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May 11th 2023
The anti-inflammatory effects of #exercise: mechanisms and implications for the prevention and treatment of disease 🧵… Image
2. Physical inactivity is linked to various health problems like #type2diabetes, #heartdisease, #cancer, and more. This is partly because of the accumulation of visceral fat, which triggers #inflammation in the body and promotes the development of these diseases.
3. Exercise has been found to have a protective effect against these chronic inflammation-related diseases, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect. Regular exercise can reduce visceral fat mass and create an anti-inflammatory environment in the body.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
A type 2 #diabetes diagnosis can feel like a death sentence.

A lifetime of needles and disease management, with an increased risk of other disease, amputation, and early death?

But you don't just have to manage diabetes.

In fact, you can cure it completely.

Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 is largely a lifestyle disease - and largely preventable.

The pancreas still produces insulin, just not enough to control high blood sugar. Over time, the bloodstream is bathed in sugar and chronic disease begins.
The progression is a vicious cycle:

1️⃣ The body creates insulin to handle elevated sugars.
2️⃣ Insulin directs excess sugar into fat cells
3️⃣ Fat builds up around the liver and pancreas
4️⃣ Inflammation damages the cells of the pancreas that generate insulin
Read 8 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
1a) Welcome to one of our favorite events on the @academiccme #accredited #tweetorial feeds: a takeover of our programming from @GoggleDocs! The focus of this tweetorial is data from #ADA2022 on #SGLT2i beyond cardiac disease. Our expert author is @GoggleDocs' @drpatrickholmes. Image
1b) Check out our other #ADA2022 recap #tweetorial by new @GoggleDocs family member @Ines_VFonseca who focused on the cardiac data presented:
2) This program is #accredited for CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #pharmacists #nursepractitioners & is supported by an educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc and Eli Lilly Company. It is intended for healthcare professionals.
Read 59 tweets
Aug 21st 2022
@garytaubes presenting at the Symposium for Metabolic Health – SD 2022 next week! 'Chasing Blood Sugar: Diet, Diabetes & the Limits of Medical Science'…
#Type2Diabetes #type1diabetes #insulin #medicalnutrtiontherapy #therapeuticcarbohydratereduction #CME
Learning Objectives:

1) Understand the history of the diet-diabetes relationship and science and how insulin therapy changed dietary therapy from carbohydrate-abstention to liberal, high-carbohydrate diets
2) Understand the basis of the AHA philosophy advocating, since 1971, the use of carbohydrate-rich diets (40-60 % of calories) for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Read 16 tweets
May 29th 2022
"If we want web3 to make good on the promise that it can materially improve the situations of everyone within the ecosystem, and not just a handful of people at the top, we need to design it according to principles that will make that happen." -- @ljin18…
Read 13 tweets
Feb 20th 2022
Stærkt indlæg fra @sebrushworth om insulin ved #type2diabetes. Jeg tror selv, at det skader patienterne mere end det gavne. #Diabetes-lægerne har desværre alt for meget fokus på langtidsblodsukker. #BigPharma har fuld kontrol over diabetes-området.…
Her beskriver @sebrushworth et langt bedre alternativ end insulin ved type2-diabetes: #LOWCARB-diætråd, som med succes blev implementeret i en engelsk #almenpraksis. 46% af patienterne blev helbredt!…
Problemet ved type2-diabetes er so regel at man er for tyk. Man bliver endnu tykkere af insulin. Længere er den egentlig ikke. Men diabeteslægerne i DK gør som @novonordisk og ordinerer Novo's dyre insulin-analoger. 👎…
Read 3 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on currently available treatments for mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonism (#MRA), the differences among them, and how these differences impact on treatment of cardio-reno-metabolic diseases #CaReMe #FOAMed
2) Our expert author is Dr. Patrick Holmes MB BS, MSc, DipTher, MRCGP (@drpatrickholmes), a GP Partner at St. George’s Medical Practice, Darlington for 23 years. He is a Trustee for the Primary Care Diabetes Society and is Associate Editor for Diabetic Medicine @diabeticmed.
3) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer & is intended for #healthcare providers. Author disclosures can be found at Prior programs, still available for CE/#CME credit, are at CE/#CME credit 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇨🇦🇺🇸
Read 35 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
Yes it's the @GoggleDocs as we continue our #takeover of the @cardiomet_CE account.

