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May 24th 2023
Just doing some digging. #Pain is extremely nuanced. And the approach should also. W my kids #health & #pain there has been continued lack of knowledge, assumptions, & unwillingness to understand.
➡️#Anatomy of those that had #TPAIT & lack of understanding
by many docs 1
how this can impact #pain
➡️ Not identify or understanding impact of #MalabsorptionSyndrome
➡️Assumption that removal of #pancreas should immediately ‘solve’ issue of #ChronicPain
➡️ #GastricEmptying issues
➡️ Age of my kids (too young to have #pain)
➡️ Lack of 2
understanding & identification of #MedicalTrauma
➡️T3c #Diabetes
➡️ Impact of #NASH on #pain & options for #care

There are numerous factors that are critical in #Treating an #ChronicPain in #Individuals. They list of few listed above that are factors w my kids, have often 3
Read 8 tweets
Feb 12th 2020
(Thread) Reflecting today after an incredible few days in Washington DC at #HDpalooza & #NHPC20 which gave attendees the best of both health data & health policy innovation worlds.
@RasuShrestha @ePatientDave @BeLikeLight @vishnu_saxena @DrSimpsonHSR @HealthPrivacy @coffeemommy @KBDeSalvo @fredtrotter @DCPatient 2) How can I express how grateful I am to have attended as a patient scholar?! What an amazing, enriching experience! Thank you @AcademyHealth for continuing to prioritize & model #PatientsIncluded! Clearly it can be done. Conference organizers, take note. #HDPalooza #NailedIt
@RasuShrestha @ePatientDave @BeLikeLight @vishnu_saxena @DrSimpsonHSR @HealthPrivacy @coffeemommy @KBDeSalvo @fredtrotter @DCPatient 3) The takeaways are clear:

👉Patients have a RIGHT to their health data & the boundaries of access, control, #privacy, & choice have never been questioned, contemplated, & examined more or pushed farther than ever before.

#HDPalooza #NHPC20 #PatientsIncluded #UnblockHealth
Read 7 tweets
Oct 11th 2019
1) So you get a copy of your medical records & dive in, reading line by line, trying to make sense of your new lung #cancer diagnosis.

“Wait a second, this doesn’t sound right. This is a mistake. I don’t have a history of a heart condition & I don’t smoke cigarettes.
2) You call your oncologist’s office to report the mistakes you found & ask to have it updated. You are told to write down the correction & fax it to the office. You do exactly that.
#PtExp #addendum #EHR
3) At your next follow up appt a month later, you ask the dr if your record was updated & the correction was made.

The dr looks at you like:

#PtExp #addendum #EHR
Read 16 tweets
Dec 12th 2018
Apple has a section of their website answering questions doctors may have regarding their latest #ECG technology. Where are the answers to the REAL questions #patients want to know about? For example, if I get an alert:

#AppleWatch #digitaltech #wearables #PatientAdvocacy
2) when do I confidently ignore, act upon, or wait to make actionable decisions about alerts I’ve received? #AppleWatch #digitaltech #digitalhealth #wearables #Innovation #PatientAdvocacy #healthcare #medtwitter
Read 7 tweets
Jul 12th 2018
Dear #hospitals:

Your discharge planning sets #patients up for failure. How? Let me explain (again, & again, & again). #PtExp #PtSafety #PtEng #EHR #interoperability #PatientAdvocacy #medtwitter #GMDD #hcldr

Photo Credit: Rob Potter (Unsplash)
1)Follow up appts, essential to a patient’s health & recovery, are listed as part of the discharge summary. These appts are recommended to be scheduled within 7-10 days. To be best prepared, patients need their records. #healthcare #PtExp #PtSafety #PtEng #EHR #GMDD #medtwitter
2)All records from a patient's hospital admission should be AUTOMATICALLY sent to every listed follow-up physician. Hospitals, you know which drs patients need to see; it’s listed in the discharge plans. This step needs to be embedded in the workflow #PtExp #EHR #interoperability
Read 14 tweets

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