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Last night, I dreamt that my sci-fi images generated with #Midjourney had inspired a series on Netflix... I was quite disappointed when I woke up, hahaha! However, I decided to take it a step further and create a small poster for what could have represented the series... 🧵 Image
Even though it's far from perfect, if this series actually existed, I would surely be one of the first to watch it!

Here are a few of the images I created yesterday that I really love... I hope you'll enjoy them too if, like me, you like science-fiction!

1/20 Image

All the images come from multiple blends. The blend process takes long (for me) but the result always worth the patience in my opinion. Image
Read 21 tweets
After Disturbing the 🎞️ OTT Industry,

JioCinema is set to charge 🤯 Rs 2 per day !!

Here are the Plans & Data you should know

[A Thread] 👇 ...

#jio #ipl2023 #MIvsRCB Image
1] - 🏏 IPL is going to be over, What Next?

As expected,

JioCinema is set to charge Rs 2 per day !!

Let me Explain in detail 👇
2] - JioCinema has already achieved 5.5 billion views in 1st week of IPL.

Now they are moving toward their next big step. So it was clear that

JioCinema's priority is to expand its user base & offer the IPL for free to achieve this goal.

As Hotstar did but it was paid. Image
Read 10 tweets
Wir nennen es #Wechselrahmung: Massenmord an deutschen “Kindern”, natürlich mit #Gas. Oscar-gekrönte Geschichtspolitik via #Netflix: #ImWestenNichtsNeues auf dem Laptop. ⁦@ervinmalakajImage
Auch das noch: Die unerbittlichen Franzosen opfern Tausende für einen ungerechten Diktatfrieden, den der Good German (Daniel Brühl) unterwürfig unterzeichnen muss. Fazit: Die Franzosen sind am Zweiten Weltkrieg schuld. Image
Im Felde unbesiegt: #Dolchstoß in den Rücken. Siegfried stirbt. Hagen ist hier ein französischer Soldat. Kaum zu glauben, dass eine solche fatale Symbolik heutzutage auch noch mit vier Oscars prämiert wird. Image
Read 17 tweets
#Netflix has dropped a 45-page report on its "Africa adventures" from 2016-2022. I just received it. I'll go through it and share highlights in this thread, so this may take all day... 🤪 Image
Intro statements from Shola Sanni Director of Public Policy, sub-Saharan Africa Netflix; and Dean Garfield VP, Public Policy. In a nutshell, Netflix is excited about the future of its presence in Africa and bringing Africa to the world. ImageImage
$175 million invested over the six-year period; or just about $29 million a year towards both content and "creative ecosystems" in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria combined; or about $10 million annually to each country. Can't wait to see numbers from Prime Video eventually. Image
Read 20 tweets
Netflix'te birçok sürükleyici dizi var, önerilerim şunlar olabilir:

1. Stranger Things: Gizemli olaylar zincirinin yaşandığı bir kasabada geçen bu diziyi, 80'lerin nostaljik havası ve çocuk oyuncuların başarılı performanslarıyla izlemek oldukça keyifli. Image
2. Breaking Bad: Kimya öğretmeni Walter White, ölümcül bir hastalığı olan karısına ve engelli oğluna bakabilmek için esrar üretmeye başlar. Ancak zamanla işler çığırından çıkar ve Walter, uyuşturucu imparatorluğunun başına geçer. Image
Netflix’te yer alan harika dizilere yer verdik. Başka bir flood ile görüşmek üzere.

#netflix #dizi
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[𝗔 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲 𝗲́ 𝘂𝗺 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝗺 𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗵𝗼𝘀] ⏳

Embora possamos pensar que viveremos até os 100 anos, o tempo corre rápido...

Todos na photo abaixo estão mortos.

A média de vida humana é de 72,6 anos, ou seja, 26.517 dias. ⬇
@38bitcoinheiro @alan_schramm @MasculinidadeRZ @LivroseMusculos @R0nih @gustavoramos @rpandolfato A média é maior em países como o 🇯🇵, mas menor em países africanos mais pobres.

Mas, para simplificar, vamos supor que você viva até 72,6 anos ou 26.517 dias exatamente.

Se você quiser pensar nisso em termos monetários ⬇
@38bitcoinheiro @alan_schramm @MasculinidadeRZ @LivroseMusculos @R0nih @gustavoramos @rpandolfato - imagine que você tem $ 26.517 e, a cada dia, gasta $ 1 para se manter vivo. A palavra gastos foi destacada porque é isso que você está fazendo – gastando tempo.

Você tem um valor limitado e o saldo da sua conta só diminui conforme você paga o aluguel ⬇
Read 27 tweets

#mh370 #bacamisteri #malamjumat #misteri #netflix Image
Halo, semua! Kali ini minrab bakal menyajikan sebuah kisah misteri dibalik hilangnya pesawat MH370 pada tahun 2014 silam.

