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Tesla operates this company as a small pilot to improve their product. Their main business is to use this data for markets that are unlocking this feature at scale like CA and PR. Their expertise and continuous improvement of the software is the goal for thousands of Powerwalls.
#PuertoRico has over 75,000 Powerwalls deployed that can provide 300MWs if properly compensated. As a comparison the entire island has less than 100MWs of reserves today. The market has been installing 3,500 systems per month.
The USA deploys GWs of demand flexibility assets per month, mainly EV chargers, back-up batteries, smart thermostats, and smart heat-pump water heaters. By 2030 we will have 100GWs of controllable load balancing the grid for 60% less than NG peakers…
Read 5 tweets
This article by @SRCSandra covers A LOT of ground highlighting #PuertoRico's current state of affairs. What is discussed is important & comes to the conclusion that this reality is unsustainable.

In 🧵 below I will highlight/translate key points:

There may no longer be military governors imposed by US running the show but more than ever before in island's history, federal government controls/oversees many key agency functions due to the mediocrity & rampant corruption of the local government.
#PuertoRico's police department has a federal monitor due to rampant police abuse & most recently an additional monitor has been placed to review/oversee certain department finances.
Read 8 tweets
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#Alabama #Ohio #Illinois #Georgia
Thread 1/10 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#Florida #Ohio #Pennsylvania #NewJersey ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#PuertoRico #Connecticut #California #SouthCarolina ImageImageImageImage
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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Iowa's starvation strategy; The Red Team Blues tour; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part three; and more!

Archived at:…


1/   Image: Iqkotze (modified)...
Tomorrow (Apr 21), I'm speaking in #Chicago at the @StiglerCenter's #Antitrust and #Competition Conference:…

This weekend (Apr 22/23), I'm at the @latimes #Bookfest:…

Iowa's starvation strategy: Maybe the cruelty IS the point?

3/ Image: Iqkotze (modified) h...
Read 31 tweets
Es importante tener en cuenta que cualquier cambio en el equilibrio de inflación versus recesión en la economía de Estados Unidos puede tener repercusiones significativas en la economía local de Puerto Rico.
A medida que la Reserva Federal de los Estados Unidos ajusta sus políticas monetarias para mantener la inflación bajo control, esto puede afectar la disponibilidad de préstamos y la tasa de interés en #PuertoRico.
Además, es importante destacar que la economía de #PuertoRico ya ha enfrentado una serie de desafíos económicos en los últimos años, como la crisis de la deuda, el huracán María y la pandemia de COVID-19.
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1-Las investigaciones del @FBI @ATFHQ @DHSgov @CIA #BoricuaPapers se toparon con grandes sorpresas sobre #Mexico
2-Lo primero, es que el fraude en @Segalmex_Mex investigado por la @ASF_Mexico está ligado con #Venezuela y el envío de maíz y más, sin que se pagara a #Segalmex
3-Son varios los empresarios involucrados en esa operación con @Segalmex_Mex, el más importante Joaquín Leal, a quien conoce bien el ahora cónsul en #PuertoRico Juan Manuel Calderón Jaimes, y en general la #4T revelan documentos de la @Sedena que forman parte de #BoricuaPapers
4-Además de Leal, un personaje directamente ligado con la ayuda y operaciones con #Venezuela es Calderón Jaimes, quien estuvo en la embajada de #Mexico en #Venezuela y se convirtió en el vínculo con el régimen de #Maduro Hasta ahora no ha respondido una solicitud de entrevista
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Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱@MxPlusTV | ⏯️… 💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | Hoy se informará sobre "el "avance en el rescate de la industria petrolera", adelantó @lopezobrador_, además, dijo que ésta se encontraba "en franca decadencia porque querían destruirla", pues se apostó a vender petróleo crudo y comprar gasolinas. Image
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ explicó que su Gobierno cambió la política de producción de @Pemex, por lo que en lugar de invertir en la exploración en aguas profundas, se ha invertido en la exploración en tierra y aguas someras. Image
Read 47 tweets
Es importante no subestimar los riesgos en los mercados financieros y mantener una visión a largo plazo en nuestras inversiones. $BPOP y $FBP cerraron peor que ayer, demostrando que aún hay incertidumbre en el mercado. #PuertoRico @Popular @FirstBankpr
1/ Los mercados financieros son impredecibles y los precios de las acciones pueden fluctuar significativamente en un corto período de tiempo. Como mencioné antes, los precios de las acciones no siempre reflejan los fundamentos.
2/ A pesar de que los índices bursátiles pueden estar en positivo y los bancos pueden tener una base sólida de capital y activos, todavía existen riesgos en los mercados financieros que deben ser considerados.
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@FirstBankpr, un banco de #PuertoRico que cotiza en la @NYSE bajo el símbolo $FBP, ha estado teniendo dificultades en los últimos años. El banco ha visto disminuir sus ingresos y su precio de las acciones, y ha tenido dificultades para atraer a inversores y mantenerlos. 🇵🇷 Image
El banco, que fue fundado en 1948, opera principalmente en #PuertoRico, aunque también tiene algunas operaciones en las Islas Vírgenes, USA. Es el segundo banco más grande de P.R. por activos, con un valor de mercado de alrededor de $2.18B. Con un dividend yield de 4.64%. $FBP
Sin embargo, a pesar de sus fortalezas aparentes, @FirstBankpr ha estado luchando financieramente en los últimos años. En 2022, el banco registró una disminución del 2.78% en sus ingresos, así como una disminución del 2.78% en sus gastos operativos. #PuertoRico $FBP
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En medio de la crisis económica causada por la pandemia de COVID-19, @popular Inc. $BPOP parece estar en el ojo del huracán de la volatilidad del mercado. Los ingresos de la compañía han disminuido un 3.04% año tras año, mientras que los gastos operativos han aumentado un 17.75%
Lo que ha llevado a una reducción del margen de beneficio neto del 37.94% al 28.70%. Las ganancias por acción de la compañía han disminuido en 1.07, o un 41%, y su flujo de caja de operaciones ha disminuido un 34.52%. @Popular #BancoPopular #PuertoRico
Si bien el flujo de efectivo de inversión ha aumentado un 241.26%, el flujo de efectivo de financiación ha disminuido en un asombroso 518.09%, lo que ha dado lugar a un cambio neto en el efectivo de -1.55B o -1,296.59%. @Popular #BancoPopular #PuertoRico
Read 11 tweets
Espectacular el tiempo que pasé con los que asistieron (30 en dos sesiones) a la charla de Iglesias Eficientes y Resilientes en la Univ. Interamericana. Discutimos las Alternativas de Ahorro Energético, Microredes y los incentivos del CDBG-MIT para sin fines de lucro.


