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Jun 13th 2023
About a quarter of uk population fall into the category here; and as described tagged by me above; this is a very broad grouping; lets add in #Reform and #Reclaim
#Ukip voters, we know your'e out there; we see the uk accounts with those in your Twitter timelines
The #MAGA #QAnon pro-Trump accounts; in UK; This MEANS YOUR Right to Protest will now lie SOLELY in the hands of your local Police, if this bill is passed, TODAY ;Against the Expresed will of your Mps.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
The petition in December 2020 actually peaked at over 428k signatures. More than #UsforThemUK have ever managed in support or following. It beggars belief they claim to speak for parents & children as they very clearly do not.
Further more the governments official response was one huge gaslighting exercise and the measures they refer to #UsforThemUK campaigned against and this was before masks in class & testing was implemented by government. Cont…
Also let’s not forget we were assured with a fancy plan that should cases rise there would be a swift raft of measures applied that went as far as remote learning and closing classes. It was NEVER used and quietly dropped. Why ?
Read 4 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
#UsforThemUK stop lying will you, you were a minority, parents voted with their feet, it wasn’t safe for staff as no vaccine, the only online activists were yourselves and shady associates. If only you had been silenced and ignored. Cont….
LD 1 parents had already removed their children, schools had closed year groups due to unsafe staff levels and were looking to take Easter a week early. I never saw one parent who thought closing schools was ridiculous we were all waiting for the PM to get off his 🍑
December 20 a petition to close the schools (in favour of remote) amassed 405k signatures and went to debate where the request was ignored mainly and politicians banded about what they were doing, why we shouldn’t close schools. Meanwhile covid levels were rising exponentially
Read 5 tweets
Dec 18th 2021
Good afternoon @Conservatives👋

In the last week myself & countless colleagues + 1000s of wonderful volunteers have been BOMBARDED by requests to DROP EVERYTHING & help w/ the mission for all adults to #GetBoostedNow, many of us giving up much needed days off.

Volunteers are needed for everything from car park attendants, to clearer uppers, through IT/admin experts to clinicians….there is a job for literally anyone (other than Mark Francois😳), who can spare a few hours!

@10DowningStreet @SteveBakerHW @Mark_J_Harper #MiriamCates
So, could I make a polite request & ask (with absolutely no due respect) that rather than offering 👏👏👏s with one hand & the perfect storm of unmitigated uncontrolled #COVID19 spread & an #NHS in crisis with the other…

@sajidjavid @DHSCgovuk @NHSEngland @MattHancock
Read 8 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
Shall we play @Conservatives #COVIDIdiocy snap @AdamBienkov ?

Anyone can play….

Guess which of the 38 #Tory MPs who voted AGAINST requiring 😷s in most public spaces during a pandemic ALSO voted for schools to have NO MITIGATIONS & are indeed PRO-#COVID!
You won’t be surprised to see this lot grinning back at you.

@SirGrahamBrady & his #UsForThemUK cheer leader pal @stevebaker (of ERG/CRG fame), @DesmondSwayne (“more ppl are killed in car crashes”).
Ofcourse IDS wouldn’t be @MPIainDS if he didn’t vote against the common good.
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Moving on…

@EstherMcVey1 @Pauline_Latham @PhilipDaviesUK @gregsmith_uk

Don’t be fooled by their smiles.

With the knowledge that #COVIDisAirborne & a new variant on the loose, only a dangerous or selfish fool would want to remove all protections 10 days before #Christmas!
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Read 13 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
It’s very concerning that #UsforThemUK are being given platforms to spread #COVIDDisinformation on @GMB & on @bbc5live .

They’re NOT a grass roots parents group & have links to many @Conservatives & to #Antivax groups.

You should know this @susannareid100 @RobbieRinder

😷s are just 1 part of an array of mitigations needed in schools (+other indoor spaces) to ⬇️#COVID19 transmission.

#LivingWithCOVID is a complete misnomer, it’s a lazy, irresponsible, selfish & unscientific approach that’ll result in many AVOIDABLE deaths.
Is that ok with U?
Whilst child deaths from #COVID19 are thankfully uncommon, did you know that 1 child per week has been dying in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿for many weeks now?
Many 1000s of children have #LongCovid & 100s have lost parents or v close relatives.

