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Feb 24th 2023
(1/14) @zignaly Kurucuları aylık olarak gerçekleştirilen soru-cevap etkinliğinde DAO yönetişimine öncelik vermek adına Kuruculara ait token kilit açılımını geçtiğimiz yıl olduğu gibi yeniden 12 ay daha ertelediklerini duyurdu🚀🔥
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(2/14) Zignaly'de topluluğa önem ve öncelik veriyor, adem-i merkeziyetçiliğin ve şeffaflığın gücüne inanıyoruz. Hatırlamak gerekirse, 22 Haziran'da bir DAO olma ve protokolümüzü merkeziyetsizleşme planlarımızı duyurmuştuk🚀
(3/14)#Zignaly'de DAO mekanizmalarımızın oluşturulmasına yardımcı olması için eski MakerDAO üyelerinden StableNode ekibini resmi olarak danışman ve yatırımcı olarak görevlendirdik💪
Planlarımızı gerçekleştirmemize yardımcı olacak önemli kişilerden taahhütler aldık.
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Feb 23rd 2023
In “Monthly Community Meetup” today, co-founders have announced “Delay in Vesting to Prioritize DAO Governance”🚀🔥

Founding team has decided to delay their unlocking period for another 12 months to Feb’24 🧵

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(2/14) At Zignaly, we prioritize community, and believe in the power of decentralization and transparency. To recall, in Jun’22, we announced our plans to become a DAO and decentralize our protocol🚀
(3/14) Recently, #Zignaly took the StableNode team - formerly of MakerDAO - officially on board as advisors & investors to help build our DAO mechanisms💪
We have secured the commitment of several key individuals who will be instrumental in executing our plans. TBA 🚀🚀
Read 14 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
(1/8) A #bearrun occurs when supply exceeds demand & market performance falls short of recent highs.
This thread helps you delve deep into the realms of #cryptocurrency and determine the essentials required to spot a Bear Run.🧵

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(2/8) A crypto bear run could be hard to foresee before it happens. It does, however, usually go along with extremely optimistic moments.
Although it has many of the same drawbacks as a bull run, a #bear run is more unpredictable having higher price #volatility.👀
(3/8) Investors need to have a keen eye for spotting a bear run in order to properly manage their #investment choices. These trends might seem very obvious, but identifying them beforehand is essential to cut down on investment. #risks. 🕵🏼‍♂️
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Feb 21st 2023
(1/8) Due to the #crypto market's volatile nature, it is feasible to spot patterns and trends in #marketcycles. This thread will examine the main signs of a #bull market and discuss how to take advantage of them. 🧵
Read below to learn more: 👇🏻… Image
(2/8) When the market is generally bullish, and #investors are confident in purchasing and hanging onto their assets, a #bullrun happens in the bitcoin market. 🤩 🎉
#Zignaly #LLTS
(3/8) A bull run is characterized by a significant increase in #stock prices, active purchasing, greater #liquidity, and higher levels of #trading activity. 💯 ⚡️
#Zignaly #LLTS
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Feb 10th 2023
(1/4) Türkiye'yi 6 Şubat 2023'te vuran #deprem yüzyılın en ölümcül depremlerinden biri😣
18.000'den fazla kişinin öldüğü, on binlerce kişinin yaralandığı ve on binlerce binanın yıkıldığı depremde Türkiye topluluğumuzun da kayıpları oldu😢
Biz #Zignaly ekibi olarak yanınızdayız😢
(2/4) Depremden etkilenen alan öyle büyük ki neredeyse İngiltere'nin tamamı kadar! Tarihte bu kadar geniş bir alanı etkileyen bir deprem yaşanmadı. Etki alanı 1999'da yaşanan Gölcük Depreminin 10 katı büyüklüğünde😣
(3/4) Saatler içinde büyüklükleri 7.7 ve 7.6 olmak üzere 2 ayrı büyük depremin yıktığı bölgede 4,0'ın üzerinde yüzlerce deprem meydana geldi. Bölgede felaketten etkilenenlerin sayısı 14 milyonun üzerinde😣
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Jan 6th 2023
(1/6) Hi everyone! This is the thirteenth (13th) update on this final stage of the evolution of Profit Sharing 2.0 and the first of the year 2023! This first quarter will be full of news for #Zignaly and #ProfitSharing 2.0. 🤩🥳
Read more below🧵
(2/6) Today, we will start contacting the biggest services in the #marketplace in order to start coordinating the migration of their services to PS 2. So if you’re a trader, you can schedule your migration through email, where all instructions have already been sent to you! 🎯💪🏻
(3/6) We are also integrating the possibility for traders to create customized #APIs for their #ProfitSharing 2.0 services directly from the new interface, without the need for us to do it for them. ⚒️🤝🏼
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Jan 4th 2023
(1/19) Message from CEO @brbordallo – Year Round up🧵🧵

