mal : LafargeHolcim, lors de la fameuse fusion, a été contrainte à céder une grosse partie de ses actifs : trois cimenteries, des centres de broyage, Lafarge Allemagne, Tarmac (solutions de construction durable). Qui a récupéré tout ça ? ⬇️
(3/n) Vous l’avez dans le mille : los Estados Unidos. 🇺🇸 L’entreprise CRH récupèrera le tout pour 6,5 milliards d’euros.

À titre de comparaison : l’année précédente, Whatsapp, messagerie mobile améliorée, est rachetée 22 milliards de dollars par Facebook.

#lafargeholcim #fusion
Read 7 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
Der Faden erwischte mich kurz vor Weihnachten, daher erst jetzt ein Kommentar. @rahmstorf zeigt erschreckend schön, weshalb ich mich den #Scientists4Future immer weiter entfremde: Ein 🧵 1/29
Aus naturwissenschaftlichen Zusammenhängen wird direkt Politikberatung abgeleitet, dabei aber die Komplexität von Politik & Gesellschaft drastisch unterschätzt. Im Ergebnis steht fehlgeleitete Politikberatung, die mehr schadet als nutzt.
Rahmstorf wendet sich gegen #Fusion & #Kernkraft, weil aufgrund des "anthropogenic heat flux" (AHF) jede zusätzlich freigesetzte Energie letztlich als diffuse Wärme endet und so zur Klimaerwärmung beiträgt: Die Physik stimmt, die politischen Konsequenzen nicht. Der Reihe nach: 3/
Read 29 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
Nuclear #fusion will not only come too late to help solve the #climatecrisis. Even in the long run it will not be the unlimited energy source that some are dreaming of. The reason is basic physics, and anyone can do the back-of-envelope calculation. 🧵1/
The problem is that all human energy use ends up as heat. That's no problem now: our current global energy use corresponds to 0.04 Watt/sqm (that's per square metre of Earth surface). The human-caused CO2 increase has a far stronger warming effect: 2.1 W/sqm, following IPCC. 2/
But our energy use (here also in W/sqm) is growing exponentially by 2.3 %/year, 10-fold per century. What does this mean for the future? The Master thesis by Peter Steiglechner @PIK_Climate investigated this in 2018 using a global climate model. Figures taken from his work. 3/ Image
Read 13 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
Last week, the press reported that for the first time, a #fusion reactor had briefly generated more energy than was supplied to it. Here´s our view:
While the successful experiment at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California is an interesting milestone, it does not take commercial energy production by fusion any closer, as some media suggest.
The reactor as a whole is far from producing a net energy gain. Indeed, the measurement took into account only the laser energy supplied and the plasma energy exiting - not the considerable energy required to generate the powerful laser beams in the first place.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
I’m honestly amazed that when the #Fusion news broke it was celebrated due to terrible reporting, the first articles I read had me thinking it was at least somewhat significant. #uranium

Spoiler: it’s not. It’s just another sad example of bad reporting…
The first articles I read had me doing a little digging because I wanted to understand more about the fuel ingredients and the cost of the fuel production etc (energy going into fuel). I quickly discovered that one of the key ingredients is extremely rare and can only be sourced
Sourced in size from waste of a Candu #Nuclear power plant. And that we don’t even have enough stockpiled to ‘jumpstart’ the would be first comercial fusion reactor and run it long enough so that it can breed its one fuel. So we are at best decades away and…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
You're about to hear a lot about #NuclearFusion. I've followed the field for years & can offer context. Top line:
- NIF's "breakeven" does not generate more power than it consumes
- NIF is not a model for a commercial fusion reactor
- This news is a big deal all the same. 1/n Target positioners for the National Ignition Facility.
Fusion researchers measure fusion output in "Q," the ratio of power produced to power needed to maintain the fusion plasma. NIF has exceeded Q=1.
Breakeven, right? Er, the accounting is not so simple, as Charles Seife explains. 2/n… #fusion #NIF
The power that goes into igniting a fusion pellet is much less than the total amount that NIF consumes. "Breakeven" comes nowhere close to covering all of that consumption! A useful fusion power plant would require anything from Q=5 to Q=100. 3/n… #fusion Photo of the National Ignition Facility.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 12th 2022
#Fusion energy development: great that it continues to move forward but when you look at the data it seems the current net energy success is based only on the energy that was fed into the laser and the resulting energy that was produced from the reaction…
At best commercializations is said to be decades away.

At worst we don’t know how much other energy needs to go into the system in order to calculate if it’s truly going to be net energy positive in its full life cycle.
Produced 2.5 megajoules of energy over a couple weeks while consuming 2.1 megajoules of energy in the lasers.

What we don’t know is how much energy goes into first creating a fusion reactor, how long the various parts last and what materials (energy) is required ongoing
Read 12 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
It's out, NIF has shown gain, Q > 1. If confirmed on Tues this is a profound and very important result. It shows that inertial fusion can work in a device suitable for a power plant 🧵#fusion #ClimateEmergency…
We have long known that the physics of inertial fusion works. Both the US and UK tested inertial fusion capsules underground. These were high-gain targets, the kind needed for a power plant
The NIF result, if confirmed, shows that this process can work in a controlled lab or power plant environment. The actual fusion energy release is not enough for power production, but we know high-gain targets work (@ian_bott_artist, your work is the best)
Read 15 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
Read about our pilot plant design in tomorrows Telegraph! Unlocking scalability with a tritium production plant, as well as making the financing a lot easier. @Telegraph @FLFusion 🧵…
The revenue from tritium could be 5x more than that from electricity. But only if you have customers. Eventually, tritium will be easy to come by, but not at first. The pilot plant has a one-time opportunity, one valuable enough to pay for the plant.
We're also keen to announce this approach to counter some nonsense that has been written about tritium. Seriously @ScienceMagazine...…
Read 8 tweets
Nov 25th 2022
One of the big debates lately is over #nuclear energy.

