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On new projects, I threw down the ORM and started using plain SQL for a while now.

Lately, Copilot and ChatGPT began to help me to the point I've started writing comments instead of queries and let the AI do the rest, with a bit of polishing later.
And regarding code, we can say the same.

Those 50 bucks a month gave me back hours of "labor work", allowing me to focus on more high-level stuff.

What amazing times.
To not underestimate: my codebases are becoming way more readable now, because I'm forced to write clear docstrings and comments if I want the AI to do the right job quickly.

That was something I've been a bit lacking on 😅
Read 7 tweets
So let’s talk about where things got up to with your #HealthData, before Rishi Sunak started talking about the need to generate trust in Government with “#integrity” and “#accountability”
 I will unite our country, not with words, but with action.
Earlier today we got a bunch of detail out of @NHSDigital’s Board papers and services performance pack - what of that will continue post-#merger?

N.B. The chair of NHS Digital announced today’s meeting would be the last public meeting of the Board...
With the news that the Government is rushing through @NHSEngland’s takeover of the statutory safe haven (@NHSDigital) with about the level of planning that went into the 'fiscal event', where exactly *are* things as the former/new Sec State starts work?

Read 31 tweets
The #Ambani Connection to #Adani's Hostile #Takeover to #NDTV

This is the long story, so sit back and relax and start reading!!

Like nad Retweet for maximum reach!
In 2009, one conversation between Niira Radia(Corporate lobbyist) and ET Journalist MK Venu concluded on a note that she is meeting to Manoj Modi(Ambani's Right Hand) to help Pranay Roy( NDTV Promoter).
The Money Flow

In 2009, the same year RELIANCE VENTURES LTD, a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Reliance had given loan of 403.85 Cr Loan to Shinano Retail Private Limited, Which is again owned by Reliance Industrial Investment and Holding Ltd(RIIHL), which again part of Reliance.
Read 36 tweets
#TakeOver I Je suis Antoine #prĂ©sident de l’@EcoleMarianne et aujourd’hui je vais vous prĂ©senter notre association Ă  travers le compte de la porte-parole du @Interieur_Gouv. L'Ă©cole Marianne est une as...
@EcoleMarianne @Interieur_Gouv .@EcoleMarianne s’engage pour que les valeurs de la #RĂ©publique soient dĂ©fendues et incarnĂ©es par les associations, les Ă©lus et les citoyens.
Défendre les valeurs de la République, c'est défendre le bien commun ! @Interieur_Gouv @l_amf @iledefrance @education_gouv @Sports_gouv
Vous vous intéressez aux questions de citoyenneté ?
Vous souhaitez promouvoir les valeurs de la RĂ©publique ?
DĂ©couvrez la #MalletteMarianne, outil gratuit en ligne, et notre premier cours sur le contrat d’engagement rĂ©publicain âžĄïž
Read 5 tweets
Ekiti state teaching hospital is found of playing and toying with peoples lives at any slight opportunity those staffs working there gets, this pregnant woman gave birth inside car on her way to the hospital 24/05/2022,more than 1hour no nurse nor doctor came out to attend to her
When the noise from people was much they finally came to attend to the woman ,carelessly they fell the new born baby with placental cord on the ground, their negligent of duty is too much @kfayemi @YeleSowore @AishaYesufu #imostate #InfinixNote12 #Takeover #EndASUUStrikeNow
If this baby dies Nigerians @kfayemi should hold every staffs that are on duty tonight 24/05/2022 responsible ..they neglected the calls of emergency when this woman arrived at the hospital ,they are all unprofessionals idiots with how they handle the woman and the new born baby
Read 3 tweets
Hallo ich bin Anna Prianka Schmidt @anna_prianka. Diese Woche ĂŒbernehme ich den Account des SPPs und freue mich darauf, einen Einblick in meine Arbeit zu geben! 🔎 #takeover #scicomm #dasdigitalebild /1
Ich arbeite mit @evisualyn in dem Projekt “Hinter dem digitalen Bild. Fotografien auf Community-Plattformen und auf Twitter als Repositorien fĂŒr maschinelles Lernen und journalistische Publikationen” /2
Was ich dort mache? TatsÀchlich bin ich viel hier unterwegs, denn ich suche nach Konversationen zwischen Fotograf*innen (amateur oder profi) und Agenturen, die diese Bilder nutzen wollen /3 #photography #photographers #datacollection #search
Read 6 tweets
It's #ReadAlong Day!