You can bet that 2022 has been a rough year for crypto. #Global Economic factors like wars🎇, inflation📊,🔼interest rates made things challenging for #financial markets across asset classes
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(2/19) The decline of tech #stocks contributed to an outflow of money from #cryptocurrencies, and the internal issues within the industry only exacerbated the situation. It is fair to say that 2022 has been one of the most challenging years in the history of #web3🌐
(3/19) Despite the challenges we faced in 2022, the fundamentals of the #crypto industry are stronger than ever. Key players, from countries to banks and companies, have adopted #cryptocurrencies, #NFTs have had a successful year, and trading volume and #marketcap are at ATH🔥💡
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Dec 4th 2022
(1/7) Profit Sharing 2.0 evriminin son aşamasındaki 9⃣. güncelleme ile karşınızdayız📢
Bitirdiğimiz haftanın güzel haberi, resmi olarak var olan hizmetleri 2.0'a taşımaya başlamış olmamız⚙️📅 💪
(2/7) Bekleme listesinde az sayıda takipçisi olan bazı #hizmetlerle başladık ve gün geçtikçe daha fazlasını taşımaya devam edeceğiz. ⚙️ 💪
(3/7) Şu anda erişimi herkese açık olarak paylaşmıyoruz, yalnızca #taşıdığımız hizmetlerin takipçileri erişim sağlayabilmek için bir #e-posta ile alarak takibe başlayabilecekler. Böylece ilgili yatırımcılar portföylerini doğru bir şekilde yönetmeye devam edebilecek✨📈
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Dec 2nd 2022
(1/7) 📢 📢 The ninth (9th) update on this final stage of the #evolution of #ProfitSharing 2.0 is here! 📅 📅

Read it out loud: We have officially started #migrating services from the current version to ProfitSharing 2.0! 💪✨ 🙌
(2/7) We have begun with some #services from the list that have a small number of #followers, and we will be #migrating more and more services as the days go by. ⚙️ 💪
(3/7) Currently, we'll not publicly share access to the whole #community, only the followers of those services that we are #migrating will receive access, and they will do it by #email. This way, those investors will be able to continue to manage their #portfolios correctly✨📈
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Nov 24th 2022
(1/6) Real Participants envision, assert, and aid in the evolution of crypto markets!
The world’s largest #cryptocurrency #exchange @binance & CEO @cz_binance announces $1bn commitment to the #IndustryRecoveryFund as a part of their #industry building process✨🧵🔥
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(2/6) With the ongoing #FTX saga and call for i) #transparency, and ii) #support, #Binance came forward as the market leader. For transparency, Binance shared its wallet addresses with funds, and now announces its fund to “reduce further cascading negative effects of FTX” 💳💼🌐
(3/6) Since #FTX rapid winddown, market participants were found worried for crypto contagion which was affecting each corner of the industry. With initial flowing details, the aim of this fund is to prop up struggling players in the wake of FTX and affiliated #bankruptcies📈💎🛍️
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Nov 18th 2022
(1/6) We announced our Private Beta Launch of #ProfitSharing 2.0 in AMA yesterday! 📅

Hello #everyone; this is the seventh update on this final stage of the evolution of #PS2.0. Last week we announced Closed Beta & have continued moving in the same direction this week. 📢 Image
(2/6) We gave ambassadors and veteran users access, and we have started selecting users from the waiting list. It is amazing how many users have signed up for the waiting list. 🤯

From #Zignaly, we want to thank all of them for their confidence and interest in using PS 2.0! 💪
(3/6) During this week, we have been able to define the internal processes to start the migration of services from PS 1 to PS2.0.

