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In a significant judgment, the #SupremeCourtofIndia has declared that unmarried women are also entitled to seek abortion of pregnancy within 20-24 weeks arising out of a consensual relationship. Image
The Court ruled that the exclusion of unmarried women who conceive out of live-in relationships from the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Rules is unconstitutional.
"All women are entitled to safe and legal abortion. If Rule 3B(c) is understood as only for married women, it would perpetuate the stereotype that only married women indulge in sexual activities. This is not constitutionally sustainable.
Read 5 tweets
Das #Kopftuch (als Teil des #Hijab, also der islamischen Kleiderordnung) ist nach der islamischen Revolution im #Iran zur Pflicht für alle Frauen erklärt worden (auch für Nicht-Musliminnen)#MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی LONGTHREAD👇(1/18)
Hunderttausende vor allem Frauen aber auch Männern haben 1979 gegen die Einführung der #Zwangsverschleierung protestiert. Gerade in der konservativ-religiösen Bevölkerung wurde auch vorher verschleiert. Mit der islamistischen Bewegung wurde das Kopftuch jedoch zum... (2/18)
kulturpolitischen Kampfsymbol. Der Hijab-Zwang ist also keine "kulturelle Tradition" des Iran, sondern ein Instrument der #Unterdrückung & Geschlechter-Apartheid des #islamischenRegimes, das mit brutaler Gewalt und Terroratttacken eingeführt wurde. So wurde Frauen, die ...(3/18)
Read 19 tweets
🧵@m_ebrard es un político constante, con experiencia, y con compromiso

Su convicción no ha cambiado y continúa luchando con pasión y determinación

Les invito a acompañarme a un viaje al pasado para poder conocer mejor al mejor opción para continuar con la 4T

@m_ebrard Casaubond🕵️‍♂️, fue nombrado “Best World Mayor” 2010 de CDMX por sus logros en materia social y ambiental:

• Aprobó el matrimonio entre mismo sexo #LGBTQ y les permitió adoptar
• Legalizó la interrupción del embarazo #mybodymychoice
• Inició el programa #EcoBici🚲

Ahora, como Canciller, continúa impulsando las mismas causas…

• Apertura de la @VInclusionOrl del @ConsulMexOrl 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
• Enfoque de Género y Feminista en toda la red Consular #VAIM
• Reuniones con Jóvenes para impulsar al futuro de México en el Exterior

Read 4 tweets
Found this a while ago and saved it. Maybe you've seen it before.

I'm not pro-murdering babies.

I'm pro-Becky who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs.
I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later.
I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child.
Read 15 tweets
@rhiannonlucyc @woodmally1979 @socialsoprano @PimpElectric @YesBredren 1/ Sounds like hokey feminist pseudo-science to be honest, and here's why: marriage is at the lowest level ever, according to your own rag:….
@rhiannonlucyc @woodmally1979 @socialsoprano @PimpElectric @YesBredren 3/ I'm hardly Einstein, but that means there are more childless, unmarried women than ever before. Yay! Should be great for women, but women are more depressed and unhappy than they have ever been:…
Read 9 tweets
freecanada .win is a Canadian forum styled like 4/8chan. The content posted is similar alt-right extremist rhetoric. Posted by Canadians. Registered (host: XenForo) in 2019, the vile platform used by many #Freedumbconvoy supporters/participants is relatively unknown #OttawaConvoy
I've shared posts by freecanada .win users-#HornyHonkies threads- showcasing the misogynistic, sexist & patriarchal ideologies held by these #freedomfakers. I'm always disgusted by what I read, but right now (Pride Month, Indigenous Month, Roe v Wade, Canada Day) it's nuts
#OttawaConvoy & #freedomfaker posts regarding #Indigenous peoples make me sick. The snippets are particularly offensive. Being patriotic doesn't mean ignoring your nation's history-good or bad. Based on what I've witnessed, a vast majority of this 'movement' are bigots #FreeDumb ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
People desperately want today's ruling to be about abortion, whereas it was just about SCOTUS declaring they're not being in a position to guarantee a right not listed in the constitution, and instead turning that power back to the individual states instead of the federal govt.
If someone made the claim that it IS the federal government's job to guarantee the right of an abortion, that would be one thing. SCOTUS simply said for a new right to be part of "liberty" of 14th amndmt it had to be a social norm already, and abortion was outlawed for centuries.
But nobody was saying that, and very few people I bet read the opinion itself. It's a legal distinction. They basically said the 14th amendment can't just include anything under the right to "liberty" if it wasn't a societal norm already and that Roe vs Wade made a poor argument.
Read 6 tweets
Dear World,

Recently a man of much wealth and so undue power & influence, @elonmusk, made a bizarre, senseless attempt to malign a drug, #BUPROPION (aka Wellbutrin/Zyban), which continues to profoundly benefit the lives, the functioning, of myself & others.

The potential implications of this must be addressed.

