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✨Joyeuse #Pentecôte à toutes et à tous ✨
En cette naissance de l'Eglise - "Touch Through Me Holy Spirit*" (Puisse le Saint-Esprit me toucher à travers moi)

*interprété par Joseph Larson
Je vous ai traduit les paroles ci-dessous.
@YvesPDB @BugaultV #JesusChrist #EspritSaint
"Touche à travers moi, Saint-Esprit, touche à travers moi, Que mes mains s'étendent vers les autres, touche à travers moi ; Il y a une âme solitaire quelque part qui a juste besoin d'un ami qui se soucie, Touche à travers moi, Saint-Esprit, touche à travers moi.
Aime à travers moi, Saint-Esprit, aime à travers moi, Je serai le gardien de mon frère, aime à travers moi ; Les cœurs saignent en profondeur, l'amour peut sécher les yeux qui pleurent, Aime à travers moi, Saint-Esprit, aime à travers moi.
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Ministering:Pastor E.A Adeboye

Prayers and Declarations:
1. I pray for you today, the everlasting arm will go to your origin.
2. The next time I hear concerning you shall be good news. ImageImageImage
3. Thank him for choosing you to be one of his friends.
4. Father, please stretch your everlasting arms into my future and if there is any danger waiting there, please remove them.
5. Father today touch the finance of your children.
6. Father, touch their marriage.
7. Touch their children.
8. Let our promotion begin.
9. Father, please stretch your hand to the very source of my life, and if there is any evil there, please remove it.
Read 4 tweets

Ministering:Pastor Mrs. Adetayo Oretola
Opening prayers:
1. Father, in Jesus' name, give me unconditional love to love my loved ones.
2. Father, let your kingdom come into my life and the lives of each member of my family.
3. Father, please have mercy on us.
4. Every bad remark spoken against you will be rejected in Jesus' name.
5. In Jesus' name, unholy hands will not touch you.
6. Father, wage my struggle on my behalf.
7. Arise to fortify me.
8. Rise and deliver me.
Read 4 tweets
Well, it appears that, since people really are like sheep, are manipulated, spell bound, indoctrinated and just as the Bible says, asleep to truth, & their selfish egotistical self centered & desire only to "return to being entertained" instead of awakening to truth...

And I'm talking about the remainder % who saw the spark but once the arc flash had diminished & they could see around them the world's offerings they quickly filled their eyes with desires of the flesh, put their heads down and started grazing again.

Ergo, for the sake that none should parish but all are given every opportunity to "#WAKEUP" the show will continue to the great finally of the scare event. 😱

To those who are fully awake and doing/done your part in the #GreatAwakening operation thank you! Well done!

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🔥Le régime espagnol annonce une nouvelle violation et profanation de la Valle de los Caídos, cette fois-ci pour exhumer les restes du martyr Primo de Rivera. (via Natalia Junquera)
#PrimodeRivera #ValleDeLosCaidos #Espagne #exhumation #Spain @YvesPDB @BugaultV #JesusChrist Image
Le 20 avril 2023 - les autorités du régime espagnol - dirigées par le Premier ministre social-démocrate #PedroSanchez - ont annoncé via leurs médias sociaux qu'elles allaient procéder à une nouvelle violation de la Vallée des Morts,
cette fois à l'encontre de la Tombe où sont enterrés les restes de José Antonio Primo de Rivera - le fondateur du Parti #Falangiste Espagnol - depuis son assassinat par des Militants Républicains durant les premières semaines de la Guerre Civile Espagnole.
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🔥Le film La Passion du Christ et les faits incroyables qui se sont produits durant le tournage :

