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Dec 24th 2022
#Ukraine: Today's updates from #UkraineWar: 1. Horrific Russian attack on central #Kherson today on Christmas Eve, 1 rocket landing nr a supermarket. 10 killed, 50 injured, 17 seriously. Christmas Eve! #tweet100
#Ukraine: 2. UA artillery are now bombarding Russian positions that fired on #Kherson today from across the #Dnipro River. Better news from #Bucha. Japan has donated 3 powerful generators & 6 heaters - & McDonald's reopened today! (Pics: @NikaMelkozerova & @ToddKolod) #tweet100
#Ukraine: 3. Suspiciously, Russian forces in the occupied #Kherson town of #Hornostaivka have imposed a curfew from Dec 25th-Jan 3rd, telling residents to not leave their homes. New offensive? #tweet100
Read 17 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on October 28, 2022
The situation is evolving in a positive way for #UAarmy today in the #Luhansk area / some areas well defended by Ru.
but UA still moving forward!
2/ so 14 days ago The Kraken Regiment, SOF reported that they have officially liberated the settlements of #Kyslivka & #Kotlyarivka East of Kupiansk. now Ru r reporting that they r moving today on the line just before the main defense along a small river. heading Verkhnya Duvanka
3/ or #VerkhnyaDuvanka but frankly it's hard to assess as in the area there is no much communication right now.
we have some "noises" and Ru are expressing their concerns, for sure.. but we still are far anyway from a blitz to #Pokrovske or #NyzhniaDuvanka
Read 23 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
Eastern #Ukraine Update:

Ukrainian troops continued to consolidate gains around #Lyman on October 2 and 3 and likely made gains in the direction of the #Luhansk Oblast border. /1
Eastern #Ukraine Update:

#Russia's MoD stated that Russian troops struck Ukrainian positions in Yampolivka on October 2, confirming that Ukrainian troops control territory about 15km northeast of Lyman and within 10km west of the Luhansk Oblast border. /2
Eastern #Ukraine Update:

#Russian sources also stated that Ukrainian troops took control of #Terny and #Torske, 15km northeast and 13km east of #Lyman, respectively. /3
Read 10 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on October 3, 2022
The situation is still evolving at fast pace in #Luhansk. Lots of reports that #UAarmy is still moving forward & ready to make junction to aim #Svatove . Ru did not prepared enough.
2/ so basically this time, it seems that Ru MOD was strong enough to explain to Putin that #Borova would live the same fate as #Lyman then Russians get out of Borova today & Ukranians are in the city now.
they are all moving to the next line of defense near #Svatove area
3/ up north close to the border i have no info to make a solid assessment of the FEBA. so i guess Russia would want to try to keep under control the famous P-66 to control all the axis to #Svatove , but on the other hand, Ukr are gaining control of all H-26 to the south, to join
Read 16 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 222 - Iniciamos nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania con una serie de mapas de la región de #Kherson, donde los rusos se habrían retirado 15-20km hasta #Duchany.

➡️ @Suriyakmaps
➡️ @War_Mapper
➡️ @Liveuamap
➡️ @DefMon3

🟥 ¡Comparte!
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 222 - Este es nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer.

🟥 Ucrania está aprovechando la ventana de oportunidad...…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 222 - No deja de sorprender la gran cantidad de material que Rusia sigue abandonando, aparentemente en buen estado. Aquí podemos ver, en #Kurilivka, al sur de #Kupiansk, dos carros de combate T-80BV y un blindado BMP-3.
Read 41 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
AFU has broken trough the russian lines east of #Kupyansk and advanced to the town of #Kyselivka.

Not much information yet but according to russian reports some russian troops are surrounded in Kyselivka.

