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šŸ§µ @FreyaVanadiss is attending the debate for #FiLiA. Women from @Womans_Place_UK, @SexMattersOrg, @AllianceLGB here too, as women who have been impacted by gender ideology. Been chatting to a nurse forced from her job for stating #SexMatters #MakeTheEqualityActClear #EqualityAct Image
For those unable to attend, you can watch live from 4.30pm, BST.


#EqualityAct #MakeTheEqualityActClear #SexMatters šŸš» Image
.@ToniaAntoniazzi, a member of the Petitions Committee, has been asked by the Committee to open the debate. MPs from all parties can take part, and the Govt will send a minister to respond. Follow the Committee on TwitterĀ & join the discussion using #EqualityAct #PetitionsDebate
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Joshua Sutcliffe: We have seen many of you supporting Mr Sutcliffe.
We absolutely do not.
Here is why:
We apply #safeguarding to everyone, equally. ā€˜Misgenderingā€™ is not the main issue here.
#Edutwitter #SafeguardingFail #LGBT #PSHEPeepsā€¦
We agree with family law barrister @SVPhillimore. Breaching a childā€™s confidentiality on TV is unacceptable. We would like to read the judgement in full, but if that would also expose an individual child, it should not be published. We always prioritise #safeguarding children.
We have been made aware of this blog. All at Safe Schools Alliance find these views abhorrent. That does not mean he should not be allowed to express them. However, conflating gay & non-marital sex with rape & paedophilia is a #safeguarding concern.
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Weā€™ve been contacted by teachers about the recent briefing from EIS.

They have expressed concern about the lack of evidence, nuance and context within the briefing, and are worried about the impact this will have on children, families & teachers.

Poll at end of šŸ§µ
You can access the full briefing here:ā€¦
One of the concerns they have is the reliance of EIS on the EHRC Technical Guidance for schools, via the Supporting Transgender Pupils guidance by @scotgov

They told us they know this guidance is out of date due to the evolving policy area around this issue, and is under review/ ImageImage
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*** New Report ***

We have sent this independent report to press, peers, think tanks, @victor_madrigal at @UN & @Commonswomequ. We encourage you to read & send to your own schools, MPs & local safeguarding boards. We warn you itā€™s a difficult read. #SafeguardingFail #PolicyFail
Quote for press is: Tanya Carter Spokeswoman for Safe Schools Alliance said ā€œThis alarming, but sadly unsurprising, research sets out how long-established child safeguarding principles are being effectively dismantled. This leaves all children at riskā€¦
Adults, professionally charged with the protection of children, have failed in their duty to identify this and this abdication of responsibility has left generations of children at risk of harm. Children are being left to navigate a minefield of predatory behaviour onlineā€¦
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1/ Our petition to remove the school guidance will be considered by the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee onĀ 19th April 2023.

You can access the petition here -ā€¦

Long šŸ§µ on why weā€™re petitioning for its removal.
2/ Single sex facilities:

Boys & girls, regardless of how they id, must be excluded from the opposite sex spaces & services.

Legal arguments around GRCā€™s are not applicable to school aged children because theyā€™re currently not eligible to apply for one.
3 @ForWomenScot sought a legal opinion from KC Aidan Oā€™Neill on the provision of single sex toilets in schools. His advice was that schools are breaching their duty under the EqA to prohibit harassment related to pupilsā€™ sex, by failing to use the single sex exceptions in the Act
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Thread for ā€˜but is this happening in schoolsā€™ #Edutwitter. Yes it is. Firstly personal testimony: ā€œthe school nurse had referred her to the school counsellor [who] informed [her] that a hatred of oneā€™s breasts could be an indicator of a non-binaryā€ā€¦
More testimony: ā€œI am utterly horrified at what was taught at a PSHE lesson at my school recently. It was to a group of children, most are 11-12 years old. It is so, so much worse than I thought.ā€ #Edutwitter #DiverseEd #LGBTā€¦
More personal testimony: ā€œWe did request to see their transgender policy and it was kafkaesque ā€“ it repeatedly conflated sex & genderā€¦ & downplayed the effects of binders, blockers and hormonesā€ #Edutwitter #WomeEd #PSHEPeepsā€¦
Read 105 tweets
Hey, @SportsparkUEA yr swimming pool reopens on Weds. You & UEA still haven't sent our members the policies they asked for a month ago. #FOIA

Have you found the courage to face up to the fact that letting naked men into female changing spaces discriminates against women & girls?
You said to @EDP24 that you "do not allow men to use the female changing rooms" and a "spokesman confirmed the centre does not allow men in women's changing spaces and vice versa."