"Mel Gibson avertit l'acteur #JimCaviezel que jouer le personnage du Christ allait être très difficile et que s'il acceptait,
#JesusChrist #MelGibson @YvesPDB @BugaultV Image
il serait très probablement marginalisé par Hollywood.
Caviezel demanda une journée pour y réfléchir et sa réponse à Mel qui finançait et réalisait le film fut: "Je pense que nous devons le faire, même si c'est difficile." Et autre chose, mes initiales sont JC, et j'ai 33 ans. "Je ne m'en étais pas rendu compte jusqu'à maintenant."
Read 14 tweets
What important messages would Jesus share if he found himself resurrected at Walmart?
#HappyEaster #JesusChrist #Church #Christianity #WorshipAI #HealthyLiving #Walmart #AIArtCommunity #MidJourney #MindJourney
🧵Thread - Share your thoughts on AI merging with religion and…… Image
Would he have anything to say about kosher food? Image
What would Jesus think about plastic Easter eggs? Image
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@Demarit @MarinSanna Dear President Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan
- Please, note that #Finns have been #deceived in several #rigged #elections and in the 15-y-long hidden #NATO agenda.
92% of Finns do not want to #join NATO.
@Demarit @MarinSanna #Finland #CIACoup aka sc. #ParlamentaryElections2019 by #Scytl-#Dominion.
'#ElectionNight 7,666'
- Valid votes total: 3,081,916 = 99.42%
- From where the figure 7,666 comes?
@Demarit @MarinSanna F.Y.I. #Finland's #PresidentialElections 2018.
- #Niinistö with '#NorthKorea's' numbers, 62,7%, to victory. The matter seems clear, except the #result was #fake and known to the #elite in advance.
B. Yilmaz | Jan 28, 2018
627 #GoldmanSachs #LuckyNumber
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Le Qurʾān vu par Ṭabarī

« (...) al-Ṭabarī doit l’essentiel de sa gloire à deux ouvrages, son Taʾrīkh al-rusul wa l-mulūk wa l-khulafāʾ, et le Jāmiʿ al-bayān ʿan taʾwīl āy al-Qurʾān. Le premier, sorte d’Histoire universelle, traite du récit des Hommes dans un cadre...

...géographique bien précis, le Moyen-Orient, depuis la Création jusqu’à lui. S’y trouvent les histoires des Prophètes, des dirigeants de l’Antiquité mais également le récit des Juifs et Perses, puis l’histoire du Prophète Muḥammad ﷺ, celle des califes bien-guidés, des..

..Omeyyades et Abbassides. La seconde de ses œuvres magistrales, le Jāmiʿ al-bayān ʿan taʾwīl āy al-Qurʾān, ou le Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī, est une exégèse coranique que chacun avait très vite considérée comme un classique. Publié autour de l’an 287H (900G), il s’agit de l’un...

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I’m watching this documentary where this 100+ year old woman is speaking about #JesusChrist in front of 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗔𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗰, and it is quite a site to see. Wow.
Documentary. The Space in between. Full of occultism, but that woman talking about Jesus to Marina was worth the whole view.
+ I should have prefaced, cover yourselves (🙏🏼) before watching this if you choose to.
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Thank GOD and Merry Christmas! I just can't Thank GOD Enough, because He Gave The Greatest Gift of ALL! Now, that Act alone should Make You Merry on Christmas Day! #MerryChristmas #JesusIsLord
You Know I hear Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year a lot. May be I’m Dreaming but, wouldn’t it be Great if The whole World Loved One Another just like GOD loved Us? #Love
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus! Glory to GOD in The Highest
Peace on Earth. Goodwill to All Men and Joy to the world. Because Our Savior is Born! #JesusIsLord
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"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." ~Exodus 3:14 KJV

#Jesus #God #Bible
"I am! is an explicit claim to deity."

~ NET Translator Notes (25+ of the world's foremost scholars, Including Dr. W. Hall Harris III of NASB '95, NET, LEB & Dr. Daniel B. Wallace, Senior Research Professor, Ph.D. of NIV, NET)
"Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." ~John 8:58 KJV
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Je partage avec délice ,....
Un médecin homéopathe est exclusif #weleda
Et très souvent il opte pour ce mélange AA (Actum Aequalis )
😈. ...
(Au point que je le stock pour répondre rapidement à la prescription médicale 😎)
Relisez bien la formule....🧐.....