We are already doing internal tests. ✨ Soon, we will contact the first traders to coordinate migrating their services to #ProfitSharing 2.0. ⌚
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Nov 17th 2022
(1/4) Bekleyiş sona erdi!! #Zignaly'nin Amiral Gemisi #ProfitSharing hizmetindeki yeni bir güncelleme ile karşınızdayız!
Sosyal yatırım arenasının çarpıcı bir çıktısı olan PS2.0'ın Kapalı Beta sürümü nihayet yayında🤩
(2/4) #PS2.0'ı bugüne kadarki en büyük dönüşümümüz olarak adlandırıyoruz. Odak noktamız, benzersiz bir kullanıcı deneyimi, yeni trader'ların eklenmesi, esnek ve güçlü bakiye yönetimi ve anında çıkış özellikleriyle seçim özgürlüğü sunmak ve tam bir #şeffaflık sağlamak.💪💸
(3/4) PS2.0 hizmetlerini kullanmak için bekleme listesine adını yazdıran topluluk üyelerimizin tamamı, #KapalıBeta sürümüyle yeni platformumuzun ilk özel hizmetlerini kullananlar olmaya hak kazandılar! 🥇🏁
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Nov 17th 2022
(1/8) The wait is over!! We announce an update on #Zignaly’s Flagship #ProfitSharing Services.

Disrupting the social investing space, our Private Beta version of PS2.0 services goes live today!

Follow this thread to get further insight! 🧵🤩
(2/8) We call #PS2.0 our biggest transformation to date.

Our focus is on providing a seamless user experience, freedom of choice (backed by the addition of new #traders, agile balance management, and hard disconnection), and #transparency. 💪💸
(3/8) All shortlisted community members who applied for using P2.0 services will be the first ones to use our new platform! 🥇🏁
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Nov 15th 2022
#Zignaly'nin Profit Sharing 2.0 evriminin son aşamasına dair 6⃣.güncellemesi ile karşınızdayız. Bu hafta önemli bir duyurumuz var ancak önce üzerinde çalıştığımız Profit Sharing arayüzü üzerine bazı bilgileri aktaralım. [1/12]
#PS2.0'ın yayınlayacağımız ilk sürüm arka uç çalışması bitti, tam sürüm daha sonra gelecek olsa da kullanıcı arayüzü temel işlevleriyle hazır. Bu şekilde, tüm geliştirme sürecini beklemeye gerek duymadan en çok ihtiyaç duyulan işlevleri sunarak hizmeti başlatabileceğiz. [2/10]
#ProfitSharing2.0 büyük bir güncelleme. Öyle ki son 2 yılda Zignaly topluluğundan gelen isteklerin çoğuna yanıt veriyor. Dolayısıyla eklenen ve hala bile eklenecek birçok özellik var - ve ekleyecek yeni geliştirmeler bulmaya ve uygulamaya da devam edeceğiz! [3/10]
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Nov 11th 2022
Hello #everyone! This is the 6th update on the final stage of the evolution of #Zignaly’s #ProfitSharing 2.0. This week we have an important #announcement to make! But first, I would like to share something about the new Profit Sharing interface we are working on. (1/10) Image
The initial version of #PS2.0 that we will release is finished from the back end, but the UI still has basic functions, while the full version comes later. That way, we can launch the most needed functionalities without delaying the whole deployment. (2/10)
Profit Sharing 2.0 is a massive update and includes most of the requests from our Zignaly community in the last 2 years, so we still have a lot to add - and, we will keep doing that! (3/10)
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