But that's not true, is it, @SportsparkUEA?
Since you rec'd complaints about men in female spaces, you snuck in a change of words. What on earth are "gendered" changing facilities, @SportsparkUEA?

Clear plain language is required. It's an issue of #safeguarding with 12 yr old girls changing without parental supervision. 18. Changing areas are made...
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Welcome to all our new followers! We have just passed 18k. Please look round our website to find out more about us. We are a grassroots group of mainly parents & teachers with no funding, religious or political affiliations. #Edutwitter #Safeguarding
We first got together 4 years ago when we joined together over a passionate commitment to upholding #safeguarding & correct interpretation of the equality act in our schools. Worryingly our first campaign featured a @NSPCC #safeguardingfailā€¦
Since then we have run many successful campaigns to protect children from inappropriate & politically biased materials, such as this from @BBC_Teach that bizarrely informed children that there were ā€˜over 100 different gendersā€™ā€¦
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And yet when we have reported schools to @Ofstednews & @amanda_spielman for #safeguarding failures around #RSE materials they have signed them off again as ā€˜goodā€™. Far too many people have an extremely poor understanding of child protection. #Edutwitterā€¦
An example of #safeguarding failures @Ofstednews has excused. Promoting breast binding to girls as young as 11 & directing them to websites for adult men where you can get free fisting gloves.ā€¦
None of this is new, we have been raising the alarm for years, as were many individuals & groups before us. Now people who were asked for help years ago are pretending to be shocked at what is going on, while others remain in denial. #Edutwitter #WomenEd
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Following on from our previous blog on
@school_sexed we have reviewed a book they wanted to get into every single secondary school in the country. Suffice to say, it's another huge #safeguarding fail. #edutwitter #EnoughIsEnough @GillianKeegan @RishiSunakā€¦
It is steeped in ideological language, it sexualises children, talks inaccuratly about biology, & does not talk about the dangers & reality of porn. It gives an introduction to polyamory and an uncritical mention of surrogacy - we would say it is written by activists not experts.
This image places the penis and vulva on a continuum, showing genitals as ā€˜variationsā€™. This image perpetuates the myth that is possible to be neither male nor female. It is untrue, ideological, exploitative and will confuse children about biology. Image
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We are struggling to find the words for the despicable lack of #safeguarding these girls were subjected to. It is appalling that their boundaries were so eroded that they accepted this man, this rapist, in their class. What have we done to girls that theyā€¦ā€¦
accept being told to strip in front of a man as part of a college course? This is widespread societal grooming that anybody has accepted any of this, ever. Did anybody at the college attend their #safeguarding training? Why were they not able to apply it to a real life situation?
Why was it not a massive red flag that a man wanted to attend a course where much younger women were undressing? How on earth did people who should have been safeguard trained not recognise this for the predatory behaviour that it was?
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16 year olds are CHILDREN @GillianKeegan, this means they are entitled to #safeguarding. Safeguarding is a collective responsibility that we all share, why are you shirking yours. Even @Keir_Starmer who doesnā€™t understand that only women have a cervix, knows that 16 is a child.
This is just the latest episode in @GillianKeegan shirking responsibilities. She needs to resign now. We cannot have an education Secretary that doesnā€™t understand #safeguarding & doesnā€™t understand that 16 year olds are children.ā€¦
It is important for effective child #safeguarding that the line is held that under 18ā€™s are CHILDREN. Obfuscating language such as ā€˜young peopleā€™ needs to be resisted. It is an abdication of responsibility allowing children to make decisions that cause them harm. #edutwitter
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Interesting thread from @Headteacherchat. We would say the greatest #safeguarding concern for schools at the moment is the sheer volume of children needing help. We seem to be witnessing our safeguarding frameworks failing on a national level. In our opinion both @educationgovuk
& @Ofstednews have an insufficient understanding of child protection to enable them to effectively safeguard the nations children. There seems to be no oversight & no accountability from anyone. This includes @ChildrensComm. @UKParliament is in complete dereliction of duty
& seems to have forgotten that under 18ā€™s are children & that every child matters. Even worse than @Conservatives washing their hands of their duty of care, is @UKLabour failing to provide any effective opposition, they are missing in action, only occasionally appearing to point
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Since the schools have gone back the inbox is filling up faster than we can answer with political propaganda, #safeguarding failureā€™s & misinformation being taught at fact. The rainbow flag award features heavily, look out for it in schools particularly around Cambs & Manchester. ImageImageImage
Letā€™s take a look at this propaganda masquerading as a resource for KS4 (children aged 14-16). It starts off by claiming itā€™s required curriculum, but quickly launches into highly contentious political activism. ImageImage
Political language stated as fact here. Sex is not ā€˜assignedā€™ at birth, it is observed & recorded. Assigned is language appropriated from individuals born with DSDs. What are you doing about this @ChildrensComm @educationgovuk @Ofstednews @GillianKeegan? #edutwitter Image
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Flexiday is here!