@AnnTarrant2 will #TakeOver our account at 12 pm ET.

Follow this thread for live tweets as we #ReadAlong: Clarke, 1933 (

Drop your questions and comments in this thread.

Happy Reading! đŸ§”(1/n)
.@AnnTarrant2: Hello! Thanks for joining me on this #ReadAlong with @BiolBulletin. My name is Ann Tarrant, and my lab (
) studies how marine invertebrates detect and respond to environmental signals and stressors. (2/n)
I'm a Senior Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (@WHOI) and the (newly-minted) Associate Dean of Academic Programs. Ask me if you have questions about our educational programs! (3/n)
Read 84 tweets
Yes it's the @GoggleDocs as we continue our #takeover of the @cardiomet_CE account.

Reporting some of the things that interested us in the recent #EASD2021

Please check out our previous mini-tweetorials.

@EASDnews @EASDelearning @ADA_DiabetesPro
Thus far we have covered...

▶ Latest data on tirzepatide (GIP/GLP-1 dual agonist)✅
▶ "Triple G" - a new GIP/GLP-1/Glucagon agonist✅
▶ Remission in non-obese #type2diabetes ✅

Next up is "what's next after metformin?" - what the GRADE & TriMaster Studies add
Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE)

📍Presented an update at the #EASD2021 , although little changed from the #ADA2021 presentation.

Please check out one of our own @GoggleDocs posts at the time

Read 13 tweets
It's Monday and time for us @GoggleDocs to #takeover the @cardiomet_CE account for the next few days.

It's time to revisit the recent #EASD2021 conference.

Highlights in what's new in
Just to remind you guys

The @GoggleDocs are a bunch of 🇬🇧 docs/đŸ€“ who are fascinated about the cardio-metabolic conditions we are increasingly managing.

Please check out our @YouTube channel

This accredited educational program is intended for healthcare providers only, and is supported by grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Chiesi, and NovoNordisk. Follow this thread for a link to credit. CE/#CME credit for #physicians, #nurses, #pharmacists in US, Canada, GB, EU.
Read 22 tweets
... more from the #ESCCongress2021 from the @GoggleDocs #Takeover of the @cardiomet_CE

Next up the EMPEROR-Pooled analysis and some of the questions it asks

How does empagliflozin compare with ARNI (sacubitral/valsartan
EMPEROR-Pooled was a prespecified analysis of the two 'sister' studies

EMPEROR-Reduced Trial


EMPEROR-Preserved Trial

With very similar #HeartFailure populations, separated by an ejection fraction cut off of 40%

As you can see

📍Very similar results in terms of the primary and secondary #HeartFailure outcomes.

‌ Although clear attenuation of benefit seen in pople with higher ejection fractions (EF)
Read 9 tweets
1) Welcome to a new joint-accredited #tweetorial on the highlights of cutting-edge #cardiometabolic research from this years #ESCCongress. We are
@GoggleDocs. Follow this tweetorial to earn FREE 0.75h credit, #physicians #nurses #pharmacists!
#FOAMed #medtwitter
2) This program is intended for healthcare professionals and is supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly Company, Chiesi, and NovoNordisk. See archived programs at
3) Over the next 3 days the @GoggleDocs will be #Takeover with @cardiomet_CE account.

We are four 🇬🇧 based doc working across healthcare.

Our interests are "what's new, and meaning full in cardio-renal metabolic medicine"

Check out our YouTube channel
Read 16 tweets
It's #ReadAlong Day!

@UCSB_OakleyLab will #TakeOver our account at 12 pm ET.

Follow this thread for live tweets as we #ReadAlong: Warner & Case, 1980 (

Drop your questions and comments in this thread.

Happy Reading! đŸ§”(1/n)
G’Day! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to lead today’s #ReadAlong with Biological Bulletin!

This is Todd Oakley @ucsb_oakleylab. I am a Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara @eembucsb. (2/n)
My research focuses on how complexity originates during evolution, which has led me to mainly study the origins of eyes/vision and of bioluminescence in animals. (3/n)
Read 79 tweets
It's #ReadAlong Day!

