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May 23rd 2023
Todays stills from day 21/50 since some might miss the videos, they might be too fast for others so we make them easily accessible.
Here is your #RepublicanAreGroomers pedophiles, hypocrites
We are #Anonymous and this is #OpGOP
Thread 1/5 ImageImageImageImage
Todays stills from day 21/50 since some might miss the videos, they might be too fast for others so we make them easily accessible.
Here is your #RepublicanAreGroomers pedophiles, hypocrites
We are #Anonymous and this is #OpGOP
Thread 2/5 ImageImageImageImage
Todays stills from day 21/50 since some might miss the videos, they might be too fast for others so we make them easily accessible.
Here is your #RepublicanAreGroomers pedophiles, hypocrites
We are #Anonymous and this is #OpGOP
Thread 3/5 ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
May 23rd 2023
To all the Christofascists, blue checked, #Trump, #MTG, #Boebert, @seanfeucht supporting white nationalist, LGBTQ bashing, white people commenting and praying for us
Keep your God away from us
Trump raped a 13 year old virgin, he’s a pos like you
#Anonymous #OpGOP #Antifa Image
Apparently @seanfeucht supporters like to threaten people. A common theme, Sean threatens to kill when he’s backed by the proud boys and his supporters follow suit

Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2023
#Anonymous #OpGOP
From conservative hosts to conversion therapy pedophiles
Welcome to the #GOP
321-324 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
#GOP the party of sexual assault ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
May 9th 2023
BREAKING!: Trump is found GUILTY in the E. Jean Carroll case after fewer than 3 hours of deliberation!

NO to rape.
YES on sexual abuse.
YES on damage.
YES to reckless $20K
YES to defamatory!
YES Trump's statements were false.
YES there was malice.
Sexual Assault- intentionally making physical contact with the intimate body parts of another person

Rape- the offense of having forcible sexual intercourse with another person without the consent of the “victim.”
Correction 5 million
Read 5 tweets
May 2nd 2023
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Day 8/50 stills of exposing #GOP and #Republicans for their crimes against women and children while spouting their white evangelical Christian hatred.
We will not tolerate a #Fascist party #RepublicanTaliban
We hope you’ll join us in showing the world
1/5 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Day 8/50 stills of exposing #GOP and #Republicans for their crimes against women and children while spouting their white evangelical Christian hatred.
We will not tolerate a #Fascist party #RepublicanTaliban
We hope you’ll join us in showing the world
2/5 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Day 8/50 stills of exposing #GOP and #Republicans for their crimes against women and children while spouting their white evangelical Christian hatred.
We will not tolerate a #Fascist party #RepublicanTaliban
We hope you’ll join us in showing the world
3/5 ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
Umgang mit Pandemie und Klimakatastrophe ist beängstigend.

Es gibt sogar Unterstützung aus der Wissenschaft um #LongCovid zum Teil zu #PostVac umzudeuten. Da die Neu-Rechte mittlerweile überall den Ton angibt, ist es extrem wichtig sich klar zu positionieren. #OPGOP 1/7 Image
This is Operation GOP.

Eine Seuche – der Faschismus – breitet sich wie ein Lauffeuer über die Länder dieser Welt aus.

MAGA, Trump, GOP, Neu-Rechte Movements, Putin, Netanjahu, Orban – dieser aktuelle Moment in der Geschichte folgt keinem Regelbuch und war so noch nie da. 2/7
Es liegt an uns allen, die Regeln zu schreiben, indem wir aufstehen, aufklären, organisieren und Maßnahmen ergreifen, während wir klar sagen:
Keine Gerechtigkeit = kein Frieden!
Keinen Frieden mit Faschisten! 3/7
Read 7 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
Someone get me names, I'll handle the rest! Outside of a drag show in Cleveland, OH! #OpGOP #Anonymous #trackinghate
Read 8 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Part 5
Stills from videos released with states listed of #Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
1/5 thread ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Part 5
Stills from videos released with states listed of #Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
2/5 thread ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Part 5
Stills from videos released with states listed of #Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
3/5 thread ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#Alabama #Ohio #Illinois #Georgia
Thread 1/10 ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#Florida #Ohio #Pennsylvania #NewJersey ImageImageImageImage
#Anonymous #OpGOP
Stills from videos released with states listed of Republican sexual predators as requested by you the people
#PuertoRico #Connecticut #California #SouthCarolina ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
🧵An account linked to the #Anonymous collective continues their operation to expose those within the GOP that have ties to sexual exploitation and abuse of minors under the operation #OpGOP. @AnonOpsUnited2 has followed through with another round of names and (1/16)
photos of those that have been charged, convicted, or under investigation. They claim they will continue this for a total of 50 days.

The following is from the second round and is all public record: (2/16)
GOP Congressman Dan Crane had long lasting affair with 17-year-old female congressional page.

GOP Congressman Mark Foley resigned after "sexually explicit" emails surfaced showing him flirting with 16-year-old boy. (3/16) ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
#Anonymous #OpGOP
You wanted a bombshell!
#TuckerCarlson, who's spent decades framing #LGBTQ+ as "groomers," name checking Harvey Milk's assassin in his yearbook, and whipping up panic against #trans people, has a thing for 14-year old girls!

From Abby Grossberg v. FoxNews Image
For anyone who wants to read the entire case Grossman Vs Fox…
Crickets from #MAGA and MSM the same way there were crickets when trump said he would date his daughter. Apparently being a GOP pedophile is just accepted if not expected at this point. Hey Lindsey is this what Trump has on you?
Read 3 tweets

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