Itā€™s such a joy going round and witnessing what students are thinking about, learning about, and discussing.

Year 10 are considering definitions for coercive control in relationships.

#Flexiday #PSHCE #PSHE #RSE Image
Year 7 are learning about healthy eating. Did you know a banana only costs about 15p in the supermarket?

#Flexiday #PSHCE #PSHE #RSE Image
Year 9 are have a day of sex education, including learning about pornography, contraception and consent.

#Flexiday #PSHCE #PSHE #RSE
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Welcome to all our new followers, lovely to meet so many of you @FiLiA_charity conference. We handed out hundreds of leaflets, this is only made possible by donations from supporters - we receive no funding #edutwitter #WomenEd #RSE #Safeguarding #FILIA22
You can learn more about us on our website. We are committed to high quality inclusive #RSE as an important part of #safeguarding. We campaign against homophobic, sexist, misogynistic, age inappropriate or politically partisan materials. #edutwitter #PSHE
Many of our members & supporters are lesbian or gay. They care passionately about improving things for the next generation, they have shared their stories ā€œI spent my childhood & teenage years wishing I was a boy. I envied the boys their effortless powerā€ā€¦
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Jordan Gray loves his indecent exposure facilitated by @Channel4.

He is a patron of Educate & Celebrate, which installs gender identity ideology in schools with the chant of "smash heteronormativity".

#safeguarding #ChildSafety #RedFlag #WomanFace Patrons Educate and Celebrate https://www.educateandcelebrat
@Channel4 You can tell Gray's sex - as only a man would describe himself as a comedienne or actress in 2022.

How many schools has he visited?
Educate and Celebrate is "transforming schools," using Jordan Gray to mislead children that sex sterotypes can mean they are the opposite sex.

This is creating avoidable distress.

#WomanFace #safeguarding #RedFlags
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Omitting "blanket" does not change the meaning. "A blanket presumption of innocence" means everybody has that right. "A presumption of innocence" also means everybody has that right, the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty IS a "blanket" (universal) human right!
Try as they might, Rowling's tiresome flying monkeys are unable to show how the right to be presumed innocent, until proven guilty could be anything other than "a blanket." If some people, people they dislike, are to be excluded from that right, then nobody has that right.
A "presumption of innocence" that is not "a blanket" provision, covering everyone, is no longer a right, but a privilege accorded to some & withheld from others. Presumption of innocence is for everybody or does not exist.
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*** New Post ***