Let those numbers sink in @RobbieRinder .
Read 15 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
What is it that so many @Conservatives, incl @nadhimzahawi, don’t understand about airborne🦠 transmission?
Just how simple do we need to make it?


#VentilationMatters #MasksSaveLives #OmicronVariant

@BorisJohnson @sajidjavid @DonaldC73785137 @educationgovuk
I suspect that most 5yr olds would understand if you showed them this👇🏼

We keep on saying “It’s not rocket science”…because it really isn’t! A #VaccinesOnly approach is simply not enough, it never was. We need MULTILAYERED mitigations, a #vaccinesPLUS strategy.

How such inadequate protections for the youngest members of society can be justified by reference to one’s own school days beats me.
@DonaldC73785137 clearly doesn’t understand the science of airborne transmission!

Maybe this from @VickiGSP will help?

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Nov 24th 2021
COVID is airborne

Your actions tell the entire planet's population you are working hard to reach herd immunity through infecting our kids with a pathogen that kills & maims.



In individuals at low risk of COVID-19 mortality with ongoing symptoms, 70% have impairment in one or more organs 4 months after initial COVID-19 symptoms, with implications for healthcare and public health…
Go private for the treatment you need, NHS tells patients
Patients are being refused treatment, discharged too early and pushed towards private referrals, openDemocracy’s largest-ever reader survey has found…
Read 82 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
Nailed it @karamballes, never has a “grass roots” parents group been more inappropriately named.

#UsForUs would be far more apt!

These particular parents are the v same people arguing against 😷s & vaccine passports & just about anything we know ⬇️s transmission.
If they actually cared about children’s health & wellbeing AND wanted to reduce educational disruption, they’d have put their weight & influence behind making 🇬🇧schools safer.
They’ve had months to do it & have wealth & political influence on their side.
So why have they not?
It’s quite obvious now, it’s all about THEIR FREEDOMs & THEIR RIGHTs.

They don’t want to #WearAMask or compromise their social lives, restrict their travel & they certainly don’t want to be involved in home schooling.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 31st 2021
Hi again @JuliaHB1, I haven’t got time today to produce the very long list of ways in which you have played an active part in the relentless spread of #COVIDDisinformation, which has directly contributed to the catastrophic situation we are now in….
…..But for now, would you be able to comment on the fact that you signed the letter from #UsforThemUK to @GavinWilliamson & #DfE requesting that 😷s be removed from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿secondary schools in the summer term.…
The push to remove 😷s from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿secondary schools during a pandemic has been disastrous, detrimental not only to pupils health & wellbeing (& that of their families) but to their education too.

You & your co-signatories are responsible for a lot of avoidable harm & suffering.
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Oct 20th 2021
There are many layers to the #Covid19UK human catastrophe but IMO it’s all DELIBERATE @mrjamesob

Not even @BorisJohnson is so ignorant that he can’t understand the seriousness of what is currently unfolding.

The crux is - HE WANTS IT TO HAPPEN!

@sajidjavid @JonAshworth
If you were looking for the perfect foil for the #BrexitShambles & #NHSPrivatisation in one fell swoop AND you wanted to divert attention from the cronyism & corruption being uncovered every single day….you’d create as much chaos, fear & desperation as possible….
….carefully positioning your scapegoats (the EU/drs/nurses/teachers/refugees….

You’d allow #COVIDDisinformation to run riot, including from the @UKHSA (& conveniently replace #PHE), whilst churning out a #COVIDisOver narrative through a compliant media.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 18th 2021
Well this is interesting…

I didn’t know that @richardm56 was a signatory on this letter👇🏼 from #UsForThemUK to the then Education Secretary @GavinWilliamson regarding the use of 😷s in UK schools?

@susannareid100 @DrHilaryJones @benshephard @GMB…
Would one expect someone with a record of being a #COVIDMinimiser & of spreading #COVIDDisinformation to be presenting a daily breakfast programme with such a large audience?

IMO it’s a question @GMB & @richardm56 must answer!

@SunderlandLolly @mariannaspring @ITV
The list includes some of the usual suspects of course ….@hartgroup_org members - no surprises there!

@DrHoenderkamp & #AllisonPearson obviously wouldn’t have wanted to miss out.

