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Nov 15th 2022
1/20.📜It’s day nine and the second day of the second week of #COP27 and here is our #LossAndDamage focused daily thread. Today we have seen a #PayUp4LossAndDamage action and negotiations on the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage and on funding arrangements for #LossAndDamage.🧵 Image
2/20.This morning, @anuahsa, The #Maldives Minister of Environment, #ClimateChange & Technology, spoke to youths at the @CYPavilion to stress the need for a “mosaic of solutions” to address #LossAndDamage including an operating entity under the financial mechanism of the @UNFCCC. Image
3/20. “We do need a “mosaic of solutions” to address #LossAndDamage. But first and foremost, we need to establish a dedicated funding facility under the @UNFCCC system, where all parties have equal equitable access, and predictable access, to #LossAndDamage finance.” @anuahsa Image
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Nov 7th 2022
1/14. Its day two at #COP27 and here is you #LossAndDamage focused daily thread. Today saw the World Leaders Summit in which #LossAndDamage was a hot topic and the first negotiations on the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage. 🧵
2/14. Before the World Leaders Summit @CANint held a press conference in which @mohadow of @PowerShftAfrica made it clear that #LossAndDamage is happening right now in #Africa:
3/14. Then as the World Leaders Summit began we heard from @antonioguterres the @UN Secretary-General who called for all governments to tax the windfall profits of #FossilFuel companies and redirect that money to countries suffering #LossAndDamage:
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Oct 26th 2022
1/29. 📜NEW BRIEF: Today we launch “PASSED THE POINT OF NO RETURN: A Non-Economic #LossAndDamage (#NELD) Explainer” covering what #NELD is, why and how it happens, where it happens, who is most affected, and importantly, how we can respond.

🔗Get it here:…
2/29. The brief begins with a foreword by @UNFCCC NELs Expert Group Member @IrfanUllahCDO, who highlights that Non-Economic #LossAndDamage has been largely overlooked in climate negotiations and that urgent action is needed to address #NELD happening now e.g. The #PakistanFloods.
3/29. Then @DLodry of @LossDamageYouth shares the powerful story of his lived experience of Non-Economic #LossAndDamage in #Cameroon called "The Tears Of A Village River And Its Population" which tells how climate-intensified #Drought can lead to a loss of #Culture and #Identity.
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Oct 24th 2022
1/28.📜NEW BRIEF: Today we launch “THE COST OF DELAY: Why finance to address #LossAndDamage must be agreed at #COP27”, which makes it clear why a #LossAndDamage Finance Facility must be established at #COP27 in #Egypt. 🧵

🔗Get it here:… Image
2/28. The brief begins with messages from The Prime Minister of Barbados @miaamormottley, Mary Robinson Chair of @TheElders, and @MohamedNasheed; Former president of the #Maldives and @TheCVF ambassador for ambition, on why there can be no further delay on #LossAndDamage finance. Image
3/28.The first chapter “As Wealthy Countries Delay” starts by highlighting that #LossAndDamage from #ClimateChange is not a future reality, but something happening right now caused by developed country emissions for which communities in developing countries are bearing the costs.
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Jan 8th 2022
Hey Twitter! It's been a while. I used to write here all the time hanging out with #scifichat, #comicschat, #litchat, talking about #science, #tech, #autism and a dozen other topics which broadened my horizons and let me share my diverse interests in almost everything.
Then my life got incredibly busy. My son went to high school and coupled with his #autism, our lives became super-complex. I lost my job and my car gave up the ghost after four years of @Uber. Then the unthinkable, my wife experienced #renalfailure.
4 years ago, she underwent an operation for #peritoneal #dialysis. This form of at-home dialysis would let her take care of her renal needs at home avoiding the need for external #hemodialysis centers. In hindsight, this may have saved her life.…
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Sep 22nd 2021
From floods and landslides to cyclones, extreme weather events are happening more frequently, triggering disasters across Asia and the world.

Our new explainer breaks down key questions on #ClimateDisasters *THREAD*
How are natural disasters and #climatechange related?

Many disasters are no longer purely natural, but are the most dramatic impacts of climate change caused by human activity.

As global temperatures rise, the frequency and intensity of disasters is expected to increase.
In recent years, cyclones in the Bay of Bengal have picked up intensity when they move over the sea, becoming more destructive 🌀

Scientists attribute this to higher sea surface temperatures due to climate change: more water evaporates and gets sucked into the storm's vortex.
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