Of all the drugs on the market — some easy to get as candy (alcohol, cigarettes, vaping), others blithely prescribed, often irresponsibly (opioids, broad-spectrum anti-biotics) &

in some cases even seemingly maliciously (opioids, anti-psychotics) — why would he pick one that´s been in use since the ´80s, never had any controversy, helps a lot of people lose weight, and helps a lot of us THINK, PERCEIVE, COMMUNICATE, LEARN, and MOVE ABOUT.

Read 17 tweets
Ein starker Beitrag von @a_nnaschneider die im Rahmen ihres klaren Statements für #MyBodyMyChoice - dem ich mich vollumfänglich anschließe - Themen anspricht, die häufig im öffentl. Diskurs untergehen: das Modell #childrenfree 1/5…
ZB und die Vorurteile die damit einhergehen (können). Auszüge aus dem Artikel, der zur Kontroverse einlädt: „Denn meiner Meinung nach haben Abtreibungen überhaupt gar nichts im Strafrecht zu suchen.“ 2/5
„Selten zeigt sich so deutlich, was echte feministische Kämpfe sind, bei denen es um pure Selbstbestimmung geht, und was nicht.“ Sie spricht auch den Widerspruch insbes. der Grünen, die auch für #MyBodyMyChoice eintreten, aber bei Corona ein ganz anderes Gesicht zeigten, an 3/5
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I'm not pro-murdering babies.

I'm pro-Becky who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs. 1/14
I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later. 2/14
I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child. 3/14
Read 14 tweets
I'm not pro-murdering babies.

I'm pro-Becky who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs. 1/
I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later. 2/
I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child. 3/
Read 12 tweets
I remember well my feelings in 1987 when I went to get an abortion. When I was accosted by the “probirthers” outside the abortion clinic who were harassing women using their PERSONAL FREEDOM to obtain the healthcare services provided by a @PPFA clinic. Bec they provide HC servs 2
2/It’s worrisome to me that #Yamiche is outside an abortion clinic interviewing ppl trying to seek services at the clinic.

When I went to get the abortion, I already knew I was pregnant but only a few weeks. Probirthers outside the clinic accosted me, screamed at me #deadlineWH
3/yelling for me not to kill my “baby”. They stuck signs in my face, followed me from my 🚗 in the parking lot all the way to the fence line in front of the clinic — where a staffer met me & escorted me inside — all the while ppl were screaming & threatening me. #DeadlineWH
Read 20 tweets
Mit den Worten „Kommt bitte zahlreich!“ ruft die AfD-Splittergruppe „Bundesvereinigung Christen in der AfD“ zum Münchner „#MarschfürsLeben“ auf. Es gibt aus der #AfD selbst bislang keine Signale, dass sie sich am Marsch beteiligen. Trotzdem ein 🧵 zum Thema AfD & Abtreibung. !B Das Bild ist ein Foto vom Marsch für das Leben in Berlin 20
Die "Alternative für Deutschland" kann als ein parlamentarischer Arm der „Lebensschutz“-Bewegung bezeichnet werden. „Ein“ Arm, da die Unionsparteien beim Thema #Schwangerschaftsabbruch auch noch eine maßgebliche Rolle spielen, dazu aber an anderer Stelle mehr. Zurück zur AfD...
„Abtreibung ist (…) grundsätzlich Unrecht“ schreibt z. B. die bayerische AfD 2018 in ihr Wahlprogramm zur Landtagswahl. Neben ihren antiquierten Positionen zu #Gender, Geschlechterrollen oder ihrem Familienbegriff, richtet sich die Partei auch explizit gegen reproduktive Rechte.
Read 18 tweets
People will come to realize that what I said last summer is correct and Lindy:

It comes down to #MyBodyMyChoice and the #prochoice crowd should have stood up for bodily autonomy but didn't.

If this take seems obvious to you now, I promise it was considered fringe in Summer '21.
People may forget that merely a few months ago, when it was a confusing blur of propaganda and fearmongering, to say that it came down to bodily autonomy seemed like a "meh" quaint opinion.

People were terrified and didn't care about bodily autonomy.

I pushed on regardless.
I knew my takes would be Lindy.

And I remember who doubted.

Public sentiment will fall into my side.

And I still despise the #prochoice crowd for not standing up for their supposed beliefs of bodily autonomy. Cowards.
Read 5 tweets
Lauterbach und die Impfpflicht - eine Chronologie des Umfallens und der Lüge.

Epochales Zitat Lauterbachs dazu:
"Die Wahrheit führt in sehr vielen Fällen zum politischen Tod"


#Impfzwang #mybodymychoice #FreieImpfentscheidung #impfpflichtjetzt

2019, NWZ:

"Frage: Widerspricht eine Impfpflicht nicht dem Recht auf freie Selbstbestimmung?

Lauterbach: Nein, meine Selbstbestimmung endet immer dort, wo ich andere gefährde. Das ist bei der Verletzung der Impfpflicht klar der Fall."

2019, NWZ:
Frage: Kommen jetzt noch weitere Impfpflichten gegen andere Krankheiten?

Lauterbach: Das glaube ich nicht. Die Masern sind eine besondere Situation. Es gibt kaum eine Erkrankung, die so ansteckend ist. Bei anderen Impfungen sind wir von einer Pflicht weit entfernt
Read 9 tweets
Does your vaccine only work if others have it?

