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Jan 31st 2023
#Zoroastrian #Kurdistan
Hi all, so I realized I haven't been posting about Zoroastrianism in #KRG (South #Kurdistan) lately, so here are some latest videos, got them from Zoroastrian organizations in KRG.
Zoroastrianism is a recognized religion within Kurdistan & has grown (1/?)…
.. grown considerably in recent years. Zoroastrians have always existed in Kurdistan ever since Iranian peoples has settled. Not even islam was able to kill off the religion in the region (they tried), and as late as the 1200s there were Zoroastrian principalities fighting islam Image
From the Tayrãhids of the 1200s to now, Zoroastrians survived in hiding, in fear. However, in supreme irony it was islam and the evil it brought in the from of #ISIS that created a modern "revival" of the faith as many people were repulsed by the face of islam presented by isis Image
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Sep 30th 2022
"شریف آباد دخمہ" (صوبہ یزد، #ایران)
خاموشی کا مینار (آسمانی دفن)
Tower of Silence (The Sky Burial)
زرتشتیوں کی میتیں دفنانے کا مقام
زرتشتی مذہب کی ایک لمبی اورقدیم تاریخ میں "یخچل" اور "آرگ بام" کےبعد"شریف آباد"کوبھی ایک مرکزی حیثیت حاصل ھے.
زرتشتی روایت میں جب کسی کی موت ھو جاتی ھے تو اس کا جسم فوری طور پر بدروحوں سے آلودہ اور ناپاک ھو جانے سے لاش کو اس جگہ مقامی پرندوں (خاص طور پر گدھ) کے سامنے بے نقاب (nakedly) کر کے ڈال دیا جاتا ھے یعنی پاکیزہ کیا جاتا ھے، اس مقام کو"دخمس" کہتےہیں۔
40 سال پہلے تک ایران کےصوبہ یزد
میں "ٹاورز آف سائیلنس" کے اوپر اب بھی لاشیں پائی جا سکتی تھیں، جو آہستہ آہستہ بکھر رہی تھیں یا صحرائی گدھوں کے ذریعے الگ ھو رہی تھیں۔
3,000 سال پرانی روایت کے مطابق ٹاورز پر لاشوں کو تین مرتکز دائروں میں ترتیب دیا گیا تھا۔
مردوں کو بیرونی دائرے میں، خواتین کو درمیان میں اور بچوں
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Feb 9th 2022
The #HijabRow reaffirms the belief that the so called religion enforced on the people of the captured land by the invaders from Medina acted like a TROJAN Horse if the invaders lost control of that land.

This Trojan Horse can be activated anytime, anywhere by anyone, as seen clearly in the case of #Iran

Iranians enjoyed lot of freedom under d Shah of Iran for a brief period although most #Zoroastrian were converted into Islam over the last 1000 yrs resulting in Muslim majority
Then people sitting in Europe started activating the Trojan Horse which was dormant and started instigating the people in the name of Islam

Read 29 tweets
Jun 18th 2021
It's time to talk about time, or perhaps rather the taming of time, or however you say it. It's time to talk about calendars.

There are several independent, or nearly, parts of a calendar: 7-day weeks (whatever you call the days), months, and how many years since X.
1/x ~tac Image
The three big questions shaping any calendar are:
(1) are months based on the moon (lunar), or a fixed numbers of days?
(2) is the year based on the sun (solar), or a fixed number of months?
(3) do they vary?

2/x ~tac
Pic by Baykar Sepoyan, CC BY-SA 4.0,… Image
Hijri (Islamic):
lunar months, 12/year

lunar months, 12-13/year

Julian, Seleucid, Greek Anno Mundi:
fixed months, 12/year, leap day every 4 years

Julian w/o leap days

zodiac months, 12/year

But they all agreed which day was Saturday!