Reporting some of the things that interested us in the recent #EASD2021

Please check out our previous mini-tweetorials.

@EASDnews @EASDelearning @ADA_DiabetesPro
Thus far we have covered...

▶️ Latest data on tirzepatide (GIP/GLP-1 dual agonist)✅
▶️ "Triple G" - a new GIP/GLP-1/Glucagon agonist✅
▶️ Remission in non-obese #type2diabetes

Next up is "what's next after metformin?" - what the GRADE & TriMaster Studies add
Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE)

📍Presented an update at the #EASD2021 , although little changed from the #ADA2021 presentation.

Please check out one of our own @GoggleDocs posts at the time

Read 13 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
Time for a shit in gear as the @GoggleDocs continue their £takeover of the @cardiomet_CE account.

From treatments that are still in the development stage now back to basics.

In this mini-thread today we are going to cover a couple of sessions from #EASD2021 that caught our 👁️
First up led by Prof. Roy Taylor of @UniofNewcastle in collaboration with the @UniofOxford Diabetes Trial Unit.

You may remember Prof. Taylor from the seminal DiRECT Study 👉

Today I will be going through some of the preliminary data from the ReTune Study Image
📍Twin Cycle Hypothesis (R. Tayor 2008) of #type2diabetes
📍Once an individual' subcutaneous fat reserves are full
▶️ Fat is stored in the liver
▶️ Liver derived VLDL in turn, among other things, ⤴️ pancreatic fat
▶️⤴️pancreatic fat leads onto ⤵️ insulin secretion to food Image
Read 11 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
It's Monday and time for us @GoggleDocs to #takeover the @cardiomet_CE account for the next few days.

It's time to revisit the recent #EASD2021 conference.

Highlights in what's new in
Just to remind you guys

The @GoggleDocs are a bunch of 🇬🇧 docs/🤓 who are fascinated about the cardio-metabolic conditions we are increasingly managing.

Please check out our @YouTube channel…
This accredited educational program is intended for healthcare providers only, and is supported by grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Chiesi, and NovoNordisk. Follow this thread for a link to credit. CE/#CME credit for #physicians, #nurses, #pharmacists in US, Canada, GB, EU.
Read 22 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
... more from the #ESCCongress2021 from the @GoggleDocs #Takeover of the @cardiomet_CE

Next up the EMPEROR-Pooled analysis and some of the questions it asks

How does empagliflozin compare with ARNI (sacubitral/valsartan
EMPEROR-Pooled was a prespecified analysis of the two 'sister' studies

EMPEROR-Reduced Trial…


EMPEROR-Preserved Trial…

With very similar #HeartFailure populations, separated by an ejection fraction cut off of 40%

As you can see

📍Very similar results in terms of the primary and secondary #HeartFailure outcomes.

‼️ Although clear attenuation of benefit seen in pople with higher ejection fractions (EF)
Read 9 tweets
Sep 7th 2021
1) Welcome to a new joint-accredited #tweetorial on the highlights of cutting-edge #cardiometabolic research from this years #ESCCongress. We are
@GoggleDocs. Follow this tweetorial to earn FREE 0.75h credit, #physicians #nurses #pharmacists!
#FOAMed #medtwitter
2) This program is intended for healthcare professionals and is supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly Company, Chiesi, and NovoNordisk. See archived programs at
3) Over the next 3 days the @GoggleDocs will be #Takeover with @cardiomet_CE account.