Masih pada ingatkah dengan tragedi ini?
Pada tanggal 8 Maret 2014, pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 menghilang secara misterius saat melakukan penerbangan dari Kuala Lumpur menuju Beijing dengan 227 penumpang dan 12 awak di dalamnya.
Read 43 tweets
1/10 Have you read our recently published #whitepaper?

The Art of #Stock Picking #Returns

Highlights below ⬇
2/10 “We’ve had 40+ years where all the money went into broadband, or internet, or #Netflix or the cloud and no money went into basic productive capacity…”

–Robert Friedland, CEO, Ivanhoe group of companies
3/10 What follows is KCR’s attempt to create a simple walk-through of the #risks and #opportunities offered today. We believe both the structure and implications of this paper are easy to grasp.
Read 10 tweets
Resenha: #njinga da #Netflix.
Positivo: Boa qualidade cinematrografica, superior a versão Angolana
Negativo: Se apresenta como Documentario Dramatico, porem é propaganda afrocrata e feminista mesmo que seja a custo da verdade historica…
O que realmente destruiu a experiencia foi de ter historiadores a "explicar" o que esta a acontecer, tira qualquer necessidade espectador de seguir a historia, e que no final distorçem muitos factos para nos apresentar a Rainha Feminista Africana que os Americanos querem Image
Njinga faz apenas parte de uma serie produções sobre Rainhas Africanas, que servem para provar aos Afro-Americanos que não são apenas os Europeus que tem historia.
Por isto o que poderia ter sido uma longa serie historica, no estilo Rome ou Spartacus sendo sendo uma rapidinha
Read 19 tweets
The wife of the special counsel #JackSmith donated to Joe Biden’s campaign & was one of the producers of Michelle Obama’s documentary for #Netflix.…
#JackSmith, recruited by Merrick Garkand from the ICC to prosecute President Trump, was complicit in IRS targeting conservative non-profits, together with notorious Lois Lerner.…
According to a witness testimony, #JackSmith initiated a meeting with Lois Lerner to discuss "enforcement" against conservative groups engaging in politics in the aftermath of #CitizensUnited SCOTUS decision.…
Read 7 tweets
🧵I stopped the trial to go back and watch Alex the night of the murders and it's bothering me. Bottom left, is Paul's body. Then Alex crosses to the right and walks right past Maggie's body calmly. Then stands back in the dark. #MurdaughTrial #Murdaugh
🧵 Then Alex says he can tell the officer the exact time he left, and offers to show the officer his phone. What did he mean? What was he going to show on his phone to show where he was? Was this a slip and a quick divert? #MurdaughTrial
🧵 Then Alex starts the lies. Says he was with Paul (note he does not say Paul Paul like he is now) for 2 hours. Says he was gone for an hour and a half for his moms (20 minutes he was there) Says he saw them 45 minutes before that. #Murdaugh #MurdaughTrial
Read 17 tweets
A 2021 #IOS update from #Apple let users opt out of tracking with one click. More than 96% clicked, costing #Facebook $10b in *one year*. The kicker? Even if you opted out, *Apple* *spied* on you, just like Facebook had, to fuel its own targeted ads:… 1/ Blind justice, holding aloft a set of unbalanced scales; in
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The fact that Apple - a company that has blanketed the world with anti-surveillance billboards - engaged in deceptive, pervasive surveillance reveals the bankruptcy of "letting the market decide" what privacy protections you should have. 3/
Read 52 tweets
#Netflix has unveiled the details of its new anti-#PasswordSharing policy, detailing a suite of complex gymnastics that customers will be expected to undergo if their living arrangements trigger @netflix's automated enforcement mechanisms:… 1/ A Victorian family tree tem...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Netflix says that its new policy allows members of the same "#household" to share an account. 3/
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L'arnaque de #phishing qui usurpe #Netflix, vous la connaissez ? Vous l'avez peut-être déjà reçue ? On vous l'explique, elle est pleine de surprises !!! 🧵
Tout commence avec un #sms (ou #mail) que vous recevez et qui vous prévient que votre dernier paiement a été refusé. Vous êtes alors invité à régulariser la situation en cliquant sur un lien.
En le suivant, vous tombez donc sur un faux site à l'image de Netflix... C'est encore plus flagrant sur ordinateur que sur mobile ! Pour commencer, on vous demande vos identifiants de connexion.
Read 15 tweets
Todo o dia a mesma noite - O Incêndio da Boate Kiss

Quem são os personagens?

Mais detalhes da série com atores que interpretam personagens cujas vidas se transformaram após o incêndio na Boate Kiss.


#TodoDiaAMesmaNoite #boatekiss #netflix
1) Baseada no livro de Daniela Arbex, a produção relembra a incansável luta dos pais dos jovens que estavam na boate naquela noite – e até hoje clamam por Justiça em um episódio que está longe de ser um acidente.
2) Daniela Arbex - Autora do livro “Todo dia a mesma noite”
Há quase dez anos, a jornalista mineira tem abordado algumas feridas abertas de nossa história:
A escritora do livro-reportagem Todo dia a mesma noite (Intrínseca), aparece no segundo episódio da temporada.
Read 21 tweets
🔢Według mnie możemy mieć mocna narrację na Sztuczną inteligencję i Machine Learning.

