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Jun 19th 2023
🧶I have been reflecting on how many product professionals today find it negative to fulfill a customer's request, even in early-stage products. The way I see this issue is illustrated in the graph below. #SaaS #ProductManagement #startup Image
When a product is new, we usually have a small team, with less capacity to absorb demands. But the challenge we have is to win the first customers, deliver value and get recurring revenue from it - the famous Product Market Fit.
For this, we need to be willing to accept more requests from the few prospects we have. This does not mean that we will accept any request, but it does mean that our filter is less rigorous.
Read 17 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
🧶Estive refletindo sobre como muitos dos profissionais de produto hoje acham negativo atender um pedido de um cliente, mesmo em produtos early stage. A maneira que eu enxergo esta questão é ilustrada no gráfico abaixo. #SaaS #ProductManagement #startup Image
Quando um produto é novo, geralmente temos um time pequeno, com menor capacidade de absorver demandas. Mas o desafio que temos é conquistar os primeiros clientes, entregar valor e conseguir receita recorrente com isso - o famoso Product Market Fit.
Para isso precisamos estar dispostos a aceitar mais os pedidos dos poucos prospects que temos. Isso não quer dizer que aceitaremos qualquer pedido, mas quer dizer sim que nosso filtro é menos rigoroso.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
Live from #GartnerTGI |  Product Management: Intensify Product Analytics To Design for Sustainable and Compelling CX with Gartner VP Analyst Adrian Lee: #CX #CustomerExperience Image
About this session: Adrian explores how product managers can create compelling customer experiences through product analytics and more agile CX responses: #GartnerTGI #CX
Let’s take a look at the number 1 critical challenge for product managers. #GartnerTGI #CX #ProductManagement Image
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Mar 27th 2023
How different is it to be a Product Manager than it is to be a Senior Product Manager?

Is it just a matter of time before getting promoted?

Here's what I've learned 👇
There has to be a change in how you approach problems to get promoted in the Product World, and understanding what makes each role different is key to making it happen.

Here's the difference between each role in Product (before becoming a manager).
1/ Associate Product Manager 🎓
APMs assist with research, UX design & data analysis. Often recent grads or those transitioning to PM from other fields.

Key responsibilities:
- Analyzing data
- Building cross-functional relationships
- Executing projects
Read 13 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Does your team have an information problem on their hands? Let's find out! 🔍Here are 5 Steps for Identifying and Addressing Information Weaknesses in Your Team 👇
#1: Understand the types of information being created and shared within the team.

Name and categorize the information you create: insights, decisions, features sets, limitations, etc. When you know what type of information is created and shared, you understand how to manage it.
#2. Recognize the lifecycle of information and identify short-term vs long-term value.

This refers to the creation, collaboration, sharing, updates, maintenance, and archival of information. By knowing what’s short-term versus long-term, we know better what to prioritize.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
Much of the perfectionism struggle of #productmanagers stems from how the organization's culture handles change and uncertainty, and how technical company leaders are.

It's more common than not that management and company leaders lack experience in software and even fundamental technical literacy.

They don't understand that software is unpredictable and that timelines and roadmaps can only ever be rough estimates.
When management demands detailed new plans and review meetings every time things don't go according to plan, it makes product managers want to nail everything down super early and not tolerate unknowns.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
#productmanagers, it's normal to be afraid of asking "stupid" questions during engineering meetings if you're not confident in your technical skills. You're far from the only one.

But when you feel this way, remember this:

Being concerned about looking stupid is *not actionable*. It's negative self-talk and insecurity that drags you down and keeps you from growth.
Instead, in those moments, remind yourself that there are no stupid questions..

.. only ill-informed questions that reflect a lack of fundamental understanding of software and technology.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
A veces, los productos engañan a las personas... esto está HORRIBLEMENTE mal y debemos evitarlo

Hoy, en un nuevo hilo sobre #ProductManagement

El Lado Oscuro del Diseño 🧵
Este tema que te voy a contar hoy, se le conoce cómo conceptualmente cómo Dark Patterns ó Deceptive Design

¿Qué son?

Son tácticas de diseño que se utilizan para engañar a las personas para que realicen acciones que tal vez no tenían la intención de realizar con el producto
Estas tácticas se pueden encontrar en la actualidad en muchisimos productos, particularmente los digitales. Desde sitios web hasta aplicaciones

Se usan para hacer que el usuario realice una acción en particular de forma forzada, engañando o confundiendo en el proceso
Read 16 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
When I started out in my career as a product manager, I was constantly comparing myself to other PMs in my org.

