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Killer whales are hunting & sinking ships near Spain.

And may be teaching others how.

Some researchers speculate it may be a new whale fad.

The Orca equivalent of a TikTok challenge.

@sipappas… ImageImageImageImage
"two juvenile killer whales went after the rudder while an adult repeatedly rammed the boat... The attack lasted 90 minutes"

They know what they are doing.

Pics of aftermath. You can see an emergency pump running.

Source:… ImageImageImageImage
"Since you wouldn't protect us, we're taking taking matters into our own flippers"

- Killer Whales
Read 11 tweets
Welcome to Thursday. It's Day 449 of Europe's war.

All the news and analysis from #Ukraine and #Russia in one place. Click and scroll throughout the day, and if you want to check back on what you missed yesterday, here's the link:


Another night, another attack on #Kyiv.

It's the 9th multi-missile assault on #Ukraine's capital this month but local officials reort all objects were shot down.

#Darnytskyi, #Dnipro and #Desnyan districts saw falling debris (such as these photos) but no injuries reported: Image

#Ukraine's air defence says #Russia probably used cruise missiles of the X-101/555 type for this morning's attack on '#Kyiv.

Reconaissance drones were spotted over the capital just before the missiles were launched.

Here's a clip of a reporter in Darnytskyi district
Read 42 tweets
Here we go again. Day 414 of #Russia's mission to wipe #Ukraine from the map and continuing its imperialistic goals.
This is the daily thread with all the news you need.

If you like my work and have a few spare coins you can support me with a coffee here:
Reaction to the beheading videos dominated yesterday's news. If you missed anything or want a recap, here's the link for the start of yesterday's thread.
Click and scroll at your leisure!


Another 540 Russians were killed in #Ukraine yesterday, according to estimates by #Kyiv.

#Russia also still losing above average numbers of artillery systems on the frontline.

#RussiansGoHome Image
Read 38 tweets
Day 328 and the war continues.
So do the war crimes.

This is my 328th daily thread with the news from #Ukraine as #Russia seeks to destroy a nation, a culture.

Quite a bit of late news yesterday - catch up here:

No rest for the wicked they say.
That was true in #Oslo overnight where it was loud outside #Russia's consulate.

Also loud in #Russia, at least in #Belgorod region.

Air Defence spent a long time trying to catch something in the sky.
Read 30 tweets
Et je n'ai pas eu le temps de partager avec vous ces vidéos prises depuis la pointe de l'île dAustvågøy ! Au loin la statue de la femme du pêcheur de Svolvær
Read 98 tweets
Notre #ParisMarocEnTrain m'a donné des envies ! Voici nos 2 prochaines semaines : du train, du train et encore du train à travers le Danemark, la Suède et la Norvège !
Départ demain 7h ! Je suis excitée comme une gamine ! Promis, je vous raconterai le périple ! ❄️🎄🚅 Image
Ah et les enfants ne sont pas encore au courant ! Ils vont être fous ♥️
Et pour les curieux, le point le plus haut que vous voyez sur la carte c'est Narvik, la gare la plus au Nord de Norvège et d'Europe d'ailleurs !
Pour rejoindre Bodø, le point juste en-dessous à l'ouest, on prendra d'abord un bus pour rejoindre les îles Lofoten, puis un ferry ! Image
Read 289 tweets
Jestem dziś na ciekawej konferencji podsumowującej projekt badawczy dotyczący sądownictwa w Europie Środkowej. Postaram się podrzucać ciekawostki ze ścieżki, w której będę uczestniczył. Stay in touch. #Oslo #JudgesUnderStress
Profesor Hans Peter Graveter (lider projektu) relacjonuje procesy obserwowane w naszym regionie i dodaje, że: Demokracja i autorytaryzm to kontinuum. Obrońcy demokracji nie powinni sięgać po dychotomie i slogany, które charakteryzują populistycznych polityków.
Cd. W większości krajów postkom. sądy nie przeszły instytucjonalnej zmiany. Sędziowie byli postrzegani jako neutralni urzędnicy. Biurokratyczny model i habitus przetrwał. Tymczasem sędziowska niezależność to także stan umysłu, który jest kształtowany przez kulturę organizacyjną.
Read 27 tweets
Hallo zusammen!
Heute möchte ich euch diesen Mann vorstellen: Oberst Birger Kristian #Eriksen, ein gefeierter norwegischer Held im 2. #Weltkrieg #WWII.
Nehmt euch eine Minute und lest im folgenden 🧵, wie es ihm gelang, die #Nazis zu piesacken.
#History #Geschichte 1/11 Fotografie von Oberst Birger Eriksen. Er trägt Uniform, an
Die Geschichte, von der ich euch erzählen will, spielt sich am 9. April 1940 ab. Es ist der Tag, an dem die #Wehrmacht mit dem "Unternehmen Weserübung" beginnt: der Überfall auf #Dänemark und #Norwegen. 2/11
Eines von vielen Zielen, die im Handstreich eingenommen werden sollen, ist #Oslo. In den frühen Morgenstunden des 9. April läuft eine Flotte der deutschen Kriegsmarine in den #Oslo-#Fjord ein. Angeführt wird der Verband vom schweren Kreuzer "Blücher". 3/11
Read 12 tweets
🏅Bu senenin #Nobel Ödülleri sezonu resmi olarak açıldı. Her Ekim ayında, #İsveç ve #Norveç’teki komiteler; bilim, edebiyat ve ekonomi ve barış çalışmaları adına çeşitli ödüller veriyor. Ayrıca bu sene öncekilerden farklı bir tören gerçekleşecek. #Nobelprize
#Pandemi sürecinde Nobel Ödülleri de her şey gibi sekteye uğradı. 2020 ve 2021 Nobel törenleri çevrimiçi düzenlenen etkinliklerde dağıtılırken, Nobel #Barış Ödülü için #Oslo’da düzenlenen törene katılım oldukça azdı.
Bu nedenle bu seneki organizasyonun coşkulu bir şekilde yapılması hedeflendi.