Coraz więcej osób o tym wspomina🤙

Czy jesteśmy jeszcze wcześnie?🤔

Co to jest to #AI i gdzie ma zastosowanie?🤔

Zerknij na wątek 🧵....
#trend #kryptowaluty $tao
1️⃣Sztuczna inteligencja. Ale czym ona tak w ogóle jest?

➡️Sztuczna inteligencja to (SI) zdolność maszyn do wykazywania ludzkich umiejętności, takich jak rozumowanie, uczenie się, planowanie i kreatywność.
2️⃣Sztuczna inteligencja umożliwia systemom tchnicznym postrzeganie ich otoczenia, radzenie sobie z tym, co postrzegają i rozwiązywanie problemów, działając w kierunku osiągnięcia określonego celu. Komputer odbiera dane przetwarza je i reaguje.
Read 26 tweets

#registreArgotique (俚语)
Netflix <Ginny & Georgia> 第一集(partie 1) ImageImageImageImage
Netflix <Ginny & Georgia> 第一集(partie 2) ImageImageImageImage
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El Juicio de "Don Sol"
Mi columna en @sinembargo s/ el juicio de #GarcíaLuna y todo lo que está en juego. Sobre la farsa y aberración de un sistema de justicia (🇺🇲) que no protege a las víctimas, favorece la impunidad y defiende a las élites políticas y al gran capital. #Netflix
Tengo dos hipótesis sobre lo que podría pasar en el caso del juicio de nuestro Conrado Sol “verdadero”, quien nunca creyó que después de su enorme lealtad a los funcionarios de alto rango y a las agencias de seguridad estadounidenses...
...—particularmente las afiliadas al Departamento del Justicia como la DEA y el FBI—sería detenido, encarcelado y colocado en el banquillo de los acusados.
Read 39 tweets
Comenzaré en este hilo 🧵 🪡🧶 a publicar todas las recomendaciones de películas y series🍿📽️ que vea. Realmente hay unas que NECESITO contarle a la gente lo buenas que son.
1. Los crímenes de la academia. #Netflix. En 🇺🇸, una academia de soldados recurre a un investigador civil por un misterioso su1c1d10, este, pide ayuda a uno de los soldados quien es EDGAR ALLAN POE y juntos resuelven el misterio. Aprovechan la trama para describir a Poe y ⬇️
Hacer sutiles referencias a algunos de sus cuentos, como:“El cottage de Landor”“Corazón delator”El escarabajo de oro” o incluso “el cuervo”. Realmente buena para quienes gustan de este género y conocen los cuentos de este gran autor. Es basada en el libro de Louis Bayard.
Read 9 tweets
Los cárteles de la droga vs los peores cárteles de la droga :

Si todavía no sabes nada sobre "los opiáceos", aquí te va un spoiler: Es peor que la heroína, en pastillas y legal.

Hilo con recomendaciones socio-culturales (#Netflix, #HBO, etc....)
El malo, o sea,el cártel de esta triste historia que se ha llevado ya más de medio millón de vidas,es la farmacéutica PURDUE PHARMA. Se hicieron ricos en los años de las guerras mundiales gracias al Betadine y "crearon" la enfermedad "ansiedad" para recetar Valium como conguitos.
La historia es tan loca y demuestra como eso que llamamos capitalismo está podrido siempre desde dentro, que hay muchos documentales desgarradoras de como con OXYCONTIN engañaron a todo EEUU diciendo que "no era adictivo" siendo básicamente Oxycodona.
Read 7 tweets
What’s your pick for the best Indian #ott #webseries of 2022, and why? Tell us in the comments below.⁠

#YearEnder #BestOf2022 #Netflix #Hotstar #AmazonPrime #YRF #SonyLiv Image
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🧵#MeghanandHarry So they didn’t meet at the Soho club. She didn’t Google him, but checked out his Instagram feed. The Millennial phone book.
Whoops Tom Bower! You got the dishwashing story wrong.
“Straight out of Compton” #MeghanandHarry #netflix
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#水星の魔女 #Netflix #後追い視聴勢

#水星の魔女 #Netflix #後追い視聴勢 #会計力の高いSF

#水星の魔女 #Netflix #後追い視聴勢
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🚨 Watch: Meghan and Harry's Netflix documentary trailer promises to explain why they quit Royal Family…
🔴 The first trailer for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's Netflix documentary has launched, promising a "never-before-seen look" at their private lives which will explain why they had to leave the Royal Family.

🔴 The one-minute trailer, in which Netflix confirms the existence of the six-part documentary for the first time, the couple are interviewed on camera while intimate behind-the-scenes photographs of their lives are played out.

Read more ⤵️… CREDIT: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images
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