While this was (and is) a great way to learn and pick up skills as a product manager, there were moments when it held me back


Focusing on others' progress can distract from your own goals.

As a PM, it's crucial to have a clear vision for your product and stay focused on your goals.

Comparing yourself to other PMs and their portfolio of work can lead to a lack of progress on your own initiatives.
Comparison breeds self-doubt

Comparison can lead to self-doubt, causing you to second guess your decisions and abilities as a PM.

Trust your skills and experience, and don't let comparisons affect your confidence.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
Product onboarding experience is often overlooked while comparing products.

However, it's an important factor to consider.


Several steps are involved before a product gets in your hand.

This is known famously as the buyer's journey

It can be funneled into
(1) Desire
(2) Discover (product)
(3) Decide (to purchase)
(4) Adopt (product)
(5) Realize (benefit, value)
Let me walk you through the funnel and help you understand it by giving an example of how I ended up using @GoPro cameras...

Read 10 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
1995, Steve Jobs on product:

1/ “There’s just a tremendous amount of craftsmanship between a great idea and a great product.

As you evolve that idea, it changes and grows. It never comes out like it starts, because you learn a lot more as you get into the subtleties of it."
2/ "Designing a product is keeping 5000 things in your brain and fitting them all together in new and different ways to get what you want.

And every day you discover something new that is a new problem or a new opportunity to fit these things together a little differently.”
3/ Pure gold for us in #productmanagement, must see & read. More details available here:…
Read 3 tweets
Jan 9th 2023
Most people struggle to get their first Product Manager job because they get overwhelmed, not because they don't have the skills or experience.

Here's how I've helped 1,000s with this problem 👇
We believe that more options to choose from means that we'll have better odds of succeeding.

Instead, with more options to choose from, it becomes harder to make a decision and it becomes stressful.

This is called the Paradox of Choice.
For example...
How can you break into Product Management?

- Internal Transfers
- Intense Networking
- Building Side Projects
- Volunteering with non-profits
- Shadowing PMs on your team
- Resume with transferrable skills
- Doing a Master's Degree (e.g. MBA)

and finally 👇
Read 12 tweets
Dec 24th 2022
Retention is the most important metric for a new feature or a new app. Focusing on acquisition or monetisation can seem like a more exciting problems to solve but solving for retention is most critical.

Read this thread and you will be convinced at the end of it.
1. Retention can in fact drive acquisition
For many products, retention has a double effect. More users you retain, more key actions are performed like sharing, inviting, word-of-mouth, or creating content and it sets off a self-reinforcing cycle that drives acquisition.
2. Retention accelerates breaking even on customer acquisition cost. Faster you solve for this, sooner you can start reinvesting in acquisition and fuel your growth.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
Just finished reading The Mom Test by @robfitz . Must say it is one of the most practically useful books I have read as a product manager. Thanks @shreyas for the recommendation.

Here are my top 5 takeaways 🧵

#productmanagement #startups
1. Use your customer conversations to learn about how customers solve a particular pain point today rather than share your idea seeking validation. Humans have a desire to please, customers are no different.
2. If at the end of the meeting, a customer hasn’t committed to anything of value, whether their time (promise to test), their reputation (intro to a superior), or money (purchasing decision), then its a zombie customer and you are better of not wasting time with them any further
Read 7 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
It’s officially been almost 12 months of my journey into discovering the world of #productmanagement!

I wanted to make a little thread 🧵on my experience so far:
Months 1-4: Research

In January of this year, I discovered #productmanagement and it felt like everything in my brain clicked.

Having graduated mid-pandemic, I took the first job that I was offered. I quickly realized it wasn’t for me so I started researching other careers.
Months 3 - 5: #Networking (research)

As part of my research, I began connecting with PMs to make sure this job was one that fit my interests and skills.

I discovered that the #prdctmgmt community was incredibly supportive and kind
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Dec 1st 2022
All B2B PMs should learn to read an income statement (aka P&L)

You can then influence the top or bottom line.

Here is a 50K ft primer on key terms in the income statement and how you can influence -

- Revenue
- Gross Margin
- Expenses
- Net Margin

The top line in an income statement is revenue for a time period e.g. quarter

B2B Revenue sources:

- New customers
- Upsell existing
- Cross sell existing
- Lower churn
- Professional services
- Support, training, certification

Gross margin =
Revenue minus direct cost incurred to support a sale

e.g hosting, data storage, onboarding.