Organizasyon, ödül sahiplerinin Nobel Ödülü madalyalarını ve diplomalarını #Aralık ayında #Stockholm’de alacaklarını ve önceki iki yılın kazananlarının da davet edileceğini söyledi.
Read 6 tweets
Day 208 of the war.
#Russia's grotesque war on #Ukraine. This is the daily thread.

A new week, but a national holiday in the #UK - the funeral of Elizabeth II and a new photo - her last ever portrait.

Goodbye our Queen, and thank you.
Fewer stories on Sunday than for a long time, which is a relief as that usually means fewer civilian deaths in #Ukraine.

But there was still plenty to write about - if you missed anything, scroll through yesterday's thread with this link:

I'm just back in the UK from #Poland
Plans now in place for purchase & distribution of however much equipment we can buy to help #Ukraine's brave soldiers for winter

We're up to £1,560 but we need more.
Please dig deep, share on Facebook, Insta, anywhere…
Read 34 tweets
Divonne-les-Bains : Karin Schneider, l'insolente qui fait du vin ...
Elle réfléchit déjà au vin qu'elle veut faire l'année prochaine, certainement avec du raisin en culture biologique ou en biodynamique.… #biodynamie
Le Hofgut Rengoldshausen célèbre 800 ans de ferme et 90 ans d'agriculture biodynamique. Depuis la fondation au XIIIe siècle, une ferme progressiste s'est développée et les femmes sont toujours influentes. #Biodynamique…
Château d’Estoublon: le jardin provençal du couple Bruni-Sarkozy Depuis longtemps conduite en agriculture biologique, les vignes se voient appliquer les principes de la biodynamie depuis quelques années.… Image
Read 1517 tweets
Our 1st #LGBTQI #Youth News Bulletin is out. Here's a recap of some of the major news & policy developments that happened in the Council of Europe Region in June 2022 from an LGBTQI Youth perspective. [1/9]

📰 Read our full Bulletin down this thread or on
🏳️‍⚧️ #Cycling, #Swimming and #Rugby’s International Governing Bodies Impose New Anti-#Trans Rulings [2/9]
🇷🇴 #Romania to Potentially Prohibit the Dissemination of Information on #LGBTQI Issues [3/9]
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Wir sind erschüttert und in tiefster Trauer ob des islamistischen und homofeindlich motivierten Anschlags in #Oslo. 1/9

