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🚨 #BreakingNews : At least 6 people were shot during a teenager’s birthday party in #Dadeville #Alabama - Police are currently investigating the incident and have not yet released any details on the shooter or the victims. Dadeville PD is asking anyone w/info to come forward.……
🚨 #BreakingNews : (See thread) Current view of of hospital in #Dadeville #Alabama via @cnaw_colin ⬇️ - Details are still be figured out & will be emerging once LE know more. #Breaking #Shooting #DevelopingStory #DadevillePD
Police have still given no updates or accurately verified the number of people shot in #Dadeville #Alabama - Praying for the best possible outcome considering the circumstances, but it would be nice to have an update. (Note: *All information hasn’t been officially confirmed by LE……
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2017 erschien im berüchtigten Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security @JHSPH_CHS, unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit, ein Szenarienpapier: THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028. Darin wurde eine großangelegte Impfkampagne während einer Coronavirus-Pandemie geplant.…
Das Papier erschien nachgewiesenermaßen bereits 2017, wurde aber erst zu Beginn von Corona, am 05. März 2020 (Timing ist alles!) auf diversen Forschungsplattformen wie ResearchGate hochgeladen. Es erlangte eine gewisse Bekanntheit in einschlägigen Kreisen.…
Der Schwerpunkt des Papiers lag darauf, Public Health Communicators in die Lage zu versetzen, Communities wie People of Color, die in der Vergangenheit schlechte Erfahrungen mit an ihnen verübten Medizinverbrechen wie #Tuskegee machen mussten, von der Impfung zu überzeugen.
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"#Data: a new direction" - a public consultation by @DCMS on "reforms to the UK’s #DataProtection regime":…

The consultation ends on 19 Nov 2021, and you can respond by e-mail to or online here:… Image
A quick sample of initial reactions...

We're clearly going to be hearing a lot about #LegitimateInterests, as well as #commercial and #public ones. The real question being, how do this Government's interests actually align with YOURS?

140+ pages on a Friday is a lot to digest, but @lilianedwards' "penumbra of often futile determinedly populist ideas largely not evidence-based" seems entirely consistent with @DCMS's Drunkard's Walk through #data and #ID this past year...

Read 28 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerber's Apollo 13

In March 2020, the German Ministry of the Interior @BMI_Bund issued a #strategypaper that weaponized fear in order to accomplish compliance with #COVID policies. The authors' emails were litigated under #FOIA request. My analysis. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: The @BMI_Bund emails have been released to the public as they were successfully sued by lawyer Niko Härting in a FOIA proceeding. They can be requested directly from @BMI_Bund/ @rki_de via @fragdenstaat. Download it here: Image
3/210: The emails originated March 19-25, 2020. They are so explosive because they map the inner discourse of the @BMI_Bund's now infamous #COVID-19 taskforce, which produced several crucial domestic policy documents. @OttoKolbl
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1/210: Markus Kerbers Apollo13
Im März 2020 stellte das @BMI_Bund eine COVID-19 Taskforce zusammen, die ein umstrittenes #Strategiepapier verfasste. Die #Emails der Autoren wurden per Informationsfreiheitsgesetz freigeklagt. Hier kommt meine Analyse der 59 Emails. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: Die @BMI_Bund-Mails sind geschwärzt für die Öffentlichkeit freigegeben, seit sie durch den Anwalt Niko Härting per IFG-Verfahren erstritten wurden. Über @fragdenstaat können sie direkt beim @BMI_Bund @rki_de angefragt werden. ImageImage
3/210: Die Emails enstanden vom 19.-25. März 2020. Sie sind deshalb so brisant, weil sie die inneren Diskurse der inzwischen berüchtigten COVID-19 Taskforce des @BMI_Bund abbilden, aus der diverse innenpolitische Dokumente hervorgegangen sind. @OttoKolbl
Read 211 tweets
The brilliant @KBibbinsDomingo opens today's @theNASEM workshop by reminding us that #EquityInClinicalTrials is about justice, better science, and economic opportunity. There are NO excuses to prop up the status quo, y'all. #BrainHealthEquity
#AdaoraAdimora points out that the research enterprise too often focuses on enrolling individuals that are easy to enroll.
Yes, ma' example of how privilege is exalted by the current system. 🧵/2 #EquityInClinicalTrials
Dr. #AdaoraAdimora underscores the importance of hiring diverse staff that understand, empathize, and reflect the communities to advance #EquityInClinicalTrials. It's past time for research to be anchored by **communities** and not institutions. 🧵/3
Read 21 tweets
We are proud to present the 1st Brig. Gen. Charles McGee #UNITY Award to television broadcaster and trailblazer @RobinRoberts , daughter of #Tuskegee Airman the late Col. Lawrence Roberts, for inspiring and motivating people across the nation every day.…
Named for a true gentleman, ret. @usairforce Brig Gen Charles McGee, this annual award is significant recognition of individuals actively working for the betterment of their community and living up to the integrity of Gen McGee and his fellow members of the #GreatestGeneration.
At 101, Gen McGee is one of the last living members of legendary #Tuskegee Airmen, an African-American military aviation group during #WWII. He was stationed in Italy w/ 302d Fighter Squadron 332d Fighter Group, flying his first mission on #ValentinesDay 1944. #OTD 77 years ago.
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