ā€œNow independent research has shown that the Welsh #RSE Code was influenced by elements of Queer Theory that should concern parents.ā€ @WG_Education @childcomwales @LauraJ4SWEast @MerchedCymru @LGBAllies_Cymru @WRNWales #edutwitter #LGBTā€¦
ā€œQueer Theory is an academic field of study that aims to dismantle accepted social norms. This may not seem immediately concerning. However in this field any idea can be ā€“ and is ā€“ challenged, including the idea that children should not be sexually active.ā€ #CurriculumForWales
ā€œQueer Theory challenges boundaries that are put in place to preserve ā€˜oppressiveā€™ ideas such as the importance of child safeguarding.Ā This academic discussion is not something that should be allowed to direct the way schools teach children.ā€ #CurriculumForWales #RSE #edutwitter
Read 17 tweets
THREAD We are absolutely appalled at this latest ineptitude from @educationgovuk. This is not a ā€˜political flashpointā€™ or a ā€˜culture warā€™ this is (once again) a serious, national failing of #safeguarding. @kitmalthouse as education secretary you needā€¦ā€¦
to take a #safeguardingfirst approach. Not use highly vulnerable children as a political football using soundbites such as ā€˜common senseā€™. The @Conservatives have overseen the worst medical, child safeguarding & lobbying scandal, all rolled into one, this country has ever seen.
While this has unfolded before our eyes & members of the public have tirelessly done the job of @NSPCC, who have been in complete dereliction of duty, @UKLabour have also been missing in action & with notable exceptions such as @RosieDuffield1 & @ToniaAntoniazzi they haveā€¦
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It is concerning that staff of the charity @LGBTYS, who provide training to schools & sit as partners for the national anti-bullying agency, Respect Me, are uncritically showing solidarity with the charity Mermaids, who are under investigation for #SafeguardingFailā€™s
This isnā€™t just a rogue worker, several others appear to agree.

We would have assumed that best practice for an influential organisation like LGBTYS would be to wait for the investigation to be conducted & confirmation that risk of harm has been mitigated.
Vulnerable young people use the chat function to speak to youth workers at LGBTYS, & I think we can assume that the signposting to Mermaids will continue, after seeing this show of solidarity, despite the concerning #Safeguarding risks being investigated.ā€¦
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Today I am going to the #WomensRally at the Scottish Parliament, to protest against @scotgov, @scotgovfm and @shonarobison's move to reform the GRA. I am saying #NoToSelfID and #NoMenInWomensSpaces.

I have never been to a rally and I have never waved a placard. 1/
I am not an activist by temperament. I am a thinker, teacher and writer. My life is about ideas, books and people. (See @JKRsBarmyBooks.) And it's led me inexorably to this: my fundamental capacity to think, teach and write are under threat. 2/
I see things that are happening to women and children (and vulnerable men) and I can't say them, think them through with others, or write about them without fear. Enough of this. #Safeguarding #WomenDeserveBetter #FreeSpeech 3/
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As we know, predators are looking for three things:
1) access
2) opportunity
3) social cover
If youā€™re running an organisation that provides any of these elements, predators will be trying to use you to get to kids #Mermaids
#safeguarding works if we disrupt these three ways that predators use organisations:
1) access: ensure adults donā€™t have unsupervised access to minors: no private one-to-ones, no use of unregulated chat services/platforms, no mingling of minor and adult services
2) opportunity
Are you making it clear that adults and minors arenā€™t mixing? Are you ensuring no adult is working/talking to individual/groups of minors without a second adult being present? Do you ensure that unsupervised contact with minors is impossible?
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As the Charity Commission investigates Mermaids for its approach to safeguarding, now is the time for schools to review their #PSHE and #RSE resources to ensure they are not promoting gender identity ideology.

@educationgovuk guidance states:
@educationgovuk 'You should not reinforce harmful stereotypes, for instance by suggesting that children might be a different gender based on their personality and interests or the clothes they prefer to wear.'
'Resources used in teaching about this topic must always be age-appropriate and evidence based. Materials which suggest that non-conformity to gender stereotypes should be seen as synonymous with having a different gender identity should not be used and...

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