#OsloPride #OsloPride2022 Image
In der Nacht zum Samstag eröffnete ein bewaffneter Täter, am Vorabend der Osloer Pride, vor der beliebten seit 1979 bestehende Schwulenbar London Pub das Feuer, um mutmaßlich gezielt queere Menschen zu ermorden. 2/9
Der Täter erschießt zwei Männer, einer zwischen 50 und 60 Jahre alt, der andere zwischen 60 und 70, und verletzt 21 weitere Menschen, 10 davon schwer. Die norwegischen Behörden stufen die Tat als islamistischen Terroranschlag ein. 3/9
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[A LA UNE A 18H]
#Kiev a été visée par de nouvelles frappes russes qui ont fait au moins un mort et quatre blessés, dans un quartier déjà touché ces dernières semaines, au jour de l'ouverture d'un sommet du #G7 en Bavière #AFP 1/5 ImageImage
[A LA UNE A 18H]
Les dirigeants des pays du #G7 ont donné le ton de leur sommet, réuni en Bavière et largement consacré à la guerre en #Ukraine, en annonçant élargir les sanctions contre Moscou et en lançant un appel à l'unité #AFP 2/5 Image
[A LA UNE A 18H]
La Norvège a célébré l'amour pour tous lors d'un hommage aux victimes de la fusillade qui s'est produite près d'un bar gay la veille dans le centre-ville d'#Oslo, un drame qui a choqué la nation en pleine célébration de la #MarcheDesFiertés #AFP 3/5 ImageImageImageImage
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Ich weiß, wie solidarisch es gemeint ist, wenn nicht-queere Menschen wieder von einem "Angriff auf uns alle" reden. Aber...
Gerade lese ich von einer jungen Person, die zum ersten Mal im Leben zu einem Pride gehen wollte und sich so sehr darauf gefreut hat und heute morgen von dem Angriff lesen musste.
Statt zu einem Pride zu gehen und zu feiern, hat sie Blumen abgelegt und getrauert.
Und ich weiß, dass nur sehr wenige nicht-queere Menschen wirklich verstehen, warum ich dabei plötzlich anfangen muss zu weinen und nicht mehr aufhören kann.
Read 7 tweets
[A LA UNE A 18H]
La ville de #Severodonetsk dans le Donbass (est), théâtre de combats féroces entre les armées ukrainienne et russe depuis plusieurs semaines, est "entièrement occupée" par l'armée russe, a annoncé son maire Oleksandre Striouk #AFP 1/5 Image
[A LA UNE A 18H]
Les services de sécurité norvégiens privilégient la piste du "terrorisme islamiste" après des tirs mortels dans la nuit près d'un bar gay en plein centre-ville d'#Oslo, une fusillade qui a entraîné l'annulation d'une #MarcheDesFiertés LGBTQI+ #AFP 2/5 ImageImage
[A LA UNE A 18H]
La principale organisation marocaine de défense des droits humains a réclamé une enquête, au lendemain de la tentative d'entrée de près de 2.000 migrants subsahariens dans l'enclave espagnole de #Melilla durant laquelle 18 personnes ont péri #AFP 3/5 Image
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#Thread Let's face the facts on religion of peace.

Quran Verse(9:5) KILL idolaters(Non-Muslim) wherever you find them & capture them & besiege them.

Taliban follows ISLAM.
Just like Al-Qaeda
Lashkr E Taliban
Al Badr
Al Barq
countless more ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUPS🔻 Image

April 2022
- TERRORIST attack in Shia mosque in Mazar e Sharif #Afghanistan by TERRORIST GROUP ISLAMIC State K, 2nd attack in the past 48 hours.

- In #Nigeria 10 KILLED & 160 missing after ISLAMIC TERRORIST GROUP Boko Haram bombed a train…

- On 4 March 2022,
ISLAMIC State TERRORIST [ISIS-K] group attacked a Shia mosque at Qissa Khwani Bazaar in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, #Pakistan