Then it's a vaccine problem.

And there's still a mandate problem.
I'm not against people getting vaccinated for Covid. India's high vaccination has happened largely without mandates.
I am opposed to govt mandates and forcing people to inject something into their body. People must be able to make their own risk-reward decision.
So what else do you want to force upon people? Fast food is unhealthy, close all fast food joints. High fat causes heart attacks, fills hospitals, ban fat? Or maybe carbs or sugar are the problem. Ban them all, let's rule human choices by mandate.

Read 6 tweets
Via @Eddy4abq #ABQ?
My Platform is the 5 C’s
Sign up to help us
Via @eddy4abq #ABQ
My Platform is the 5 C’s:
1. CRIME - Reduce every category. No exceptions.

Sign up to help us
Via @Eddy4abq #ABQ

My Platform is the 5 C’s:

2. COMMERCE - Grow it. Stand behind Small Business. Remove ART now!

Sign up to help us
Read 40 tweets
Thread: The support of vaccine passports is vile to me. I’m not sure of the exact demographics of those crying the loudest, but in my experience it tilts Boomer. With apologies to the exceptional older crowd, it seems many retired people have mostly sailed through this pandemic/1
quick to leap on the “all in this together” bandwagon while losing nothing but a bit of mobility during these endless, awful, destructive lockdowns and business closures. I’ve also heard from some of these folks that lockdowns “show us what is really essential.” Wow. /2
Now there’s a new bandwagon: #vaccinated and despite the unapproved status of these vaccines and the vanishingly small risk of the virus to kids, all the usual “trustworthy” players (media, government, health bureaucrats), who’ve done such a great, consistent job looking out /3
Read 13 tweets
In response to the recent legislative action in my state of Texas: I’m not pro-murdering babies.

I'm pro-Juanita who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs.
I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later.
I'm pro-Nabeeha who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child.
Read 14 tweets
"Der Spiegel" Sonnabend, 4. Januar 1947
"In diesen Parteien (CSU+SPD) gibt es (...) einen linken (...) und einen rechten Flügel"
"(...)hatte er einen Autounfall erlitten,und man bot ihm zuerst das Verkehrsministerium an."
"Ihre Hauptziele sind:nur Fachleute als Minister,..." Image
Ich kann nicht mehr. Ich brech ab! Das Original hab ich bei meiner Mutter im HWR gefunden.
@derspiegel @janboehm @clausvonwagner @AndiScheuer @FabioDeMasi @watch_union @NiemaMovassat @RegSprecher @NowaboFM @EskenSaskia
Seite 4
Ich fass es nicht..."Diese Abänderung erfolgte dann auch durch Hitlers Gesetzgebung. Allerdings in der umgekehrten Richtung. Die Bestimmungen wurden verschärft,die Zuchthausstrafe eingeführt."
4. JANUAR 1947 !!! Image
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PrimeTime 20.15h bringt @3sat heute ein Special zu #Prostitution, für das auch @Johanna_Weber_ und ich @KristinaMarlen_ ausführlich interviewt wurden, sowie auch erscheinen. Nur: Wir kommen in der Ankündigung ***NICHT*** vor. (Thread)…
Die Journalistin versprach einen ausgewogenen Beitrag und interessierte sich scheinbar für einen #Feminismus, der #sexpositiv ist und die Frage, warum das #Hurenstigma alle #Frauen trifft, die sexuell aktiv sind und sich nicht der bürgerlichen Normen fur Weiblichkeit verhalten.
Ich konnte dazu viel sagen. Die Tatsache, dass wir nicht einmal in der Ankündigung erwähnt werden, spricht von #Respektlosigkeit gegenüber #Huren, die selbst sprechen und sich nicht als Opfer begreifen. Es darf uns nicht geben; Wir sollen unsichtbar bleiben. #Stigma
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Medicine was weaponized&politicized over a decade ago easy, not everything is mental health. Folks can't get meds that work for PTSD&pain, etc cz of all the BS @realDonaldTrump

Trump OKs 2 Laws Aimed at Helping Veteran Mental Health and Reducing Suicide…
Please listen for the love of God, there's a bunch of busybody assholes in everyone's doctor's offices. They're even performing major surgeries&not giving pain meds that work afterwards, cheap/generic meds that have been around many yrs @realDonaldTrump
#StandUpForYourPeople 🙏🇺🇸
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1st, I’m a progressive.
But come on progressives, are “Medicare For All,” “The Green New Deal,” or “Ending Citizen’s United” the hills you want to die on? If you do, there will be no living to fight another day.
We need to defeat tRump if we are going to have a chance to live to fight another day. We cannot afford the luxury of being purists, arguing about whether or not the party will or won’t move completely away from fossil fuels or will or won’t embrace Medicare for all.

If we hold out for those demands we will find ourselves living in a dictatorship with zero freedoms. We can fight for the other things later. If we don’t take a stand against tRump right now, there won’t be anything left to save.
Read 19 tweets
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.7
Section 7 – Life, liberty and security of the person…
Read 7 tweets

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