In software, the cost of the next sale is almost zero.
In hardware, each widget has material and labor cost.

SW→ High Margin

Read 7 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
There are more than 100K PM videos on YouTube.

Most of them are noise.

Top 20 that will teach you more than any $4,976 course: 🧵

#productmanagement #prodmgmt Image
1. The Root Causes of Product Failure by @cagan

2. Product Strategy: The Missing Link by @cagan

Read 24 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
This is so good, I can't stop myself from sharing this!

In @lennysan podcast, @manikgupta (ex-CPO @Uber, @googlemaps) revealed 5 Secrets (capabilities) of Building Successful Customer Apps: 🧵

#prodmgmt #productmanagement
Secret 1: Design-led thinking

Poorly designed products have no chance in consumer products. Your design must be A+ to delight users.

It's not only about having the best designers. It's also attention to detail. Pixel-to-pixel precision when moving between screens.
Secret 2: Strong focus and prioritization

You don't need 20 features to solve a problem. You typically need one or maybe two features.

Focus on and prioritize the critical user journey. Downprioritize everything else. You need to set a very high bar not to distract the users.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
If you have unlimited free talent, how would you design your organisation for your tech startup? #startup #scale #chieftechnologyofficer #cto #founder #techleadership #productmanagement
Whether I’ve got unlimited free talent or not, I’d first think about roadmap / goals before designing my org for a tech startup.
Before you say a roadmap is too low-level details, hear me out. The roadmap is the magic that transforms vision to action.

Ask yourself, what kind of work will need to be done in the next six months to eighteen months for the organization.
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Nov 15th 2022
12-Month MBA for PMs (books).

A new plan for 2023:

(You will thank me later) 🧵

#productmanagement #prodmgmt
Month 1:

- Introduction: Inspired by @cagan:
- Entrepreneurship: The Lean Startup by @ericries:
Month 2:

- Business models: Business Model Generation by @AlexOsterwalder & Yves Pigneur:
- Value Proposition: Value Proposition Design by @AlexOsterwalder & others:
Read 15 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Reading 5 books 5x can give you more than reading 25 books 1x

Lock yourself in a room and study those 5 books on PM

(you will thank me later): 🧵

#productmanagement #prodmgmt
1. Inspired by @cagan


- Most of your ideas are simply not going to work
- Product Discovery results in a validated product backlog
- PM, Designer and at least one Engineer must work together
2. Empowered by @cagan


- Give teams problems to solve, not features to build
- Coaching is what turns ordinary people into extraordinary product teams
- Great teams are made up of ordinary people who are inspired and empowered
Read 8 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
21 products for super easy Product Management:

1. Collaboration > Miro
2. Communication > Slack
3. Tasks > Trello
4. Product analytics > @pendoio
5. New tech products > @ProductHunt
6. Integrations > @zapier
7. Industry insights > @Stratechery🧵

#prodmgmt #productmanagement
8. Graphics > @canva
9. Prototyping > @balsamiq
10. Design > @figma
11. Mind mapping > @xmind
12. Free, responsive website >
13. Video recording > @loom
14. Meeting scheduling > @Calendly
15. Payments integration > @Stripe
16. Flowcharts & diagrams > @LucidSoftware
17. User Story Maps > @CreateWithCraft
18. Roadmaps > @productboard
19. Build SaaS products without code > @bubble
20. Sell digital products online > @Gumtree
21. Sell courses online > @Kajabi
Read 5 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Strategic frameworks can 10x your business.

It's almost like thinking on steroids!

Top 6 strategic frameworks every entrepreneur needs to know to be successful: 🧵

#productmanagement #prodmgmt
1. SWOT Analysis

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position.

That's an essential tool for thinking about the business.

Learn in 6:27:
2. PESTEL Analysis

PESTEL analysis is commonly used to evaluate the business environment in which a company operates.

The acronym stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors.

Learn in 9:49:
Read 10 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
Listening to podcasts can transform your PM career.

Problem: There are more than 850,000 of them.

Solution: Top 11 PM podcasts you'd be crazy to miss: 🧵

#productmanagement #prodmgmt
1. Lenny's Podcast @lennysan

Probably the best product podcast on this planet.
The true king of podcasts.


You can't miss an episode with @cagan:…
2. This Is Product Management by @feedbackloopcom

This is a must-listen for anyone involved in creating, designing, selling, and managing products or services.


Read 14 tweets

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