@AllenLabWM will #TakeOver our account at 12 pm ET.
Follow this thread for live tweets as we #ReadAlong:
E. E. Just, 1923 (

Drop your questions and comments in this thread.

Happy Reading! đŸ§”(1/n)
@AllenLabWM: Hello Twitter! I'm excited to participate in the @BiolBulletin read along series. There have been two excellent examples for me to try and match from @wareslab and @BrackenGrissom. I am honored to have been asked to join them! (2/n)
For those who don't know me, I am a marine invertebrate biologist and larval ecologist fascinated by the complex life cycles of echinoderms and other marine invertebrates. My laboratory is primarily composed of the amazing undergraduate students who attend @williamandmary (3/n)
Read 81 tweets
It's #ReadAlong Day!

@BrackenGrissom will #TakeOver our account at 12 pm ET.
Follow this thread for live tweets as we #ReadAlong: Latz & Case, 1992 (

Drop your questions and comments in this thread.

Happy Reading! đŸ§”(1/n)
@BrackenGrissom: Hi everyone! I am really excited to participate in my very first #ReadAlong with @BiolBulletin. My name is Heather Bracken-Grissom and I am an evolutionary marine biologist obsessed with decapod crustaceans. (2/n)
I started studying decapods as an undergraduate at UC-Santa Barbara and continued straight into my present position @FIU. (3/n)
Read 83 tweets
It's #ReadAlong Day!

@wareslab will #TakeOver our account at 12 pm ET. Follow this thread for live tweets as we #ReadAlong Hines 1978 (

Drop your questions and comments in this thread.

Happy Reading! đŸ§”(1/n)
@wareslab: Hello! For those of you who don’t know me - I study how diversity is distributed, often using molecular markers to define that diversity and work towards knowing the function and mechanism that makes patterns of it. (2/n) #TakeOver #ReadAlong
It’s wonderful! I think of the globe and patterns of movement across it, in so many ways, and I get paid to do that. (3/n)
Read 110 tweets
Im Rahmen der Initiative „#everynamecounts – Erinnern vor Ort“ stellen wir morgen den Förderverein „Mahn- und #GedenkstĂ€tte #Wakpersberg“ e.V. @OnlineRemember in einem #takeover vor.
Mitte April 1944 gab der thĂŒringische Gauleiter Fritz Sauckel den Befehl, bei #Kahla eine riesige unterirdische ProduktionsstĂ€tte, die "#REIMAHG", zu errichten. Zwischen April 1944 & MĂ€rz 1945 werden mehr als 12.000 Menschen aus dem gesamten besetzten Europa nach Kahla deportiert
Der Förderverein "Mahn- und GedenkstĂ€tte #Walpersberg" e.V. @OnlineRemember wurde im Jahr 2003 gegrĂŒndet. Sein Schwerpunkt ist die #Geschichte derer, die als Zwangsarbeiter*innen in #Kahla tĂ€tig waren.

Mehr Infos auf der Website des Fördervereins:
Read 4 tweets
Yesterday was another crazy day for #Football & specifically in this case, for #Derby #dcfcfans

#EFL ruling on their accounting practices

Threat of sanctions - What will that mean?

#RichardKeough ruling - They have to pay him ÂŁ2.3m (bonkers episode)đŸ€Ż

Then add in the farce of the #takeover process

A 29 year old front-man masquerading as an Instagram Billionaire (complete with macho boxing backstory & links to Indonesian investors & looted billions) #Suharto

👏 @secondtierpod —

#DCFC #FitAndProper

I'm equally fascinated & frustrated by rogue investors in #EnglishFootball

I've read widely and spoken to people with genuine knowledge of the machinations of global finance💾

What puzzles me today is, how/why did #MelMorris get himself in this hole?😏
Read 18 tweets
#Christian #Patriots who love #America and oppose the #marxist #takeover of our Country. -- We need to start forming leaders to defend the USA. Plan CONFERENCES in January on the day of the Inauguration. Explain how to defend America by whatever means are just! ACTION! >>
Here is a summary of talking points for your conferences
1. Christ is our King, and we owe him everything, esp gratitude for America
2. We must show it by loyalty + service even unto the risk of everything.
3. True liberty is liberty to be Christian.
4. Marxism is opposed to this
5. We must recognize the Masonic tactic of diverting our loyalty to Christ to their projects.
6. Instead we must insist on Christ and Christian civilization, which is not Judeo-Christian, but Christian.
7. Must recognize that America has been infiltrated by those who hate Christ.
Read 10 tweets
I noticed the #Derby #takeover is looking on shaky legs from the reporting today - Quelle surprise!