We are four 🇬🇧 based doc working across healthcare.

Our interests are "what's new, and meaning full in cardio-renal metabolic medicine"

Check out our YouTube channel
Read 16 tweets
Aug 22nd 2021
Yoga doesn't work, Anulom Vilom Pranayama doesn't work, Cardiac coherence breathing does #Yoga #CardiacCoherenceBreathing (1)
This article by @AskDrShashank et al sheds light on role of yoga based lifestyle modifications in Type 2 Diabetes and associated factors #Diabetes #Yoga (2)…
This editorial in @j_metb talks about evidence for effect of yoga in #Diabetes and #Prediabetes #Yoga (3)…
Read 9 tweets
Jun 29th 2021
Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE)

Q. What next after metformin?

MET plus:
✅GLP-1ra (liraglutide)
✅SU (glimepiride)
✅DPP4i (sitagliptin)

😱 No SGLT2i
😱 No TZD…
Mean baseline characteristics

57 yr old
66%👴🏻, 20%👴🏿
BMI 34
HbA1c 7.5%
Duration of diabetes 4.2 yr

⚠️🇺🇸 only study
⚠️only 3.6% from 'Asian' descent
⚠️ So not representative to non-🇺🇸 #type2diabetes…
Summary of glycaemic outcomes

🥳GLP-1ra & Basal Insulin did best

💩DPP4i did worse. In particular if baseline HbA1c>7.8%

Bottom line - I don't think DPP-4i is a good option if HbA1c >7.8% (62mmol/mol)

📷courtesy of Prof. Matthews
Read 6 tweets
Jun 28th 2021
✅Real world data from a 🇩🇪register of patients with ♂️#hypogonadism & #type2diabetes over 12 years!

❗️ ♂️ hypogonadism is common in T2D (≈ 50%)

⚠️@Bayer presented
⚠️ other data shown ⤴️ MACE…

So what did they find?

Baseline Characteristics.

🤔As you can see two very different cohorts of patients.

⚠️ High risk of unresolved bias

Changes in testosterone and glycaemic markers over time.

Testosterone therapy assoc with

⤴️ Testosterone
⤵️ HbA1c
Read 6 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
There's a new meta-analysis out in @bmj_latest on low-carb diets on remission of #type2diabetes.

Here are my thoughts in a LONG thread. 🤓 Image
The short version:

1) this adds nothing new 😕
2) long term RCTs on this are so flawed/heterogeneous we can't compare them meaningfully 😴
3) please stop doing meta-analyses on low-carb and glycaemia (with one exception h/t to @DylanMacKayPhD)
This MA isn't too different from previous MA - it just puts the continuous variable: glucose concentration into a dichotomous variable: remission yes/no.
Read 22 tweets
Dec 20th 2020
With 2020 almost over, it's time again to look back at some of the BEST in the #bone field: 🔝20 papers (+extras).

Happy to hear your input! Disclosure: fully subjective ranking!
@ASBMR @AcademyEcts @Osteoporosis_NL @osteoporosisNI @mmse30 @NatalieASims
#1 Atypical Femoral fractures @NEJM (Black DM et al.)
Risk reduces within months of @Bisphosphonate1 discontinuation. Benefit>risk in any group but less so in Asians and women <65yr…
-side note- @ECTS_science very useful systematic review and recommendations for managing osteoporosis following AFFs.…

And oral BPs may not only reduce fractures but also cardiovascular events
@Dr_BoAbrahamsen @prieto_alhambra
Read 24 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
1/11 I think that the most important piece of research since 2017 about putting #type2diabetes into remission was published today in @BMJNutrition

The results are simply astonishing 😲

A twitter thread.... #MedTwitter #LCHF

Here's the paper👇…
2/11 The study is by @lowcarbGP @jen_unwin + others and looks at reversing T2DM and pre-diabetes by lifestyle change, in particular by ⬇️sugar and starchy carbs
3/11 The study builds on the work of Prof Roy Taylor's DiRECT Study which found that *severe* calorie restriction could put T2DM into remission👍
More info here 👇