AFU is also advancing north from Lyman, approaching #Svatove from 2 sides
City of #Borova & lot of russian troops are in real danger of being surrounded by AFU if those 2 "pincers" connect.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 1st 2022
1/ Official :
The Armed Forces of Ukraine have liberated 5 settlements near Lyman in the Donetsk Region and around 5k Ru soldiers (but we still don't know exactly who moved out and in so it could be less) are almost trapped in the area of #Lyman
Several scenarii could unfold now
2/ Ukr can "provoke" reaction from Russians and wait until they have no more ammo to fight back as no one can send them more.
they can also (they already do that) pick appart & interdict any attempts of breaking in/out, (to help the trapped troops or to escape).
they can also
3/ wait for the night to come to produce their max effort, (just teasing defense and exhausting Ru troops during the day) during the night, using their superior night vision / materials / skills.. doing so a couple of days before just waiting for Ru morale to definitely crumble.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 29, 2022
The situation is still evolving at fast pace #Oskil river & North Donets river. Lots of reports that #UAarmy is still moving forward & ready to encircled Ru in #Lyman (if they stay)
#UkraineMap Image
2/ On the direction of #Borova as we still have seen today with actual footage of Russian up there, they are preparing to defend the entire city & have blown up bridges in order to control the movements in the outskirts. (West/South/East)
but as the #UArmy is moving North i do Image
3/ believe that Ukrainians might want to do one more time a very "basic" move and outsmart the Ru, one more time.
I think they might want to go up to #Pershotravne #Першотравневе & then for one part, close the only road that is going to #Borova (appart north axis) & it would also Image
Read 21 tweets
Sep 25th 2022
⚡️Rosjanie w trójkącie #Lyman-#Borova-#Svatove mają się nie najlepiej. Oczywiście tęsknią też za świeżo zmobilizowanymi.
Kilka wycinków z telegramu:
#WojnaWUkrainie #RussianUkrainianWar
"Krótko na froncie Oskol. Wróg kontynuuje ofensywę z dużymi siłami wspieranymi przez czołgi. Według niektórych raportów Redkodub i Novoe podlegają Khokhlowi. (...)"
"Khokhol pędzi hordami na froncie Oskol, pomimo strat.(...) „Cienka czerwona linia” rosyjskich strażników powstrzymuje jego natarcie(...)"
Read 5 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 23, 2022
The situation is still evolving past #Oskil river & North Donets river. Lots of reports that #UAarmy is still moving forward! today was still a good day. #UkraineMap Image
2/ During the last 3 days #UAarmy managed to recapture the towns of #Yatskivka, #Rubtsi, #Oleksandrivka, #Krymky, (reportedly Lozove too but i wait for hard proof) & #KorovyIar fighting in
#Novoselivka & #Drobysheve (tonight they said it is surrounded! )
3/ which is quite important because as you can see in topo map i've juste made that #Novoselivka would have been a true pain in the a.. to capture, but easy to "roll" around #Drobysheve, break the lines & take
#Shandryholove #Шандриголове so it will free all the area... Image
Read 15 tweets
Sep 18th 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 207 - Una mañana más, comenzamos un #hilo informativo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Esta sería la primera vez que vemos en acción con Ucrania un obús autopropulsado "Zuzana-2" de 155mm.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 207 - Este es nuestro informe de situación sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, para quien no pudiese leerlo.…
Atentos a los siempre interesantes mapas de @Majakovsk73 y a los pequeños avances rusos en algunas zonas de Donetsk y ucranianos en el sur.

Read 35 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
1/ Operational situation update / #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on September 16, 2022
The situation is still evolving past #Oskil river & North Donets river, as I report for the last 72h.
videos emerged today (with some delays) so it's time now to tell
#UkraineMap #CarteUkraine Image
2/ So some vid with geoloc up north on the P79 and past #Kupiansk on the East side have emerged, (actually it was already the case few days ago...) as Russians just freak out back then but Ukrainians did not wanted to push too far at that time for several obvious & good reasons. Image
3/ you can see here (coordinates 49°42'29.3"N 37°38'39.7"E) that Ukrainians were there few days ago. even the one who enjoys "tik toking" 99% of the time respect a 24h-48h delay (unless on their own territory) ImageImage
Read 19 tweets
Sep 14th 2022
Eastern #Ukraine Update:

Ukrainian troops likely continued ground attacks along the Lyman-Yampil-Bilohorivka line in northern #Donetsk Oblast and may be conducting limited ground attacks across the #Oskil River in #Kharkiv Oblast. /1…
Eastern #Ukraine Update:

Ukrainian forces likely hope to take advantage of recent gains in #Sviatohirsk to move east on #Russian positions in #Lyman. Russian sources also stated that Ukrainian forces are fighting around #Bilohorivka. /2…
Eastern #Ukraine Update:

A #Russian milblogger claimed that Ukrainian troops forded the #Oskil River at #Borova, indicating that Ukrainian forces are continuing localized ground assaults to threaten Russian positions behind the Oskil River. /3…
Read 6 tweets
May 22nd 2022
1/ Map Update #UkraineMap #Russian, launched an offensive to storm different small cities in the " #Severodonetsk direction, russian enemy fired on the positions of the Defense Forces along the entire line of contact with mortars and artillery, concentrating efforts in the... /
2/ direction of the settlements of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. #Russian enemy conducted offensive and assault operations in the areas of Oskolonivka, Purdivka, Shchedryshcheve and Smolyaninove. The offensive was repulsed, russian enemy suffered losses and was forced to .../
3/ retreat to the old positions." Gen Staff Morning report 22 Mai 2022

Note. #Russians seems to have focused their main battle as for now on the #Popasna area but r "stuck" here simply because of the #Borova small river on one side and the #Yerik river and swamps/forest .../
Read 7 tweets
May 13th 2022
1. Sytuacja na froncie w #Ukraina: ofensywa UKR pod #Kharkiv, zajęcie przez RUS #Rubizhne i podejście pod #Sievierodonietsk, dalsze RUS próby forsowania #SiverskyiDonets, rozpoznanie walką przez RUS pod #Popasna, obrona #Azovstal w #Mariupol, bitwa o #Zmiinyi Wsypę Wężową. 🧵...
2. W ramach ofensywy NE od #Kharkov Ukraińcy atakują rosyjską obronę w miejscowości #Vesele. Rosjanie podciągnęli więcej artylerii, której obie strony intensywnie używają. #wojnanaukrainie #WojnaWUkrainie
3. Pod #Izyum front zamarł, trwają pojedynki artyleryjskie, walki toczą się NW od #Lyman. W #Borova widziano wiele rosyjskie sprzętu wycofywanego w kierunku #Donbas. Wydaje się, że Rosjanie porzucili ten kierunek ataku. #wojnanaukrainie #RussianUkrainianWar
Read 14 tweets

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