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🎉 Victory! The Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act has been signed by @GovInslee and is now law!

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible! đŸ§”

#waleg #cosmetics #PFAS, #phthalates #toxicchemicals #thread
This law is the strongest in the country, banning #PFAS, #phthalates, #formaldehyde & #lead in cosmetics & personal care products that we use on our bodies & get sent down the drain. It's the only law in the nation that bans lead & tackles all chemicals that release formaldehyde.
.@SharlettMena, thank you for your leadership in sponsoring the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act! #waleg
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You know you're getting under industry's skin when they reach out and try to "educate" you and "clarify" something that you discovered. A short đŸ§”on one of my favorite topics: #PFAS in #ArtificialTurf.
Today I was emailed this statement from Shaw Industries, one of the largest manufacturers of artificial turf. Image
It came with this very pleasant email. ImageImage
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Many takeout containers have #PFAS. Until recently, using polymeric PFAS to reinforce these paper-based items was considered safe.

But a recent study suggests otherwise: these can also break down into toxic PFAS that could get into food

Me for @statnews:

For more info on which restaurants' packaging has #PFAS in it (as of last year), check out @kevloria's @ConsumerReports investigation:

And for (what I consider) the original #PFAS in Chipotle/Sweetgreen bowls story, check out
@joefassler's 2019 story at The Counter / The New Food Economy (RIP The Counter)

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1/ Last month, NYC launched its first curbside #composting effort in Queens, with the goal of expanding across the city to keep the 8M pounds of residential #FoodWaste generated daily from rotting in #landfills and createing #climate damaging emissions.
2/ After the food scraps are collected, they’re sent to one of two #AnerobicDigestion facilities, where bacteria break down #organic materials in the absence of oxygen to creates a mixture of gases – or #biogas, which can be burned to produce #energy.
3/ But, as @LFO has made clear, #AnerobicDigestion can get tricky. Particularly when #FoodScraps are sent to the #digesters at wastewater treatment plants, which are used to reduce the volume of #SewageSludge. This is happening in NYC.
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Pour suivre le sujet de prĂšs, je suis d’accord avec ce que disent les experts interviewĂ©s dans cette sĂ©rie d’article notamment sur les impacts des #PFAs
J’ai juste du mal avec la maniĂšre de prĂ©senter le sujet. Il y a des Ă©lĂ©ments suggĂ©rĂ©s inutiles.

A noter que l’@EU_ECHA publie rĂ©guliĂšrement sur le sujet, tous les documents et rĂ©ponses apportĂ©es aux diffĂ©rents acteurs sont publiĂ©s dans le cadre des Ă©valuations.
Ici le plan d’actions—

Le rĂŽle de l’ECHA est d’apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments techniques notamment d’impacts au regard des usages et possibilitĂ© de substitution, mais aussi Ă©conomiques.
Il aurait été intéressant de préciser cela. La commission utilise ces éléments et y intÚgre une dose de politique
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🏭💧After months of work, the Forever Pollution Project by @lemondefr and its 17 partners reveals the staggering extent of Europe's contamination by forever chemicals #PFAS
#ForeverPollution #Crossborder

@lemondefr We reveal the existence of 17,000 PFAS contaminated sites across Europe, including over 2,100 hotspots (over 100ng/L). These data come from samples taken in water, soil or living organisms by scientists and authorities since 2003.
We also reveal the location of nearly 21,500 presumptive contamination sites. These are sites where industrial activity is documented as both a user and emitter of PFAS, such as military bases (firefighting foams) or paper mills.
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🏭💧AprĂšs des mois de travail, le Forever Pollution Project du @lemondefr et de ses 17 partenaires rĂ©vĂšle l'ampleur vertigineuse de la contamination de l'Europe par les #PFAS, des polluants Ă©ternels

Nous rĂ©vĂ©lons 17 000 sites contaminĂ©s par les PFAS Ă  travers toute l'Europe, dont plus de 2100 hotspots (> de 100ng/L). Ces donnĂ©es proviennent de prĂ©lĂšvements effectuĂ©s dans l’eau, dans les sols ou dans des organismes vivants par des scientifiques et des agences depuis 2003.
Nous rĂ©vĂ©lons aussi la localisation de prĂšs de 21 500 sites prĂ©sumĂ©s contaminĂ©s. Soit des sites dont l’activitĂ© industrielle est documentĂ©e comme Ă  la fois utilisatrice et Ă©mettrice de PFAS, comme les bases militaires (mousses anti-incendie) ou les usines Ă  papier.
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@milieudefensie @natuurenmilieu @SoortenNL @LandelijkeNMF @wwfnederland en @Rijkswaterstaat

Er gebeurt al tijden iets verschrikkelijks in onze natuur: onze mooie #westerschelde is vergiftigd door #PFAS.