In addition to the thread & background Offshore/Samuelson/Obolensky, thought it might be worth posing more questions

How do these people/structures work?

I've read quite a lot about ⚜ finances & the machinations of 💾 in the offshore world.

So, I'll try and give some crude speculation below (with a couple of factual references) & see if we get anywhere near the mark 🧐

Money Men - Fronts - Frauds

Trust/Offshore Companies are involved in Fiduciary Duties

They take sources of funds (often from discreet, cautious & sometimes nefarious characters)

It is then their job then to create structures to protect, move, make accessible (& sometimes invest💾)
Read 16 tweets
NEWS: #Worlds2020
✅ New Prize Pool allocation
✅ Venue: Shanghai Media Tech Studio (Finals in Pudong Football Stadium)
✅ Broadcast Sked
✅ 22 Teams 👇
✅ 12 Leagues
Time to #TakeOver!
Thread... Image
Over the past few years, the World Champion skins have performed better and better, leading to a much larger gap in prizing between first and second place. To create a more equitable structure, the first-place prize will be reduced and allocated to the other finishers 👇 Image
The Shanghai Media Tech (SMT) Studio is AMAZING! Wait until you see what our team has in store for our fans starting September 25. Here's a bit more detail on the venue...
Read 4 tweets
This is BIG-#Promoters having 25% or more shares in a company can raise shareholding now,by 10% in a year,Vs earlier 5% limit

Increase in limit,permitted only via #preferential issue of equity shares

Will enable Cos greater access to #capital&very pro #markets

Any rise in voting right beyond permitted threshold will result in mandatory open offer,vide 3(2) of takeover code

Threshold raised from 5 to 10%,via preferential issue,only for FY21

Change in #TakeoverCode,to help capital raising,by corporates,big step by @narendramodi govtđŸ’Ș
Increase in shareholding or voting rights,permitted only till 75% of non public shareholding limit

Gap between two #QIPs by listed entity,reduced from 6 months to just 2 weeks..this is HUGE& reflects @narendramodi govt's commitment to help corporates,to access capital

Read 3 tweets
Subdomain takeover detection #OneLiners

- used command and details are in the thread.

#bugbountytips #security #takeover #detection Image
- used command

subfinder -d -silent | dnsprobe -silent -f domain | httprobe -prefer-https | nuclei -t nuclei-templates/subdomain-takeover/detect-all-takeovers.yaml
- details Image
Read 4 tweets
The movie that got me, Shawn Larkin, in trouble with the CCP and Rothschilds, and started me learning who is attacking US.
#CCP #CostaRica #Infiltration #takeover #ShawnLarkin
I was Unit Production Manager along with Michael Rothschild’s partner, who never even showed up for 1 second of work and never even came to the location, but got credit with me for the position. I was on location every day
#CCP #CostaRica #Infiltration #takeover #ShawnLarkin
I was on location every day, over years, most days being 15 hour work days. We spent hundreds of hours with the dolphin megapods of Osa.
#CCP #CostaRica #Infiltration #takeover #ShawnLarkin
Read 3 tweets
Trump’s flagrant denial of Russia’s attacking on our election sys. is nothing less than aiding/abetting Putin’s to destroy the US.
Donald’s using psychological projection by using the word “COUP”, marching the US towards a revolution in order to save him from Justice! #AMJoy
Why else do you think he keeps talking about “ Overthrew, Coup, Witchhunt, The press is the enemy of the people and his fondness for Robert E. Lee”.
Fondness for traders dictators and autocrats! Just like Robert Mueller, Donald Trump is giving you a roadmap to who he is! #AMJoy
With Donald Trump’s flagrant flouting of the rule of law can anybody guarantee he would not attempt a coup in order to stay in power? Why else would he be stacking the courts and massaging our generals? Donald’s whole demeanor is I am the Boss/Dictator and you’re the peon! #AMJoy
Read 10 tweets

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