Some say it's necessary for #NetZero by 2050.

Others say it's not net-positive for the #environment.

So are smaller reactors☢️a good alternative?🤝
Small Modular Reactors (#SMR )promise to bring a 'modular', more adaptable solution.

Build for a very specific purpose?
👉+1 SMR
Need to scale up for the grid?
👉+10 SMRs (SMR Farm)
Need to ramp down because #fusion finally arrived?
👉 -1 SMR per year
Micro-reactors promise to bring portable nuclear using #SpaceX tech.

👉Fits in a container, hauled by truck/ship
👉Perfect for off-grid emergencies
👉Swallow the diesel generator market
👉Doesn't need refuelling for >10 years
👉Made in Assembly Line
👉Less fuel=safe
Read 6 tweets
Nov 13th 2022
Here’s why I am bullish on $CHNG

a thread 🧵:
1. In the early days of cryptocurrency there weren't many ways to trade them due to the lack of interest and volume in this market.

An entire decade later and crypto trading has become a huge industry with BILLIONS being moved DAILY.
2. For a long time this has happened solely through centralized exchanges.

While there are certainly advantages through using these there are also PLENTY of disadvantages.

The last 3 years we have seen a large improvement in the decentralized exchange industry.
Read 16 tweets
Sep 15th 2022
At the fusion hearing, @Sen_JoeManchin starts by saying that his trip to @iterorg in March helped restore his faith in mankind. Says he’s a “changed man” after it.
[break while I got escorted in]- just heard @SenJohnBarrasso say he looks forward to hearing about private investment can accelerate fusion energy.
Now, @ScottCHsu leads off the witnesses by calling for “a greater emphasis on public-private partnerships” for fusion energy development.
Read 41 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
After a long time on fusion shots, we're back to diagnostic work. We're measuring the x-ray spectrum emitted from the plasma, which is a way of measuring it's temperature. Using 6 channels per shot with different filters we can get the spectrum. (1/n) 🧵 @FLFusion #fusion
The set here covers a range of photon energies from ~500 - 1500 eV. The Cu one stands out; each filter transmits a specific energy window. Unfortunately, nothing is easy. To get the x-rays out we have to put a hole in the target. (2/n)
The hole changes the dynamics, so we have to simulate the diagnostic version with the hole and check our results against that. The x-rays also interact with the hole. They can be absorbed in the walls and vapourise them, making them expand and making the hole close up. (3/n)
Read 4 tweets
Apr 9th 2022
Good Morning !

Check Down, OMAHA OMAHA!
##FLY## Route

##FLY# #ROTH ##FLY##
Maids House Cleaning

My Pillow = Fluffed & Pre_P_[D]’

It’s Over !!
Read 5 tweets
Apr 6th 2022
Congrats to Hayley Zullow of @kadochlab @HarvardMITmdphd @BBS_Harvard programs and our team, including @akshaysci, @JunQiLab, @ar_davino, and many others, on this exciting new study out today in @MolecularCell @CellPressNews ! Tweetorial below: (1/7)…
Here, we explore the impact of the #fusion oncoprotein hallmark to #myxoidliposarcoma, FUS-DDIT3, and its impact on #BAF #SWISNF complex-mediated #chromatin remodeling activities genome wide. (2/7)
We previously showed that fusions such as SS18-SSX and EWS-FLI1, in #synovialsarcoma and #Ewingsarcoma, respectively, interact with BAF complexes and direct their genomic occupancy in a cancer-specific, gain-of-function manner. (3/7)
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Apr 6th 2022
Bien sabéis que la #tecnología #nuclear, aparte de utilizarse para producir electricidad, es necesaria por sus aplicaciones médicas. Pero... ¿cómo se producen los radioisótopos utilizados en #medicina nuclear? ¿cuáles son los más importantes y cómo se obtienen? ¡DENTRO HILO! 🧵 Image
Los radioisótopos médicos se emplean en más de 30 millones de procedimientos médicos cada año a nivel mundial y se utilizan para diagnosticar y tratar múltiples enfermedades, lo que permite salvar miles de vidas en todo el mundo Image
Los radioisótopos médicos con fines terapéuticos permiten, entre otras cosas, tratar distintos tipos de cáncer. El yodo-131 y el lutecio-177, por ejemplo, son los más empleados en #radioterapia para el tratamiento de cáncer de tiroides y neuroendocrino, respectivamente Image
Read 20 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
Back to work for a crucial year for UK Science, Research & Innovation & my core Missions:

🌏 ScienceSuperpower🧑🏽‍🔬
💥Innovation Nation👷🏼

Here are some of the Priorities in the NewYear in-tray:

1. Horizon: continue to push for UK association, alongside a bold GlobalBritain PlanB
2. Research Ecosystem: implementing the Nurse, Grant & Tickell Reviews of the UK Research landscape to
- improve career paths
- reduce bureaucracy
- accelerate decision-making
- boost UK global strengths in attracting top talent in
science🧬 & innovation💥
3. Oversee establishment of the new UK Advanced Research & Innovation Agency (ARIA) as the UK’s “Science Satellite” to ensure the UK stays on the frontline of exploring new ways of doing new science:
Read 16 tweets

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