En de gekte stopt maar niet.
Een enorm groot #natuurgebied van 95km in lengte, en 2 tot 8km breedte wordt continue #vergiftigd. Vergiftigd water bereikt #vissen, #grondwater, en natuurlijk ook de #Noordzee. Er voltrekt zich een #ramp.
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Mangiare un pesce d'acqua dolce pescato in un fiume o in un lago negli Stati Uniti equivale a bere un mese di acqua contaminata da "sostanze chimiche e averle nel corpo per sempre" chiamate PFAS (sostanze per- e polifluoroalchiliche) secondo una nuova ricerca EU del 17 gennaio âŹ‡ïž
Lo studio arriva dopo che Danimarca, Germania, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia e Svezia hanno presentato il 13 febbraio una proposta all'Agenzia europea (ECHA) per vietare i PFAS a causa della pericolositĂ  delle sostanze chimiche che contieneâŹ‡ïž
Una recente inchiesta della BBC ha mostrato che dozzine di prodotti di bellezza in vendita in UK e in EU contengono gli inquinanti La BBC ha spiegato che le sostanze chimiche sono resistenti all'olio cosĂŹ come all'acqua il che le rende "indispensabili per industria del trucco"âŹ‡ïž
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New York has officially passed legislation that will ban the production and sale of apparel that contains PFAS, commonly known as ‘forever chemicals.’ PFAS are typically put in textiles to make them stain-resistant or waterproof.
However, the group of chemicals, which are difficult to break down, build up in water, the environment, and our bodies. They have been linked to health issues like cancer and developmental issues in children.
New York State Assemblymember Patricia Fahy (D), a co-sponsor of the bill, said on Twitter, ‘Toxic #PFAS chemicals have no place in our waterways, food packaging, and certainly not our everyday items of clothing.’
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As a new Congress finds its footing, below is a thread to look back on the #IAFF legislative successes of 2022!! Jan 3 - @POTUS signs Federal Fire Fighter Flexibility & Fairness Act allowing federal FFs to trade work shifts (1/9)
In March FFs got big wins in an omnibus spending package that included a bump in funding for FF cancer registry, funding for fed. HSGAC, an updated sprinkler provision in the federal code making buildings safer & and CO grant program to install detectors in public housing (2/9)
In the summer the #IAFF secured a commitment from the Secretary of the Navy to replace & build a new fire station at Walter Reed National Military Center (3/9)
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1/ If we'd only take inhalation dose of virus-laden aerosols seriously. In Canada - COVID-19 funding/person in 2020 was $770/person (much lower now). COVID-19 fatalities nearly doubled between Oct '21 and Oct '22. Wait for it ....
2/ A reasonable estimate at CA $6/student, just 0.8% of the $770/person a #CorsiRosenthalBox could have been placed in every single classroom in primary and secondary classroom in Canada.
3/ This would have likely reduced children and teacher inhalation dose of virus-laden aerosol particles by 50 to 80% depending on range of typical classroom sizes & CR Box use (air flow, fan).
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Bij de helft van onze metingen in #drinkwater dat van rivierwater wordt gemaakt is de concentratie #PFAS hoger dan wij adviseren. âŹ‡ïž
2/3 De hoeveelheid PFAS die mensen in Nederland binnenkrijgen via alléén #drinkwater ligt beneden de gezondheidskundige grenswaarde, maar samen met voedsel krijgen mensen in Nederland wel teveel binnen. Daarnaast krijgen we ook via de lucht en consumentenproducten #PFAS binnen.
3/3 Wij adviseren om de concentraties PFAS in #drinkwater de komende jaren te verlagen. Daarom monitoren wij het aandeel van PFAS in het #milieu en doen wij onderzoek naar de meest effectieve maatregelen om de hoeveelheid PFAS te verminderen.


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Today our paper about #PFAS destruction (at much milder conditions than previously thought possible) is out in @ScienceMagazine.

We also present a detailed, evidence-based degradation mechanism.

This paper is my entire PhD and I'm very proud of it. A đŸ§”:

PFAS are environmental pollutants linked to negative health effects at exposure levels so low that the US EPA recently set a drinking water health advisory limit that is lower than we can measure

(a nice way of saying there's no safe level)

In the last few years, the field has gotten pretty good at removing PFAS from water.

Our group in particular has made several regenerable PFAS adsorbents. But every time we present this research, someone asks đŸ™‹â€â™‚ïž "What do you do with the PFAS after you've desorbed it?"
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So New Hampshire, I have a story to tell you.

I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and just had a bilateral mastectomy.

No history of breast cancer in my family, best guess is that it’s environmentaly triggered (as is the majority of cancer cases.)