* La conservación de energía es el conjunto de actividades encaminadas a lograr una utilización eficiente y equilibrada de los recursos energéticos, con el fin de reducir o evitar cualquier desperdicio:

- apagar la luz 💡
- luz natural
- sensores
- temp aire acondicionado

* La eficiencia energética es el uso de menos energía para realizar la misma tarea o producir el mismo resultado.

- Iluminación LED
- Equipos Energy Star
- Calentador agua solar
- Sellado de techo
- Aires acondicionados de alta eficiencia (EER alto)
- Vehículos eléctricos
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🚨 @theNASEM have just released a historic new consensus study titled "Advancing #Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) in #STEMM Organizations". As a member of the committee, here are 8 reasons why I think you should read/share/discuss:…
1) It gives context: Rather than assume knowledge, it begins with the history of racism in the US and how it impacts every system and sector of this country, including science and medicine. Yes it's a scientific consensus study but history needs to be acknowledged & understood
2) Numeric representation is not enough: The report establishes that until #STEMM organizations intentionally make changes to redress disparities and establish welcoming & supportive environments, increases in diversity will not be sustainable and won't truly be equitable.
Read 13 tweets
Tracking XBB.1.5* lineage over time | 12/30/2022

Total Sequence Count - Global: 2,719
Total Sequence Count - USA: 2,426

Earliest sample collection date: 10/22/22 (NY, USA)*


* [excluding samples with date errors]
Tracking XBB.1.5* in Asia over time | 12/20/2022

3 new XBB.1.5^^ sequences uploaded from #Shanghai, #China [metadata indicates - baseline surveillance]

^^ will closely look at these sequences for some epi clues
Tracking XBB.1.5* in North America over time | 12/30/2022

#Ontario, #Canada is an emerging hotspot

New entrant: #PuertoRico
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Recognised a few faces from when #cz was hanging out with the 'old gang'. namely #matthewroszak
#noblemarkets and #blockstream were two of his investments. #bloq
peeps would recognise a few other connected domain names. was one of the domains for #nobleinvestment bank.
Read 19 tweets
El Senado terminó sus labores esta noche por lo tanto para los que estaban preguntando por el #PuertoRico Status Act…

El proyecto tendrá que comenzar desde CERO en enero con un nuevo congreso nuevamente dividido — cámara mayormente republicana y un senado demócrata.
Aunque la cámara aprobó la medida la semana pasada, el #PuertoRico Status Act tendría que comenzar desde el principio porque el senado no tomó acción en esta última sesión.