3/x `tac Image
Read 15 tweets
Dec 29th 2020
On the #Zoroastrian origins of a weekly #Catholic Ritual

پندار نیک، گفتار نیک، کردار نیک

Most people who are Catholic, or were raised in the Roman Catholic rite, will be familiar with the triple crossing ritual during the Mass.

#Iranian #زرتشت #CatholicTwitter ImageImage
In the moment before the Gospel reading, the priest says “a reading from the Gospel according to (X)”, and the congregation replies “glory to you, o Lord”, before performing this gesture.

Using their thumb, they cross their forehead, then their lips, then their heart.
Few if any Catholic knows that this gesture is a modern representation of an ancient philosophy inherited from #Zoroastrianism:

- Blessing the forehead signifies “good thoughts”
- Blessing the lips signifies “good words”
- Blessing the heart signifies “good deeds”
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Sep 3rd 2020
Persians might have converted to Islam, but many Iranians have kept a lot of their pre-Islamic #Zoroastrian culture and traditions alive.

I read one such refreshing story today on Quora.

Sharing some details here in the thread below.
1) Iranians were mostly of Zoroastrianism religion before the conquest of Islam. Yes, they are mostly Shia Muslims today, but they know about Zoroastrian Ahura Mazda sacred book, and Rasti - Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds.
Some might be even wearing The #Faravahar pendant. Image
2) Iranians even today celebrate their traditional #Zoroastrian new Year Novruz at Pasargad (Tomb of Cyrus The Great). Keep in mind in 2020, #Novruz was just 5 days before the Hindu Near Year festival of Yugadi! Similar calendars.

Even Persian Tajik women celebrate similarly. ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
NM Petit Fasli Agiary, Churchgate, 1939, Designed by Gregson, Batley & King.
“Nasserwanji Maneckji Petit built the only Fasli place of worship existing even today, the N.M. Petit (Fasli) Atash Kedah at New Marine Lines” described as “perhaps the largest agiary in India and ImageImageImageImage
certainly the tallest fire temple.” - #Parsiana 2019 & 1979. A severely restrained treatment of wall surfaces and of features reminiscent of the early building traditions of the homeland of Prophet Zoroaster provide a modern interpretation of a temple. The guardian bulls were
sculptured by an Italian sculptor introduced by the firm of Art Floorings responsible for the pure white marble fire pavilion and the paving of the prayer hall. The bulls have been made the chief feature of the main facade and designed with a dignity, simplicity and scale that
Read 7 tweets
May 16th 2020
So what about #postcolonial #Bergson in #Iran? Just as in the case of #Heidegger it seems Ahmad Fardid (1909-1994) is the key figure publishing the first article in 1937 on #Bergson and #Bergsonism seeing in him an ally in his nativist project 1/ Image
His encounter would have been in Tehran and before he met #Corbin after the war (whose work on #Zoroastrian motifs in #Suhrawardi he translated into #Persian) and certainly before he left to study in Paris in 1947 - Ch11 of Mirsepassi book is the place to look 2/ Image
Around the same time as Fardid’s article, Buf-e kur (The Blind Owl) the existentialist novel of Sadeq #Hedayat (1903-1951) was published that seems to bear the influence of the notion of #duration… 3/
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Nov 13th 2019
1/ Here’s a unique coin I love to show my students @UniofOxford. A fascinating window into the early history of #Islam in #Iran. Minted in Sistan, ca. 691-2. One side portrays the #Sasanian king of kings; the other has the Islamic profession of faith (the shahada) but in Pahlavi!
2/ Pahlavi (otherwise known as #Zoroastrian Middle #Persian) was the language of the #Sassanian kings and the #Zoroastrian clergy. It remained a prestige language in #Iran even after the Islamic conquest
3/ What makes the coin so unique is that it translates the shahada into an essentially #Zoroastrian idiom: “yazd-ēw bē ōy any yazd nēst mahmat paygāmbar ī yazd” (There is one God, without any other, #Muhammad is the #Prophet of God)
Read 15 tweets

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