Border control stopping cars and asking #Citizenship 150 miles from Canadian border?!
Is this legal?!
Are they wearing jackboots and swastikas?!
#CivilRights #Fascism
What the hell's stopping #BorderControl or #ICE from asking 4proof of citizenship
taking U anyway
claiming U did not have ID
& destroying your proof
With no legal representation provided...u'd simply "Disappear"

B4 it's Too Late!!!!
#PoliceState #FascistAmerica
No it's NOT LEGAL for #BorderControl 2 board bus or even stop cars more than 100 miles from border
They have no jurisdiction
Pls see link 4 ways 2 protect your rights & report violations
#PoliceState #KnowYourRights #…
- #KnowYourRights
- Practice w/a friend exercising those rights
- consider recording encounter
- sign GreyHound petition
#CBP #RacialProfiling…
Also as to whether or not law enforcement has right 2 confiscate your recordings or photos
#PoliceState #CivilRights #FirstAmendment #FirstAmendmentViolations #CFB
#MigraCam can be used to record an encounter
Voice activated
It also live streams 2 predetermined contacts & tracks your location w/updates 2your emergency contacts!!
#ProtectYourself #KnowYourRights #CBP #RacialProfiling #Fascism

GH has authority 2STOP terror allowing Border agents 2 board, racially profile, & interrogate passengers
Allowing #CBP 2 do so is a violation of their passengers #ConstitutionalRights