I’m not alone, there are a ton of cancer cases in our town of Merrimack. THREE cases of colon cancer just in my neighborhood. We’ve got kids with cancer, tons of women with breast cancer, men with prostate cancer, kidney cancers.

Hell even our cats and dogs (our canaries in the coal mine) are dying off with cancer and skin tumors.

I live 3 miles from our polluter, I was told by our state that I had nothing to worry about. You live too far away, your well is not impacted.

@EWGPrez @ewg
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Selon une nouvelle étude, l'eau de pluie est désormais impropre à la consommation partout sur le planÚte, contaminée qu'elle est par des produits chimiques (#PFAS) qui dépassent les seuils recommandés.

(Ă©tude de chercheurs de l’UniversitĂ© de Stockholm)

Bon dimanche pluvieux
Normalement considĂ©rĂ©s comme intacts, l’Antarctique et le plateau du Tibet prĂ©sentent des niveaux de PFAS dans l’eau de pluie 14 fois supĂ©rieurs aux recommandations de l’Agence de protection de l’environnement des États-Unis (EPA).
Les PFAS sont maintenant si persistants et omniprĂ©sents qu’ils ne disparaĂźtront jamais de la Terre.
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Thread đŸ§” @cityoftucson @TucsonWater
2021 Water Quality Report

A discussion about PFAS contamination and transparency by governmental officials...

Report 👇
Here a teaser. More to follow over the next few days, a hint for what follows: "Forever & Accumulative" Image
"All [~30 billion gallons] water delivered by Tucson Water to its 722,000 customers each year is groundwater pumped from area aquifers." Using "206 active production or standby groundwater wells."👇
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@EPA released a new set of advisories for PFAS today. Here’s the beginning of a multi-part visual essay that I’m working on about the impact of PFAS
 đŸ§”1/10 #pfas #visualessay #graphicmedicine #nonfictionillustration

Grandoni, Dino. (2022, June 15). EPA warns toxic ‘forever chemicals’ more dangerous than once
thought. The Washington Post.
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New Health Advisories for 4 #PFAS announced today and they are VERY low
#PFOA: 4 parts per *quadrillion*
#PFOS: 20 parts per *quadrillion*
#GenX: 10 ppt
#PFBS: 2000 ppt

This is a huge deal

#ForeverChemicals | @ewg |

That means #PFAS are toxic in minuscule amounts. Ppq is a tiny, tiny unit of measurement. WA state explained in 2018, "Lay a penny on the ground and compare it — by area — to the entire state of Washington. That is equal to one part per quadrillion."

Wikipedia describes it another way:
One part per quadrillion (ppq) denotes one part per 1,000,000,000,000,000 (1015) parts, and a value of 10−15. This is equivalent to about two and a half minutes out of the age of the Earth (4.5 billion years)

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It’s been 1 year since @NYSDEC and @HealthNYGov launched the Drinking Water Source Protection Program. Dozens of communities have been hard at work devising plans to protect the rivers, reservoirs and aquifers that provide NYS residents with water.

A #DrinkingWaterWeek đŸ§”
Protecting the sources of drinking water is both a public health and an environmental justice issue, and of course it’s a climate issue. Why?
Many communities rely on sources of water in communities upstream. The land-use decisions made by planning boards upstream can have significant effects on water quality used by downstream communities that have no power, and rarely any influence.
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As part of National Public Health Week, we’re discussing #PFAS – long-lasting chemicals that can lead to harmful health effects, such as developmental delays and increased risk for cancer.
PFAS are widely used, long-lasting chemicals – components of which break down very slowly over time. We know that families across America suffer from PFAS in their water, their air, or the land their kids play on.

Here’s what EPA is doing:
.@EPAMichaelRegan announced a comprehensive national strategy to confront PFAS pollution, advancing bold and concrete actions that address the lifecycle of these toxic forever chemicals.

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Bij veel Nederlanders is het nog niet duidelijk maar #pesticiden, #stikstof, #fosfor, #pfas en #plastic moeten we niet minderen of reguleren maar uitfaseren. Die stoffen moeten het systeem uit, zoals we gedaan hebben met #zwavel en #drijfgassen. Dat kan.

Maar we doen het nog niet. 'Van alle EU-lidstaten scoort Nederland het slechtst. „De kans dat in 2027 alle wateren wĂ©l voldoen, is erg klein”, zegt Frank van Gaalen, onderzoeker water en ruimte bij het PBL. En dat zal niet zonder gevolgen blijven.'
'Als de doelen in een waterlichaam niet zijn gehaald, en je hebt aangetoond dat Nederland niet aan zijn verplichtingen in zake de Kaderrichtlijn Water voldoet, kan iemand naar de rechter stappen om beroep aan te tekenen tegen een vergunning, of om handhaving verzoeken.'
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