- KILLED at least 63 people and injured another 196.…
Read 10 tweets
1/ Mye "pressefolk" tilstede på demonstrasjonen foran #Stortinget og Den 🇷🇺 ambassaden i #Oslo i lørdag 26 feb. De tok bilder av norsk-#ukrainere som våger å vise din motstand mot #Putin-regimet. Vi tok bilde av dem. Her følger et knippe. "Tagg" gjerne om du ser kjentfolk. ⬇️
2/ "Pressemann" som tok bilder av alle i demostrasjonen som passerte han på vei mot den 🇷🇺 ambassaden.
3/ Denne "pressemannen" sto langs ruta mot den 🇷🇺 ambassaden og tok bilde av norsk-ukrainerne. Ukjent emblem. Målet virket å opptre truende.
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Parwana Ibrahimkahail has been badly tortured .We know where she is @NorwayMFA The #Taliban deny taking her but she’s in detention centre in PD9. Don’t negotiate with terrorists .@US4AfghanPeace @AHuitfeldt @AnneBeathe_ @SkyNews @Shaimaakhalil @BBCWorld @guardian @POTUS
The spokesman for #TalibanTerrorists deny taking her -It’s a lie - She has been tortured. I’m asking the International community to shout her name .#ReleaseParwana now .@GOVUK @TomTugendhat @RoryStewartUK @GordonBrown @SnellArthur @BBCYaldaHakim
We are asking the International community to scream for #Parwana. Tell you MP. Retweet.She needs us now. #Parwana will be murdered without our intervention. @amnesty @AmnestyUK @UNHumanRights @UNHumanRightsEU ACT NOW.
#ReleaseParwana #WeAreWatching
Read 15 tweets
1/4Taliban representatives of 15 men have landed in Gardermoen Airport #Oslo #Norway before 19:30 local time.The private jet has been sent to Afghanistan,paid by Norwegian Gov.(NTB Norwegian News Agency) It is chosen by practical& security measures. According to NRK Anas Haqqani
2/4-A person up until recently on blacklist of US for terrorism &brother of notorious Sirajuddin Haqqani is a part of delegation.The powerful Haqqani network also is in charge of interim ministry.The Finnish private company Jetlife owns the plane,on their website brags about WiFi
3/4- And 6 beds on the plane, does not want to comment. Meetings schedualed for 3 days, starting tomorrow at Soria Moria Hotel in Oslo. Meetings with representatives of human rights organizations, women's advocates and representatives of the Afghan media.
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"la région @auvergnerhalpes à cédé 8 trains pour un montant tenu secret."

Pourquoi ce secret @auvergnerhalpes & @laurentwauquiez ?

On est sur un domaine public et de l'argent public ?

Serait ce scandaleux ce montant ? €uro symbolique ?

#railcoop Image
D'ou l'expression consacrée :

"Quand c'est flou, c'est qu'il y a un loup"

Les sociétaires qui versent leur argent a cette entreprise ne devraient pas savoir comment celui ci est utilisé ?

Ou le citoyen lambda ne soit il pas savoir quelle à été la hauteur de l'aide ?
Pour rappel :
"La régénération de voies" pourrait être l'aide apportée à Railcoop (qui profiterait à tous les autres trains).
Ce qui veut dire : @auvergnerhalpes aurait laissé les voies mourir d'elles même suite à leur vétusté si railcoop n'était pas la ?… Image
Read 179 tweets
In this reed boat made without the aid of any modern tools, #ThorHeyerdahl crossed the Atlantic making the journey of 5,200 km from Safi to Barbados in just over 50 days with a 7 man crew from 7 different countries in the year 1970!
I took the kids to learn about his adventures
In 1947 #ThorHeyerdahl and crew sailed from Perú to Polynesia, a journey of 6,900 km in 101 days on a craft made entirely of balsa wood! The wonderful #KonTiki museum in #Oslo where I took Darius and Irya yesterday has the original boats that made both journeys and is a must see!
The Fram sailed with Nansen on a drift over the Arctic Ocean 1893-96, with Sverdrup to the arctic archipelago - 1898-1902, and with Roald Amundsen to Antarctica for his South Pole expedition 1910-12.

The Fram is now exhibited in the #FramMuseum in #Oslo. The kids loved it!
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#oslo Nødetatene er på vei til Holmenkollveien hvor det brenner i en enebolig. Samtlige som bor på adressen er evakuert.
Politiet sperrer Holmenkollveien slik at nødetatene skal få komme frem. Omkjøring blir da ned/opp Ankerveien v/besserud t-bane. Brannvesenet jobber med å slukke brannen.
Brannen skal nå være slukket. Det har brent på en takterrasse. Samtlige nødetater er fortsatt på stedet.
Read 6 tweets
#Oslo Politiet er på veg til Grønland torg i forbindelse med at en person skal ha gått til angrep på en vekter.
Politiet er på stedet og har tatt kontroll på mistenkte. Uvisst om vekteren er skadet.
Mistenkte blør litt fra nesa, mens vekteren fremstår som uskadet. Det er uklart hva som var foranledningen til hendelsen.
Read 4 tweets

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