I almost smiled when I saw the name of my old friend #FrancisHoar - such a nice chap!
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Oct 10th 2021
Many @Conservatives have given their support to @educationgovuk ‘s unconscionable #LetAllChildrenGetCovid “policy”.

They know there’ll be SIGNIFICANT COLLATERAL DAMAGE in the form of human suffering - Avoidable, preventable deaths, illness, #LongCovid & grief.

Dr Harries & the @UKHSA are clearly “on board” w/ the #LivingWithCovid strategy & our CMO & CSA are unable or unwilling to speak out to protect us.
Children, staff & families are being sacrificed to perpetuate the lie that schools are safe & keep parents at work.

See the attached thread w/ numerous smiley #Tory faces.

Without their support (& relentless #COVIDDisinformation) #UsForThem & #HART’s mission to remove all mitigations from UK schools may have failed.

@_johnbye @karamballes @cyclingkev @dgurdasani1 @Zubhaque
Read 7 tweets
Sep 8th 2021
For anyone who hasn’t realised just how deep the #BackToNormal lunacy runs, take a look at some of the “nearly 50” @Conservatives who are actively supporting @UsforThemUK’s dangerous & irresponsible campaign to make 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿schools #COVID19 MITIGATION-FREE!

The ring-leader is @SteveBakerHW, of #CRG AND #ERG fame. Neither he or his #CRG mate @Mark_J_Harper appear to have any understanding of #airborne viral transmission.
Mr Harper’s clearly also a fan of the unscientific & reckless #LivingWithCovid mindset.

But it’d be unfair to give @halfon4harlowMP ALL the credit for causing unnecessary harm & suffering.

Several other high profile @Conservatives are members of the @UsforThemUK support group.

Some of the “usual suspects”-
@MPIainDS @SirGrahamBrady @DesmondSwayne @EstherMcVey1

Read 13 tweets
Aug 16th 2021
The ONLY WAY to make any sense of the changes to isolation policy, in combination w/ the removal of virtually all mitigations across 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿society, is that the @PrimeMinister @sajidjavid & @10DowningStreet ACTIVELY WANT ppl to catch AND spread #coronavirus.

@dgurdasani1 @TimesRadio
They WANT “US” to “GO NOW” rather than later in the Autumn/winter….that’s YOU & ME!

No matter how many ppl are doubly vaccinated, COMPLETELY UNMITIGATED TRANSMISSION/SPREAD will inevitably effect ppl in all age groups.
GOING NOW may sound BIG & BRAVE to those that haven’t followed the pandemic closely, but for anyone w/ even the slightest understanding of what’s really going on, it equates to pouring several large cans of petrol onto the UK #COVID 🔥, whilst simultaneously turning the 💦 off!
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Aug 4th 2021
I’m not sure who to report this to, but YET AGAIN @halfon4harlowMP, the CHAIR of @CommonsEd is OPENLY LINKING HIMSELF to #UsForThemUK who are #antimask #antivax, anti - ANY #COVID mitigation in schools.

This is NOT OK!

@LaylaMoran @AppgCoronavirus @ChildrensComm @NAHTnews
#UsForThemUK are linked to #CRG & other @Conservatives MPs, #HARTGroup & others, who’re relentlessly spreading #CovidDisinformation in the name of putting “children first”.

NO ONE who cares about the health & wellbeing of children should be promoting them.
They’re part of a web of ANTI-MITIGATION “campaigners” who want schools to open in Sept WITHOUT ANY PROTECTIONS against #COVID19 in place for 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿pupils, staff & families.

Every HT needs to know that the pupils in THEIR CARE, almost all of whom are unvaccinated, are NOT SAFE!
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Jul 30th 2021
What hope is there for the health & safety of school children in🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 when the chair of @CommonsEd continues to promote & support the views of @UsforThemUK & @lensiseethrough which are ANTI-#COVID MITIGATION on every level!
Whilst @educationgovuk policy on #COVID19 mitigations in schools is so heavily influenced by this group, & others, there is little chance of any tangible change before 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿schools reopen in September.

16 months in to the pandemic, children here are FAR LESS PROTECTED, not more!
Does @halfon4harlowMP realise that school children are being unnecessarily exposed to #coronavirus as part of the government’s #HerdImmunityByInfection “strategy” which has been internationally condemned as an unscientific & barbaric way to proceed?

#Murderous #COVID19UK
Read 15 tweets

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