This was great news but SO many people find calorie restriction IMPOSSIBLE TO SUSTAIN 🤔🤷‍♂️
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Sep 7th 2020
Excited to see my first co-first author paper of my PhD out in @NatureComms! Tweetorial:

In 2016 the Schwartz Lab @UWMDI_UWMed showed a single injection of FGF1 into the brain can permanently revert #Type2Diabetes in @justsaysinmice. We @tunepers lab asked: HOW? (1/9)
With the wet-lab superstar @mariebentsen, we replicated this experiment, but this time, collected hypothalami from these mice at several timepoints following drug injection for #singlecell #transcriptomics with @10xGenomics (2/9)
Our computational analyses found that FGF1 induced massive changes to non-neuronal cells, specifically tanycytes and astrocytes in the first week. Inspired by work from @LiddelowSA on glial reactivity, we asked if FGF1 induced an A2 or A1 state in astrocytes (3/9)
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Jul 8th 2020
In this thread I will mention precautions to be taken by #Diabetes patients in today’s scanario with #COVIDー19 #coronavirus #India #Mumbai (Ref IDF) @drmohanv @DrAmbrishMithal @AskDrShashank @docanoopmisra @Unnikri @DrDeepakKrishn1 @serioustaurean @DNeurosx @viswas_mr (1)
Recommendations for general public are doubly important for patients with #Diabetes & those living in their close contact 1.Wash hands thouroughly and regularly 2.Avoid touching face before washing and drying hands #COVIDー19 #coronavirus (2)
Clean and disinfect any objects & surfaces touched frequently (door handles, mobile phones, tv remotes). Don’t share towels, food, glasses. (3)
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Nov 5th 2019
November is #DiabetesAwarenessMonth! Do you know the difference between #Type1Diabetes and #Type2Diabetes?
#Type1Diabetes is less common than type 2, ~ 5% of people w/ Diabetes have it. Diet, sugar intake & lifestyle habits do not cause #T1D. It is caused by an autoimmune reaction that destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin.
Without insulin, blood sugar can’t get into cells & builds up in the bloodstream. High blood sugar is damaging to the body and causes many of the symptoms and complications.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 7th 2019
This was always going to be a packed out session (even at 5pm!): how we can use c-peptide measurements to improve the diagnosis of #diabetes
What's c-peptide? It's a molecule we make during the process of producing insulin. So it can be used to look at how much insulin you produce: people with #Type1diabetes have very very low c-peptide levels, while people with #Type2diabetes have higher levels.
This means a c-peptide measurement can differentiate between #Type1diabetes & #Type2diabetes. But how? In the past, tests were expensive & inaccurate. The #ExeterDiabetes team changed this...
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Mar 7th 2019
Really looking forward to this one: precision medicine. It’s all about tailoring treatments for the individual and moving away from a one size fits all approach. #dukpc
.@markmccarthyoxf explains precision medicine could help us answers questions like:
Who is at greatest risk of #diabetes?
Who will respond best to different treatments?
Who will progress quickly or slowly?
Looking at people’s genetic information can help us spot who is at highest risk of #Type2diabetes. There are lots of outstanding questions about these genetic risk scores, but the future potential is exciting. #dukpc
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Mar 6th 2019
Fair to say #Type2diabetes has grabbed the limelight this morning, but now for some exciting updates on #Type1diabetes prevention
Polly Bingley is up first to talk TrialNet - an international network of scientists dedicated to the prevention of #Type1diabetes.
In people with rheumatoid arthritis you don’t wait until someone needs a joint replacement before you intervene. Similarly, Polly tells us we need to be moving forward the point at which we act to target the immune response that causes #Type1diabetes #dukpc
Read 14 tweets

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