Esto ya era de esperarse ya que varios senadores mostraron oposición a la medida.
En la conferencia de prensa de la semana pasada, la Comisionada Residente @RepJenniffer y el Gobernador @pedropierluisi dijeron que estaban listos para comenzar a empujar la medida una vez comiencen las nuevas labores del próximo congreso.
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#PuertoRico #Castles #travelphotography #SanJuan: Castillo San Felipe del Morro / El Morro astonishes. It is a massive triangular fortress draped guarding the harbor. It may be the second largest fortress in the entire New World, second only to nearby Castillo San Cristobal. 1/
2/ #UNESCO El Morro five tiers of wedding cake #ramparts must soar up to 100 feet above the #ocean. The Spanish started construction in 1539. To enter, one crosses a splendid multi-acre lawn on the landward approach they deliberately cleared of all obstacles.
3/ El Morro's original pierced windowless guard towers are named "garitas". (I use "margarita" as a mnemonic...). We also saw many 3' long iguanas: one on the giant exterior lawn and at least 10 more in the dry moat. They love eating the weeds/clovers.
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If you like that Hawaii, California, Arizona, Texas are states, you'll also love it if beautiful #PuertoRico becomes a state. And I'm glad it's under discussion.🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷 #StatehoodForPR…
2/ #travelbloggers #DiscoverPuertoRico #Love #Beauty - Here's stunning, romantic San Juan, Puerto Rico... I strongly recommend visiting it. You'll love doing so, and you'll help the local economy and wonderful people. Win-win!
3/ #maps #PuertoRico's population exceeds Utah, Iowa, Nevada, Arkansas, Mississippi, Kansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, West Virginia, Idaho, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Maine, Montana, Rhode Island, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont and Wyoming.
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1/2: DYK "Puerto Rican Syndrome" was a medical textbook term for hysteria? Dr. Helen Rodríguez Trías, born in #NYC, spoke up against this. Btw, what is the status of the monument that's supposed to be dedicated to her? Nov is #PuertoRican Heritage Month Image
Dr. Rodríguez Trías was a leader in the movement to end sterilization abuse. Under a eugenics driven program to "control" our population, 1/3 of Puerto Rican women were sterilized, with those stateside also targeted. More info @CentroPR. Image
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Congress’ decision not to include Puerto Rico in the [Supplemental Security Income] program has a significant impact on U. S. citizens in Puerto Rico... 1/
"In 2021, 34,224 residents of Puerto Rico were enrolled in the [Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled] program; by contrast, in 2011, the Government Accountability Office estimates that over 300,000 Puerto Rico residents would have qualified for SSI... 2/
"The 34,224 Puerto Rico residents enrolled in AABD in 2021 received an average of $82 per month, compared to the $574 per month that the average SSI recipient received in Fiscal Year 2020... 3/
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Before/after flooding near Yabucoa, #PuertoRico due to #Fiona (Sentinel-1 satellite).
Before/after flooding near Gurabo, #PuertoRico via Sentinel-1 satellite and @sentinel_hub (9/19/2022)
Before/after flooding in and around Naguabo #PuertoRico (via Sentinel-1 satellite). It looks like PR-927 heavily impacted by flooding, the satellite seems to indicate flooded streets in Naguabo itself. #Fiona
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Over 1 million people in Puerto Rico are without power after Hurricane Fiona caused "catastrophic" damage and landslides.

The power grid is still recovering from 2017's Hurricane Maria and may not be fixed for "several days."

Almost 200,000 people have no access to clean water. ImageImageImage
3,000+ homes in #PuertoRico still have blue tarps instead of roofs after 2017's Hurricane Maria.

The U.S. only gave the U.S. territory 2/3 of what it needed for repairs — after delays by Trump.

Most still hasn't reached communities, and some say they "have to start over again." Image
Up to 90% of homes in Puerto Rico are now reportedly without power after #HurricaneFiona.

The island of over 3 million U.S. citizens is still rebuilding 5 years after Hurricane Maria:
▪️ Only 21% of recovery work complete
▪️ Some forced to repair homes themselves after no help ImageImageImage
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WEATHER: While #HurricaneFiona Is A Relatively Weak #Hurricane, #PuertoRico Is In Serious Danger From Massive #Flooding Amplified By Training/Orographic Lift!
This Is An Incredibly Life-Threatening Situation Especially On The Southern Half Of #PuertoRico
UPDATE: This Was The Eye Of #HurricaneFiona As It Crossed #CaboRojo #PuertoRico
Photo By: 📸 Luis A. Ramírez
UPDATE: The Entire Island Of #PuertoRico Is Without Power As #HurricaneFiona Dumps Massive Amounts Of Flooding Rains Destroying The Islands Infrastructure!
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#fiona #puertorico
📷: @tunosabe (instagram)
Barrio Rincón in Gurabo, PR
(Sbeth ale Hardy, Facebook)
This is from Luquillo, PR “La Pared” Beach
📷: Ricardo Colon Rodriguez / FB
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Five years ago, #HurricaneMaria devastated the island of #PuertoRico, resulting in billions of dollars in damage. Residents struggled without electricity for months and still experience frequent, long-lasting power outages.
.@ORNL experts have been working with local organizations, nonprofits and universities to build resilience into independent #microgrids powered by renewable energy.
.@ORNL engineers built a #microgrid “orchestrator” that will autonomously manage the microgrids, minimizing impacts of power outages and keeping critical services available.
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