Aurum metallicum
Ça ne vous dit rien....?
Cherchez plus loin dans vos souvenirs de catéchisme 😵‍💫....
Donc après une consultation remboursée par nos impôts , ce médecin ordonne de consommer des dilutions des cadeaux des rois mages à #JesusChrist ....
Aurum metallicum = Or
Myrrha = myrrhe
Olibanum = encens

#RBM (Religion Based Médecine)
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Amen Brother!
& As Written Below 👀!
2 Cor.11:3👇
👉"The" *Serpent✔👇👇👇
{*🐍=*Flesh=Carnal Mind
Of 👉A *MAN✔}
[👀=Rev.13:18 / Prov.12:14
& 16:25 & Ps.2:1-6]
👉IS=👉"A" *BEAST✔
Ecc.3:18/1 Cor.15:32
2 Pet. 2:12 & Jude 10]
& He's Deceived
*Every One✔
Since 👉"The" *Garden✔
In That Day When
👉We Ate "Of The Tree✔
"Of" 👉The Knowledge
Of=Good & Evil✔
& It Was At That Very Moment Of Time & Though We Don't Even Remember It,
Our Angel Fell From
The Grace Of God
& Losing Our✔
👉First Estate
As It Is Revealed 👀,
👉[👀=Jude 6]
& Now We Which Have Received 👉Christ Jesus,
Or, Yahshua Ha Maschiach
[👀=John 1:12/1 John 3:1
& Rom. 8:14]👇👇👇
Do Now Compare Spiritual Things With Spiritual
👉[👀=1 Cor.2:13]
Following & Receiving
The Testimony Of Jesus
👉& *The Spirit✔
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First Station: Jesus Is Condemned to Death

V. We adore you, Christ, and we praise you.
R. Because by your holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

Jesus,after having been scourged and crowned with thorns, was unjustly condemned by Pilate to die on the Cross.
#Lent2022 #KalinaB Image
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#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
@trogiuptpo @CryptoTownEU @RocDaDon215 @Genman37177844 🎶idonothavelongdearchildrensosorreyetookusowelingodeseyedeadevenosaroweseanswordsongodusleapneachlostwoheavensteadovegodreamovedensongloreyeoflovesunusheiredenstruthathourealeyeturnoleventimenowethingamaneyefeyestrutheroshesusayeseathathourealifegodovenamejesusaidulovegodallways
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#fridaymorning #FridayFeeling for #Christians
Self Deception and How to Avoid It

OF ALL FORMS OF DECEPTION, self-deception is the most deadly, and of all deceived persons the self-deceived are the least likely to discover the fraud.

The reason for this is simple. ..
When a man is deceived by another he is deceived against his will. He is contending against an adversary and is temporarily the victim of the other's guile. Since he expects his foe to take advantage of him he is watchful and quick to suspect trickery. ..
Under such circumstances it is possible to be deceived sometimes and for a short while, but because the victim is resisting he may break out of the trap and escape before too long.

With the self-deceived it is quite different. He is his own enemy ..
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@BobRossOfficial I know a painter who knew Ross. Bob pre-drew the paintings he used on television. The BR enterprise is a building hidden next to a birthing center in NOVA. He was a troubled artist, like many artists. The fact that his own son and wife contributed to the doc says something.
@BobRossOfficial LIVE TWEET:
Seems like the Kowalski’s want to silence #BillAlexander - who obviously contributed to @BobRoss success.
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Happy Sunday, beloved children of God! 🌅☀️
As we wrap up our series on “Forgiveness of Self”, we find ourselves in John 14.
John 14 deals with the well known truth of Jesus being “the way, the truth, and the life.” Internalizing this truth has far-reaching impact in the life of a believer.
Our focus text comes to us from verse 27. Here, Jesus bestows on us, His magnificent GIFT OF PEACE OF MIND. He tells us that though He must physically depart the Earth, He’ll LEAVE HIS OWN PEACE with us.
Read 15 tweets

Happy Saturday, beloved family! I hope your weekend has been off to an excellent start! 🌅☀️❤️
Our focus text for today, comes to us from Romans chapter 8, which focuses on life in the Spirit.

In verse 1, we have THE blessed assurance from God, that there is indeed NO CONDEMNATION FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST JESUS.
To be “in Christ Jesus” means that He dwells within us, & us within Him. We are ONE.
So, by sending His own son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins, God made sure that there is NO CONDEMNATION for us.
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